/* Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include #include #include #include "util/debug.h" #include "util/name.h" #include "util/buffer.h" #include "util/sexpr/options.h" #include "kernel/expr.h" #include "kernel/abstract.h" #include "kernel/formatter.h" #include "library/expr_lt.h" #include "bindings/lua/util.h" #include "bindings/lua/name.h" #include "bindings/lua/options.h" #include "bindings/lua/level.h" #include "bindings/lua/local_context.h" #include "bindings/lua/formatter.h" namespace lean { constexpr char const * expr_mt = "expr.mt"; bool is_expr(lua_State * L, int idx) { return testudata(L, idx, expr_mt); } expr & to_expr(lua_State * L, int idx) { return *static_cast(luaL_checkudata(L, idx, expr_mt)); } expr & to_nonnull_expr(lua_State * L, int idx) { expr & r = to_expr(L, idx); if (!r) throw exception("non-null Lean expression expected"); return r; } expr & to_app(lua_State * L, int idx) { expr & r = to_nonnull_expr(L, idx); if (!is_app(r)) throw exception("Lean application expression expected"); return r; } int push_expr(lua_State * L, expr const & e) { void * mem = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(expr)); new (mem) expr(e); luaL_getmetatable(L, expr_mt); lua_setmetatable(L, -2); return 1; } static int expr_gc(lua_State * L) { to_expr(L, 1).~expr(); return 0; } static int expr_tostring(lua_State * L) { std::ostringstream out; expr & e = to_expr(L, 1); if (e) { formatter fmt = get_global_formatter(L); options opts = get_global_options(L); out << mk_pair(fmt(to_expr(L, 1), opts), opts); } else { out << ""; } lua_pushfstring(L, out.str().c_str()); return 1; } static int expr_eq(lua_State * L) { lua_pushboolean(L, to_expr(L, 1) == to_expr(L, 2)); return 1; } static int expr_lt(lua_State * L) { lua_pushboolean(L, to_expr(L, 1) < to_expr(L, 2)); return 1; } static int expr_mk_constant(lua_State * L) { return push_expr(L, mk_constant(to_name_ext(L, 1))); } static int expr_mk_var(lua_State * L) { return push_expr(L, mk_var(luaL_checkinteger(L, 1))); } static int expr_mk_app(lua_State * L) { int nargs = lua_gettop(L); if (nargs < 2) throw exception("application must have at least two arguments"); buffer args; for (int i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) args.push_back(to_nonnull_expr(L, i)); return push_expr(L, mk_app(args)); } static int expr_mk_eq(lua_State * L) { return push_expr(L, mk_eq(to_nonnull_expr(L, 1), to_nonnull_expr(L, 2))); } static int expr_mk_lambda(lua_State * L) { return push_expr(L, mk_lambda(to_name_ext(L, 1), to_nonnull_expr(L, 2), to_nonnull_expr(L, 3))); } static int expr_mk_pi(lua_State * L) { return push_expr(L, mk_pi(to_name_ext(L, 1), to_nonnull_expr(L, 2), to_nonnull_expr(L, 3))); } static int expr_mk_let(lua_State * L) { int nargs = lua_gettop(L); if (nargs == 3) return push_expr(L, mk_let(to_name_ext(L, 1), expr(), to_nonnull_expr(L, 2), to_nonnull_expr(L, 3))); else return push_expr(L, mk_let(to_name_ext(L, 1), to_nonnull_expr(L, 2), to_nonnull_expr(L, 3), to_nonnull_expr(L, 4))); } static expr get_expr_from_table(lua_State * L, int t, int i) { lua_pushvalue(L, t); // push table to the top lua_pushinteger(L, i); lua_gettable(L, -2); expr r = to_nonnull_expr(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 2); // remove table and value return r; } // t is a table of pairs {{a1, b1}, ..., {ak, bk}} // Each ai and bi is an expression static std::pair get_expr_pair_from_table(lua_State * L, int t, int i) { lua_pushvalue(L, t); // push table on the top lua_pushinteger(L, i); lua_gettable(L, -2); // now table {ai, bi} is on the top if (!lua_istable(L, -1) || objlen(L, -1) != 2) throw exception("arg #1 must be of the form '{{expr, expr}, ...