import data.finset open subtype setoid finset set inductive finite_set [class] {T : Type} (xs : set T) := | mk : ∀ (fxs : finset T), to_set fxs = xs → finite_set xs definition card {T : Type} (xs : set T) [fn : finite_set xs] : nat := begin induction fn, exact finset.card fxs end example {T : Type} (xs : set T) [fn₁ : finite_set xs] [fn₂ : finite_set xs] : @card T xs fn₁ = @card T xs fn₂ := begin induction fn₁ with fxs₁ h₁, induction fn₂ with fxs₂ h₂, subst xs, apply sorry end example {T : Type} (xs : set T) [fn₁ : finite_set xs] [fn₂ : finite_set xs] : @card T xs fn₁ = @card T xs fn₂ := begin induction fn₁ with fxs₁ h₁, induction fn₂ with fxs₂ h₂, subst xs, let aux := to_set.inj h₂, subst aux end