/* Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include #include #include #include "util/luaref.h" #include "util/script_state.h" #include "util/sstream.h" #include "util/interrupt.h" #include "util/lazy_list_fn.h" #include "library/kernel_bindings.h" #include "library/tactic/tactic.h" namespace lean { solve_result::solve_result(expr const & pr):m_kind(solve_result_kind::Proof) { new (&m_proof) expr(pr); } solve_result::solve_result(counterexample const & cex):m_kind(solve_result_kind::Counterexample) { new (&m_cex) counterexample(cex); } solve_result::solve_result(list const & fs):m_kind(solve_result_kind::Failure) { new (&m_failures) list(fs); } void solve_result::init(solve_result const & r) { m_kind = r.m_kind; switch (m_kind) { case solve_result_kind::None: break; case solve_result_kind::Proof: new (&m_proof) expr(r.m_proof); break; case solve_result_kind::Counterexample: new (&m_cex) counterexample(r.m_cex); break; case solve_result_kind::Failure: new (&m_failures) list(r.m_failures); break; } } void solve_result::destroy() { switch (m_kind) { case solve_result_kind::None: break; case solve_result_kind::Proof: m_proof.~expr(); break; case solve_result_kind::Counterexample: m_cex.~counterexample(); break; case solve_result_kind::Failure: m_failures.~list(); break; } } solve_result::solve_result(solve_result const & r) { init(r); } solve_result::~solve_result() { destroy(); } solve_result & solve_result::operator=(solve_result & other) { if (this == &other) return *this; destroy(); init(other); return *this; } solve_result & solve_result::operator=(solve_result && other) { lean_assert(this != &other); destroy(); init(other); return *this; } tactic & tactic::operator=(tactic const & s) { LEAN_COPY_REF(tactic, s); } tactic & tactic::operator=(tactic && s) { LEAN_MOVE_REF(tactic, s); } solve_result tactic::solve(environment const & env, io_state const & io, proof_state const & s1) { proof_state_seq r = operator()(env, io, s1); list failures; while (true) { check_interrupted(); auto p = r.pull(); if (!p) { return solve_result(failures); } else { proof_state s2 = p->first; r = p->second; try { if (s2.is_proof_final_state()) { assignment a(s2.get_menv()); proof_map m; return solve_result(s2.get_proof_builder()(m, a)); } else if (s2.is_cex_final_state()) { assignment a(s2.get_menv()); name goal_name(head(s2.get_goals()).first); return solve_result(s2.get_cex_builder()(goal_name, optional(), a)); } } catch (exception & ex) {} failures = cons(s2, failures); } } } solve_result tactic::solve(environment const & env, io_state const & io, context const & ctx, expr const & t) { proof_state s = to_proof_state(env, ctx, t); return solve(env, io, s); } tactic id_tactic() { return mk_tactic1([](environment const &, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) -> proof_state { return s; }); } tactic fail_tactic() { return mk_tactic([](environment const &, io_state const &, proof_state const &) -> proof_state_seq { return proof_state_seq(); }); } tactic now_tactic() { return mk_tactic01([](environment const &, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) -> optional { if (!empty(s.get_goals())) return none_proof_state(); else return some(s); }); } tactic trace_tactic(std::string const & msg) { return mk_tactic1([=](environment const &, io_state const & io, proof_state const & s) -> proof_state { io.get_diagnostic_channel() << msg << "\n"; io.get_diagnostic_channel().get_stream().flush(); return s; }); } tactic trace_tactic(sstream const & msg) { return trace_tactic(msg.str()); } tactic trace_tactic(char const * msg) { return trace_tactic(std::string(msg)); } tactic trace_state_tactic() { return mk_tactic1([=](environment const &, io_state const & io, proof_state const & s) -> proof_state { options opts = io.get_options(); format fmt = s.pp(io.get_formatter(), opts); io.get_diagnostic_channel() << mk_pair(fmt, opts) << "\n"; io.get_diagnostic_channel().get_stream().flush(); return s; }); } tactic suppress_trace(tactic const & t) { return mk_tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & io, proof_state const & s) -> proof_state_seq { io_state new_io(io); std::shared_ptr out(new string_output_channel()); new_io.set_diagnostic_channel(out); return t(env, new_io, s); }); } tactic assumption_tactic() { return mk_tactic01([](environment const &, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) -> optional { list> proofs; bool found = false; goals new_goals = map_goals(s, [&](name const & ng, goal const & g) -> goal { expr const & c = g.get_conclusion(); expr pr; for (auto const & p : g.get_hypotheses()) { check_interrupted(); if (p.second == c) { pr = mk_constant(p.first, p.second); break; } } if (pr) { proofs.emplace_front(ng, pr); found = true; return goal(); } else { return g; } }); proof_builder pr_builder = s.get_proof_builder(); proof_builder new_pr_builder = mk_proof_builder([=](proof_map const & m, assignment const & a) -> expr { proof_map new_m(m); for (auto const & np : proofs) { new_m.insert(np.first, np.second); } return pr_builder(new_m, a); }); if (found) return some(proof_state(s, new_goals, new_pr_builder)); else return none_proof_state(); }); } tactic then(tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2) { return mk_tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & io, proof_state const & s1) -> proof_state_seq { return map_append(t1(env, io, s1), [=](proof_state const & s2) { check_interrupted(); return t2(env, io, s2); }); }); } tactic orelse(tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2) { return mk_tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & io, proof_state const & s) -> proof_state_seq { return orelse(t1(env, io, s), t2(env, io, s)); }); } tactic using_params(tactic const & t, options const & opts) { return mk_tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & io, proof_state const & s) -> proof_state_seq { io_state new_io(io); new_io.set_options(join(opts, io.get_options())); return t(env, new_io, s); }); } tactic try_for(tactic const & t, unsigned ms, unsigned check_ms) { return mk_tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & io, proof_state const & s) -> proof_state_seq { return timeout(t(env, io, s), ms, check_ms); }); } tactic append(tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2) { return mk_tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & io, proof_state const & s) -> proof_state_seq { return append(t1(env, io, s), t2(env, io, s)); }); } tactic interleave(tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2) { return mk_tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & io, proof_state const & s) -> proof_state_seq { return interleave(t1(env, io, s), t2(env, io, s)); }); } tactic par(tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2, unsigned check_ms) { return mk_tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & io, proof_state const & s) -> proof_state_seq { return par(t1(env, io, s), t2(env, io, s), check_ms); }); } tactic repeat(tactic const & t) { return mk_tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & io, proof_state const & s1) -> proof_state_seq { return repeat(s1, [=](proof_state const & s2) { return t(env, io, s2); }); }); } tactic repeat_at_most(tactic const & t, unsigned k) { return mk_tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & io, proof_state const & s1) -> proof_state_seq { return repeat_at_most(s1, [=](proof_state const & s2) { return t(env, io, s2); }, k); }); } tactic take(tactic const & t, unsigned k) { return mk_tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & io, proof_state const & s) -> proof_state_seq { return take(k, t(env, io, s)); }); } DECL_UDATA(proof_state_seq) static const struct luaL_Reg proof_state_seq_m[] = { {"__gc", proof_state_seq_gc}, // never throws {0, 0} }; static int proof_state_seq_next(lua_State * L) { proof_state_seq seq = to_proof_state_seq(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); script_state S = to_script_state(L); proof_state_seq::maybe_pair p; S.exec_unprotected([&]() { p = seq.pull(); }); if (p) { push_proof_state_seq(L, p->second); lua_replace(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); push_proof_state(L, p->first); } else { lua_pushnil(L); } return 1; } static int push_proof_state_seq_it(lua_State * L, proof_state_seq const & seq) { push_proof_state_seq(L, seq); lua_pushcclosure(L, &safe_function, 1); // create closure with 1 upvalue return 1; } DECL_UDATA(tactic) [[ noreturn ]] void throw_tactic_expected(int i) { throw exception(sstream() << "arg #" << i << " must be a tactic or a function that returns a tactic"); } /** \brief We allow functions (that return tactics) to be used where a tactic is expected. The idea is to be able to write ORELSE(assumption_tactic, conj_tactic) instead of ORELSE(assumption_tactic(), conj_tactic()) */ tactic to_tactic_ext(lua_State * L, int i) { if (is_tactic(L, i)) { return to_tactic(L, i); } else if (lua_isfunction(L, i)) { try { lua_pushvalue(L, i); pcall(L, 0, 1, 0); } catch (...) { throw_tactic_expected(i); } if (is_tactic(L, -1)) { tactic t = to_tactic(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); return t; } else { throw_tactic_expected(i); } } else { throw_tactic_expected(i); } } static void check_ios(io_state * ios) { if (!ios) throw exception("failed to invoke tactic, io_state is not available"); } static int tactic_call_core(lua_State * L, tactic t, environment env, io_state ios, proof_state s) { script_state S = to_script_state(L); proof_state_seq seq; S.exec_unprotected([&]() { seq = t(env, ios, s); }); return push_proof_state_seq_it(L, seq); } static int tactic_call(lua_State * L) { int nargs = lua_gettop(L); tactic t = to_tactic_ext(L, 1); ro_environment env(L, 2); if (nargs == 3) { io_state * ios = get_io_state(L); check_ios(ios); return tactic_call_core(L, t, env, *ios, to_proof_state(L, 