/* Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #if defined(LEAN_WINDOWS) && !defined(LEAN_CYGWIN) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util/exception.h" #include "util/sstream.h" #include "util/name.h" #include "util/optional.h" #include "util/realpath.h" #include "util/lean_path.h" #ifndef LEAN_DEFAULT_MODULE_FILE_NAME #define LEAN_DEFAULT_MODULE_FILE_NAME "default" #endif namespace lean { file_not_found_exception::file_not_found_exception(std::string const & fname): exception(sstream() << "file '" << fname << "' not found in the LEAN_PATH"), m_fname(fname) {} static std::string * g_default_file_name = nullptr; bool is_directory(char const * pathname) { struct stat info; if (stat(pathname, &info) != 0 ) return false; // failed to access pathname return info.st_mode & S_IFDIR; } #if defined(LEAN_WINDOWS) && !defined(LEAN_CYGWIN) // Windows version static char g_path_sep = ';'; static char g_path_alt_sep = ':'; static char g_sep = '\\'; static char g_bad_sep = '/'; static std::string get_exe_location() { HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleW(NULL); WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, path, MAX_PATH); std::wstring pathstr(path); return std::string(pathstr.begin(), pathstr.end()); } bool is_path_sep(char c) { return c == g_path_sep || c == g_path_alt_sep; } #elif defined(__APPLE__) // OSX version #include #include #include static char g_path_sep = ':'; static char g_sep = '/'; static char g_bad_sep = '\\'; static std::string get_exe_location() { char buf1[PATH_MAX]; char buf2[PATH_MAX]; uint32_t bufsize = PATH_MAX; if (_NSGetExecutablePath(buf1, &bufsize) != 0) throw exception("failed to locate Lean executable location"); if (!realpath(buf1, buf2)) throw exception("failed to resolve symbolic links in " + std::string(buf1)); return std::string(buf2); } bool is_path_sep(char c) { return c == g_path_sep; } #else // Linux version #include #include #include // NOLINT #include static char g_path_sep = ':'; static char g_sep = '/'; static char g_bad_sep = '\\'; static std::string get_exe_location() { char path[PATH_MAX]; char dest[PATH_MAX]; memset(dest, 0, PATH_MAX); pid_t pid = getpid(); snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "/proc/%d/exe", pid); if (readlink(path, dest, PATH_MAX) == -1) { throw exception("failed to locate Lean executable location"); } else { return std::string(dest); } } bool is_path_sep(char c) { return c == g_path_sep; } #endif std::string normalize_path(std::string f) { for (auto & c : f) { if (c == g_bad_sep) c = g_sep; } return f; } std::string get_path(std::string f) { while (true) { if (f.empty()) throw exception("failed to locate Lean executable location"); if (f.back() == g_sep) { f.pop_back(); return f; } f.pop_back(); } } static std::string * g_lean_path = nullptr; static std::vector * g_lean_path_vector = nullptr; void init_lean_path() { #if defined(LEAN_EMSCRIPTEN) *g_lean_path = "/library"; g_lean_path_vector->push_back(*g_lean_path); #else char * r = getenv("LEAN_PATH"); if (r == nullptr) { *g_lean_path = "."; std::string exe_path = get_path(get_exe_location()); *g_lean_path += g_path_sep; *g_lean_path += exe_path + g_sep + ".." + g_sep + "library"; *g_lean_path += g_path_sep; *g_lean_path += exe_path + g_sep + ".." + g_sep + "lib" + g_sep + "lean"; } else { *g_lean_path = r; } g_lean_path_vector->clear(); *g_lean_path = normalize_path(*g_lean_path); unsigned i = 0; unsigned j = 0; unsigned sz = g_lean_path->size(); for (; j < sz; j++) { if (is_path_sep((*g_lean_path)[j])) { if (j > i) g_lean_path_vector->push_back(g_lean_path->substr(i, j - i)); i = j + 1; } } if (j > i) g_lean_path_vector->push_back(g_lean_path->substr(i, j - i)); #endif } static char