/- Copyright (c) 2015 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Jeremy Avigad A proof that if n > 1 and a > 0, then the nth root of a is irrational, unless a is a perfect nth power. -/ import data.rat .prime_factorization open eq.ops /- First, a textbook proof that sqrt 2 is irrational. -/ section open nat theorem sqrt_two_irrational {a b : ℕ} (co : coprime a b) : a^2 ≠ 2 * b^2 := assume H : a^2 = 2 * b^2, have even (a^2), from even_of_exists (exists.intro _ H), have even a, from even_of_even_pow this, obtain (c : nat) (aeq : a = 2 * c), from exists_of_even this, have 2 * (2 * c^2) = 2 * b^2, by rewrite [-H, aeq, *pow_two, mul.assoc, mul.left_comm c], have 2 * c^2 = b^2, from eq_of_mul_eq_mul_left dec_trivial this, have even (b^2), from even_of_exists (exists.intro _ (eq.symm this)), have even b, from even_of_even_pow this, assert 2 ∣ gcd a b, from dvd_gcd (dvd_of_even `even a`) (dvd_of_even `even b`), have 2 ∣ 1, begin rewrite [gcd_eq_one_of_coprime co at this], exact this end, show false, from absurd `2 ∣ 1` dec_trivial end /- Replacing 2 by an arbitrary prime and the power 2 by any n ≥ 1 yields the stronger result that the nth root of an integer is irrational, unless the integer is already a perfect nth power. -/ section open nat decidable theorem root_irrational {a b c n : ℕ} (npos : n > 0) (apos : a > 0) (co : coprime a b) (H : a^n = c * b^n) : b = 1 := have bpos : b > 0, from pos_of_ne_zero (suppose b = 0, have a^n = 0, by rewrite [H, this, zero_pow npos], assert a = 0, from eq_zero_of_pow_eq_zero this, show false, from ne_of_lt `0 < a` this⁻¹), have H₁ : ∀ p, prime p → ¬ p ∣ b, from take p, suppose prime p, suppose p ∣ b, assert p ∣ b^n, from dvd_pow_of_dvd_of_pos `p ∣ b` `n > 0`, have p ∣ a^n, by rewrite H; apply dvd_mul_of_dvd_right this, have p ∣ a, from dvd_of_prime_of_dvd_pow `prime p` this, have ¬ coprime a b, from not_coprime_of_dvd_of_dvd (gt_one_of_prime `prime p`) `p ∣ a` `p ∣ b`, show false, from this `coprime a b`, have blt2 : b < 2, from by_contradiction (suppose ¬ b < 2, have b ≥ 2, from le_of_not_gt this, obtain p [primep pdvdb], from exists_prime_and_dvd this, show false, from H₁ p primep pdvdb), show b = 1, from (le.antisymm (le_of_lt_succ blt2) (succ_le_of_lt bpos)) end /- Here we state this in terms of the rationals, ℚ. The main difficulty is casting between ℕ, ℤ, and ℚ. -/ section open rat int nat decidable theorem denom_eq_one_of_pow_eq {q : ℚ} {n : ℕ} {c : ℤ} (npos : n > 0) (H : q^n = c) : denom q = 1 := let a := num q, b := denom q in have b ≠ 0, from ne_of_gt (denom_pos q), have bnz : b ≠ (0 : ℚ), from assume H, `b ≠ 0` (of_int.inj H), have bnnz : ((b : rat)^n ≠ 0), from assume bneqz, bnz (eq_zero_of_pow_eq_zero bneqz), have a^n /[rat] b^n = c, using bnz, begin rewrite [*of_int_pow, -div_pow, -eq_num_div_denom, -H] end, have (a^n : rat) = c *[rat] b^n, from eq.symm (!mul_eq_of_eq_div bnnz this⁻¹), have a^n = c * b^n, -- int version using this, by rewrite [-of_int_pow at this, -of_int_mul at this]; exact of_int.inj this, have (abs a)^n = abs c * (abs b)^n, using this, by rewrite [-abs_pow, this, abs_mul, abs_pow], have H₁ : (nat_abs a)^n = nat_abs c * (nat_abs b)^n, using this, begin apply int.of_nat.inj, rewrite [int.of_nat_mul, +int.of_nat_pow, +of_nat_nat_abs], exact this end, have H₂ : nat.coprime (nat_abs a) (nat_abs b), from of_nat.inj !coprime_num_denom, have nat_abs b = 1, from by_cases (suppose q = 0, by rewrite this) (suppose qne0 : q ≠ 0, using H₁ H₂, begin have ane0 : a ≠ 0, from suppose aeq0 : a = 0, have qeq0 : q = 0, by rewrite [eq_num_div_denom, aeq0, of_int_zero, zero_div], show false, from qne0 qeq0, have nat_abs a ≠ 0, from suppose nat_abs a = 0, have aeq0 : a = 0, from eq_zero_of_nat_abs_eq_zero this, show false, from ane0 aeq0, show nat_abs b = 1, from (root_irrational npos (pos_of_ne_zero this) H₂ H₁) end), show b = 1, using this, begin rewrite [-of_nat_nat_abs_of_nonneg (le_of_lt !denom_pos), this] end theorem eq_num_pow_of_pow_eq {q : ℚ} {n : ℕ} {c : ℤ} (npos : n > 0) (H : q^n = c) : c = (num q)^n := have denom q = 1, from denom_eq_one_of_pow_eq npos H, have of_int c = of_int ((num q)^n), using this, by rewrite [-H, eq_num_div_denom q at {1}, this, of_int_one, div_one, of_int_pow], show c = (num q)^n , from of_int.inj this end /- As a corollary, for n > 1, the nth root of a prime is irrational. -/ section open nat theorem not_eq_pow_of_prime {p n : ℕ} (a : ℕ) (ngt1 : n > 1) (primep : prime p) : p ≠ a^n := assume peq : p = a^n, have npos : n > 0, from lt.trans dec_trivial ngt1, have pnez : p ≠ 0, from (suppose p = 0, show false, by note H := (pos_of_prime primep); rewrite this at H; exfalso; exact !lt.irrefl H), assert agtz : a > 0, from pos_of_ne_zero (suppose a = 0, show false, using npos pnez, by revert peq; rewrite [this, zero_pow npos]; exact pnez), have n * mult p a = 1, from calc n * mult p a = mult p (a^n) : begin rewrite [mult_pow n agtz primep] end ... = mult p p : peq ... = 1 : mult_self (gt_one_of_prime primep), have n ∣ 1, from dvd_of_mul_right_eq this, have n = 1, from eq_one_of_dvd_one this, show false, using this, by rewrite this at ngt1; exact !lt.irrefl ngt1 open int rat theorem root_prime_irrational {p n : ℕ} {q : ℚ} (qnonneg : q ≥ 0) (ngt1 : n > 1) (primep : prime p) : q^n ≠ p := have numq : num q ≥ 0, from num_nonneg_of_nonneg qnonneg, have npos : n > 0, from lt.trans dec_trivial ngt1, suppose q^n = p, have p = (num q)^n, from eq_num_pow_of_pow_eq npos this, have p = (nat_abs (num q))^n, using this numq, by apply of_nat.inj; rewrite [this, of_nat_pow, of_nat_nat_abs_of_nonneg numq], show false, from not_eq_pow_of_prime _ ngt1 primep this end /- Thaetetus, who lives in the fourth century BC, is said to have proved the irrationality of square roots up to seventeen. In Chapter 4 of /Why Prove it Again/, John Dawson notes that Thaetetus may have used an approach similar to the one below. (See data/nat/gcd.lean for the key theorem, "div_gcd_eq_div_gcd".) -/ section open int example {a b c : ℤ} (co : coprime a b) (apos : a > 0) (bpos : b > 0) (H : a * a = c * (b * b)) : b = 1 := assert H₁ : gcd (c * b) a = gcd c a, from gcd_mul_right_cancel_of_coprime _ (coprime_swap co), have a * a = c * b * b, by rewrite -mul.assoc at H; apply H, have a / (gcd a b) = c * b / gcd (c * b) a, from div_gcd_eq_div_gcd this bpos apos, have a = c * b / gcd c a, using this, by revert this; rewrite [↑coprime at co, co, int.div_one, H₁]; intros; assumption, have a = b * (c / gcd c a), using this, by revert this; rewrite [mul.comm, !int.mul_div_assoc !gcd_dvd_left]; intros; assumption, have b ∣ a, from dvd_of_mul_right_eq this⁻¹, have b ∣ gcd a b, from dvd_gcd this !dvd.refl, have b ∣ 1, using this, by rewrite [↑coprime at co, co at this]; apply this, show b = 1, from eq_one_of_dvd_one (le_of_lt bpos) this end