3)); } else { return tactic_call_core(L, t, env, to_io_state(L, 3), to_proof_state(L, 4)); } } typedef tactic (*binary_tactic_fn)(tactic const &, tactic const &); template static int nary_tactic(lua_State * L) { int nargs = lua_gettop(L); if (nargs < 2) throw exception("tactical expects at least two arguments"); tactic r = F(to_tactic_ext(L, 1), to_tactic_ext(L, 2)); for (int i = 3; i <= nargs; i++) r = F(r, to_tactic_ext(L, i)); return push_tactic(L, r); } static int tactic_then(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, then(to_tactic_ext(L, 1), to_tactic_ext(L, 2))); } static int tactic_orelse(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, orelse(to_tactic_ext(L, 1), to_tactic_ext(L, 2))); } static int tactic_append(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, append(to_tactic_ext(L, 1), to_tactic_ext(L, 2))); } static int tactic_interleave(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, interleave(to_tactic_ext(L, 1), to_tactic_ext(L, 2))); } static int tactic_par(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, par(to_tactic_ext(L, 1), to_tactic_ext(L, 2))); } static int tactic_repeat(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, repeat(to_tactic_ext(L, 1))); } static int tactic_repeat1(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, repeat1(to_tactic_ext(L, 1))); } static int tactic_repeat_at_most(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, repeat_at_most(to_tactic_ext(L, 1), luaL_checkinteger(L, 2))); } static int tactic_take(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, take(to_tactic_ext(L, 1), luaL_checkinteger(L, 2))); } static int tactic_determ(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, determ(to_tactic_ext(L, 1))); } static int tactic_suppress_trace(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, suppress_trace(to_tactic_ext(L, 1))); } static int tactic_try_for(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, try_for(to_tactic_ext(L, 1), luaL_checkinteger(L, 2))); } static int tactic_using_params(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, using_params(to_tactic_ext(L, 1), to_options(L, 2))); } static int tactic_try(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, orelse(to_tactic_ext(L, 1), id_tactic())); } static int push_solve_result(lua_State * L, solve_result const & r) { switch (r.kind()) { case solve_result_kind::None: lua_pushnil(L); break; case solve_result_kind::Proof: push_expr(L, r.get_proof()); break; case solve_result_kind::Counterexample: push_environment(L, r.get_cex()); break; case solve_result_kind::Failure: lua_newtable(L); int i = 1; for (auto s : r.get_failures()) { push_proof_state(L, s); lua_rawseti(L, -2, i); i++; } } return 1; } static int tactic_solve_core(lua_State * L, tactic t, environment env, io_state ios, proof_state s) { script_state S = to_script_state(L); solve_result result; S.exec_unprotected([&]() { result = t.solve(env, ios, s);; }); return push_solve_result(L, result); } static int tactic_solve_core(lua_State * L, tactic t, environment env, io_state ios, context ctx, expr e) { script_state S = to_script_state(L); solve_result result; S.exec_unprotected([&]() { result = t.solve(env, ios, ctx, e); }); return push_solve_result(L, result); } static int tactic_solve(lua_State * L) { int nargs = lua_gettop(L); tactic t = to_tactic_ext(L, 1); ro_environment env(L, 2); if (nargs == 3) { io_state * ios = get_io_state(L); check_ios(ios); return tactic_solve_core(L, t, env, *ios, to_proof_state(L, 3)); } else if (nargs == 4) { if (is_io_state(L, 3)) { return tactic_solve_core(L, t, env, to_io_state(L, 3), to_proof_state(L, 4)); } else { io_state * ios = get_io_state(L); check_ios(ios); return tactic_solve_core(L, t, env, *ios, to_context(L, 3), to_expr(L, 4)); } } else { return tactic_solve_core(L, t, env, to_io_state(L, 3), to_context(L, 4), to_expr(L, 5)); } } static int mk_lua_tactic01(lua_State * L) { luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION); // user-fun script_state S = to_script_state(L); luaref ref(L, 1); return push_tactic(L, mk_tactic01([=](environment const & env, io_state const & ios, proof_state const & s) -> optional { script_state S_copy(S); optional r; luaref coref; // Remark: we have to release the reference in a protected block. try { bool done = false; lua_State * co; S_copy.exec_protected([&]() { co = lua_newthread(L); // create a coroutine for executing user-fun coref = luaref(L, -1); // make sure co-routine in not deleted lua_pop(L, 1); ref.push(); // push user-fun on the stack push_environment(L, env); // push args... push_io_state(L, ios); push_proof_state(L, s); lua_xmove(L, co, 4); // move function and arguments to co done = resume(co, 3); }); while (!done) { check_interrupted(); std::this_thread::yield(); // give another thread a chance to execute S_copy.exec_protected([&]() { done = resume(co, 0); }); } S_copy.exec_protected([&]() { if (is_proof_state(co, -1)) { r = to_proof_state(co, -1); } coref.release(); }); return r; } catch (...) { S_copy.exec_protected([&]() { coref.release(); }); throw; } })); } static int mk_lua_cond_tactic(lua_State * L, tactic t1, tactic t2) { luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION); // user-fun script_state S = to_script_state(L); luaref ref(L, 1); return push_tactic(L, mk_tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & ios, proof_state const & s) -> proof_state_seq { return mk_proof_state_seq([=]() { script_state S_copy(S); bool cond = false; S_copy.exec_protected([&]() { ref.push(); // push user-fun on the stack push_environment(L, env); // push args... push_io_state(L, ios); push_proof_state(L, s); pcall(L, 3, 1, 0); cond = lua_toboolean(L, -1); }); if (cond) { return t1(env, ios, s).pull(); } else { return t2(env, ios, s).pull(); } }); })); } static int mk_lua_cond_tactic(lua_State * L) { return mk_lua_cond_tactic(L, to_tactic_ext(L, 2), to_tactic_ext(L, 3)); } static int mk_lua_when_tactic(lua_State * L) { return mk_lua_cond_tactic(L, to_tactic_ext(L, 2), id_tactic()); } static int mk_id_tactic(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, id_tactic()); } static int mk_now_tactic(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, now_tactic()); } static int mk_fail_tactic(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, fail_tactic()); } static int mk_trace_tactic(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, trace_tactic(luaL_checkstring(L, 1))); } static int mk_assumption_tactic(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, assumption_tactic()); } static int mk_trace_state_tactic(lua_State * L) { return push_tactic(L, trace_state_tactic()); } static const struct luaL_Reg tactic_m[] = { {"__gc", tactic_gc}, // never throws {"__call", safe_function}, {"__concat", safe_function}, {"__pow", safe_function}, {"__add", safe_function}, {"then", safe_function}, {"orelse", safe_function}, {"append", safe_function}, {"interleave", safe_function}, {"solve", safe_function}, {"par", safe_function}, {"determ", safe_function}, {"repeat", safe_function}, {"repeat1", safe_function}, {"repeat_at_most", safe_function}, {"take", safe_function}, {"suppress_trace", safe_function}, {"try_for", safe_function}, {"using_params", safe_function}, {"using", safe_function}, {0, 0} }; static void tactic_migrate(lua_State * src, int i, lua_State * tgt) { push_tactic(tgt, to_tactic(src, i)); } void open_tactic(lua_State * L) { luaL_newmetatable(L, proof_state_seq_mt); lua_pushvalue(L, -1); lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); setfuncs(L, proof_state_seq_m, 0); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(proof_state_seq_pred, "is_proof_state_seq"); luaL_newmetatable(L, tactic_mt); set_migrate_fn_field(L, -1, tactic_migrate); lua_pushvalue(L, -1); lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); setfuncs(L, tactic_m, 0); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(tactic_pred, "is_tactic"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_trace_tactic, "trace_tactic"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_id_tactic, "id_tactic"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_now_tactic, "now_tactic"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_fail_tactic, "fail_tactic"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_trace_state_tactic, "show_tactic"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_assumption_tactic, "assumption_tactic"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_assumption_tactic, "assump_tactic"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_lua_tactic01, "tactic"); // HOL-like tactic names SET_GLOBAL_FUN(nary_tactic, "THEN"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(nary_tactic, "ORELSE"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(nary_tactic, "INTERLEAVE"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(nary_tactic, "APPEND"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(nary_tactic, "PAR"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(tactic_repeat, "REPEAT"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(tactic_repeat_at_most, "REPEAT_AT_MOST"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(tactic_repeat1, "REPEAT1"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_lua_cond_tactic, "COND"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_lua_when_tactic, "WHEN"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(tactic_try, "TRY"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(tactic_try_for, "TRY_FOR"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(tactic_take, "TAKE"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(tactic_using_params, "USING"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(tactic_using_params, "USING_PARAMS"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(tactic_determ, "DETERM"); } }