}'"); expr ai = get_expr_from_table(L, -1, 1); expr bi = get_expr_from_table(L, -1, 2); lua_pop(L, 2); // pop table {ai, bi} and t from stack return mk_pair(ai, bi); } typedef expr (*MkAbst1)(expr const & n, expr const & t, expr const & b); typedef expr (*MkAbst2)(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & b); template int expr_abst(lua_State * L) { int nargs = lua_gettop(L); if (nargs < 2) throw exception("function must have at least 2 arguments"); if (nargs == 2) { if (!lua_istable(L, 1)) throw exception("function expects arg #1 to be of the form '{{expr, expr}, ...}'"); int len = objlen(L, 1); if (len == 0) throw exception("function expects arg #1 to be a non-empty table"); expr r = to_nonnull_expr(L, 2); for (int i = len; i >= 1; i--) { auto p = get_expr_pair_from_table(L, 1, i); r = F1(p.first, p.second, r); } return push_expr(L, r); } else { if (nargs % 2 == 0) throw exception("function must have an odd number of arguments"); expr r = to_nonnull_expr(L, nargs); for (int i = nargs - 1; i >= 1; i-=2) { if (is_expr(L, i - 1)) r = F1(to_nonnull_expr(L, i - 1), to_nonnull_expr(L, i), r); else r = F2(to_name_ext(L, i - 1), to_nonnull_expr(L, i), r); } return push_expr(L, r); } } static int expr_fun(lua_State * L) { return expr_abst(L); } static int expr_pi(lua_State * L) { return expr_abst(L); } static int expr_let(lua_State * L) { return expr_abst(L); } static int expr_type(lua_State * L) { int nargs = lua_gettop(L); if (nargs == 0) return push_expr(L, Type()); else return push_expr(L, Type(to_level(L, 1))); } static int expr_mk_metavar(lua_State * L) { int nargs = lua_gettop(L); if (nargs == 1) return push_expr(L, mk_metavar(to_name_ext(L, 1))); else return push_expr(L, mk_metavar(to_name_ext(L, 1), to_local_context(L, 2))); } static int expr_is_null(lua_State * L) { lua_pushboolean(L, !to_expr(L, 1)); return 1; } static int expr_get_kind(lua_State * L) { lua_pushinteger(L, static_cast(to_nonnull_expr(L, 1).kind())); return 1; } static int expr_is_constant(lua_State * L) { lua_pushboolean(L, is_constant(to_nonnull_expr(L, 1))); return 1; } static int expr_is_var(lua_State * L) { lua_pushboolean(L, is_var(to_nonnull_expr(L, 1))); return 1; } static int expr_is_app(lua_State * L) { lua_pushboolean(L, is_app(to_nonnull_expr(L, 1))); return 1; } static int expr_is_eq(lua_State * L) { lua_pushboolean(L, is_eq(to_nonnull_expr(L, 1))); return 1; } static int expr_is_lambda(lua_State * L) { lua_pushboolean(L, is_lambda(to_nonnull_expr(L, 1))); return 1; } static int expr_is_pi(lua_State * L) { lua_pushboolean(L, is_lambda(to_nonnull_expr(L, 1))); return 1; } static int expr_is_abstraction(lua_State * L) { lua_pushboolean(L, is_abstraction(to_nonnull_expr(L, 1))); return 1; } static int expr_is_let(lua_State * L) { lua_pushboolean(L, is_let(to_nonnull_expr(L, 1))); return 1; } static int expr_is_value(lua_State * L) { lua_pushboolean(L, is_value(to_nonnull_expr(L, 1))); return 1; } static int expr_is_metavar(lua_State * L) { lua_pushboolean(L, is_metavar(to_nonnull_expr(L, 1))); return 1; } /** \brief Iterator (closure base function) for application args. See \c expr_args */ static int expr_next_arg(lua_State * L) { expr & e = to_expr(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); unsigned i = lua_tointeger(L, lua_upvalueindex(2)); if (i >= num_args(e)) { lua_pushnil(L); } else { lua_pushinteger(L, i + 1); lua_replace(L, lua_upvalueindex(2)); // update closure push_expr(L, arg(e, i)); } return 1; } static int expr_args(lua_State * L) { expr & e = to_app(L, 1); push_expr(L, e); // upvalue(1): expr lua_pushinteger(L, 0); // upvalue(2): index lua_pushcclosure(L, &expr_next_arg, 2); // create closure with 2 upvalues return 1; } static int expr_num_args(lua_State * L) { lua_pushinteger(L, num_args(to_app(L, 1))); return 1; } static int expr_arg(lua_State * L) { return push_expr(L, arg(to_app(L, 1), luaL_checkinteger(L, 2))); } static int expr_fields(lua_State * L) { expr & e = to_nonnull_expr(L, 1); switch (e.kind()) { case expr_kind::Var: lua_pushinteger(L, var_idx(e)); return 1; case expr_kind::Constant: return push_name(L, const_name(e)); case expr_kind::Type: return push_level(L, ty_level(e)); case expr_kind::Value: return 0; case expr_kind::App: lua_pushinteger(L, num_args(e)); expr_args(L); return 2; case expr_kind::Eq: push_expr(L, eq_lhs(e)); push_expr(L, eq_rhs(e)); return 2; case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi: push_name(L, abst_name(e)); push_expr(L, abst_domain(e)); push_expr(L, abst_body(e)); return 3; case expr_kind::Let: push_name(L, let_name(e)); push_expr(L, let_type(e)); push_expr(L, let_value(e)); push_expr(L, let_body(e)); return 4; case expr_kind::MetaVar: push_name(L, metavar_name(e)); push_local_context(L, metavar_lctx(e)); return 2; } lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE return 0; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE } static int expr_pred(lua_State * L) { lua_pushboolean(L, is_expr(L, 1)); return 1; } static const struct luaL_Reg expr_m[] = { {"__gc", expr_gc}, // never throws {"__tostring", safe_function}, {"__eq", safe_function}, {"__lt", safe_function}, {"__call", safe_function}, {"kind", safe_function}, {"is_null", safe_function}, {"is_var", safe_function}, {"is_constant", safe_function}, {"is_app", safe_function}, {"is_eq", safe_function}, {"is_lambda", safe_function}, {"is_pi", safe_function}, {"is_abstraction", safe_function}, {"is_let", safe_function}, {"is_value", safe_function}, {"is_metavar", safe_function}, {"fields", safe_function}, {"args", safe_function}, {"num_args", safe_function}, {"arg", safe_function}, {0, 0} }; void open_expr(lua_State * L) { luaL_newmetatable(L, expr_mt); lua_pushvalue(L, -1); lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); setfuncs(L, expr_m, 0); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_mk_constant, "mk_constant"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_mk_constant, "Const"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_mk_var, "mk_var"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_mk_var, "Var"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_mk_app, "mk_app"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_mk_eq, "mk_eq"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_mk_eq, "Eq"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_mk_lambda, "mk_lambda"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_mk_pi, "mk_pi"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_mk_let, "mk_let"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_fun, "fun"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_fun, "Fun"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_pi, "Pi"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_let, "Let"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_type, "mk_type"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_type, "Type"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_mk_metavar, "mk_metavar"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(expr_pred, "is_expr"); lua_newtable(L); SET_ENUM("Var", expr_kind::Var); SET_ENUM("Constant", expr_kind::Constant); SET_ENUM("Type", expr_kind::Type); SET_ENUM("Value", expr_kind::Value); SET_ENUM("App", expr_kind::App); SET_ENUM("Eq", expr_kind::Eq); SET_ENUM("Lambda", expr_kind::Lambda); SET_ENUM("Pi", expr_kind::Pi); SET_ENUM("Let", expr_kind::Let); SET_ENUM("MetaVar", expr_kind::MetaVar); lua_setglobal(L, "expr_kind"); } }