g_sep_str[2]; void initialize_lean_path() { g_default_file_name = new std::string(LEAN_DEFAULT_MODULE_FILE_NAME); g_lean_path = new std::string(); g_lean_path_vector = new std::vector(); g_sep_str[0] = g_sep; g_sep_str[1] = 0; init_lean_path(); } void finalize_lean_path() { delete g_lean_path_vector; delete g_lean_path; delete g_default_file_name; } bool has_file_ext(std::string const & fname, char const * ext) { unsigned ext_len = strlen(ext); return fname.size() > ext_len && fname.substr(fname.size() - ext_len, ext_len) == ext; } bool is_lean_file(std::string const & fname) { return has_file_ext(fname, ".lean"); } bool is_olean_file(std::string const & fname) { return has_file_ext(fname, ".olean"); } bool is_lua_file(std::string const & fname) { return has_file_ext(fname, ".lua"); } bool is_known_file_ext(std::string const & fname) { return is_lean_file(fname) || is_olean_file(fname) || is_lua_file(fname); } optional check_file_core(std::string file, char const * ext) { if (ext) file += ext; std::ifstream ifile(file); if (ifile) return optional(lrealpath(file.c_str())); else return optional(); } optional check_file(std::string const & path, std::string const & fname, char const * ext = nullptr) { std::string file = path + g_sep + fname; if (is_directory(file.c_str())) { std::string default_file = file + g_sep + *g_default_file_name; if (auto r1 = check_file_core(default_file, ext)) { if (auto r2 = check_file_core(file, ext)) throw exception(sstream() << "ambiguous import, it can be '" << *r1 << "' or '" << *r2 << "'"); return r1; } } return check_file_core(file, ext); } std::string name_to_file(name const & fname) { return fname.to_string(g_sep_str); } std::string find_file(std::string fname, std::initializer_list const & extensions) { bool is_known = is_known_file_ext(fname); fname = normalize_path(fname); for (auto path : *g_lean_path_vector) { if (is_known) { if (auto r = check_file(path, fname)) return *r; } else { for (auto ext : extensions) { if (auto r = check_file(path, fname, ext)) return *r; } } } throw file_not_found_exception(fname); } std::string find_file(std::string const & base, optional const & rel, name const & fname, std::initializer_list const & extensions) { if (!rel) { return find_file(fname.to_string(g_sep_str), extensions); } else { auto path = base; for (unsigned i = 0; i < *rel; i++) { path += g_sep; path += ".."; } for (auto ext : extensions) { if (auto r = check_file(path, fname.to_string(g_sep_str), ext)) return *r; } throw file_not_found_exception(fname.to_string()); } } std::string find_file(std::string const & base, optional const & k, name const & fname, char const * ext) { return find_file(base, k, fname, {ext}); } std::string find_file(std::string fname) { return find_file(fname, {".olean", ".lean", ".lua"}); } std::string find_file(name const & fname) { return find_file(fname.to_string(g_sep_str)); } std::string find_file(name const & fname, std::initializer_list const & exts) { return find_file(fname.to_string(g_sep_str), exts); } char const * get_lean_path() { return g_lean_path->c_str(); } void display_path(std::ostream & out, std::string const & fname) { out << fname; } std::string dirname(char const * fname) { if (fname == nullptr) return "."; std::string nfname = normalize_path(std::string(fname)); fname = nfname.c_str(); unsigned i = 0; unsigned last_sep = 0; bool found_sep = false; char const * it = fname; while (*it) { if (*it == g_sep) { found_sep = true; last_sep = i; } ++i; ++it; } if (!found_sep) { return "."; } else { std::string r; for (unsigned i = 0; i < last_sep; i++) r.push_back(fname[i]); return r; } } std::string path_append(char const * p1, char const * p2) { std::string r(p1); r += g_sep; r += p2; return r; } }