/* Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include #include #include "util/rb_map.h" #include "util/name_generator.h" #include "util/sstream.h" #include "kernel/abstract.h" #include "kernel/instantiate.h" #include "library/expr_lt.h" #include "library/kernel_bindings.h" #include "library/aliases.h" #include "library/placeholder.h" #include "library/scoped_ext.h" namespace lean { struct aliases_ext; static aliases_ext const & get_extension(environment const & env); static environment update(environment const & env, aliases_ext const & ext); struct aliases_ext : public environment_extension { struct state { rb_map, name_quick_cmp> m_aliases; rb_map m_inv_aliases; rb_map m_level_aliases; rb_map m_inv_level_aliases; }; state m_state; list m_scopes; void add_alias(name const & a, expr const & e) { auto it = m_state.m_aliases.find(a); if (it) m_state.m_aliases.insert(a, list(e, filter(*it, [&](expr const & t) { return t != e; }))); else m_state.m_aliases.insert(a, list(e)); m_state.m_inv_aliases.insert(e, a); } void add_alias(name const & a, level const & l) { auto it = m_state.m_level_aliases.find(a); if (it) throw exception(sstream() << "universe level alias '" << a << "' shadows existing alias"); m_state.m_level_aliases.insert(a, l); m_state.m_inv_level_aliases.insert(l, a); } void push() { m_scopes = list(m_state, m_scopes); } void pop() { m_state = head(m_scopes); m_scopes = tail(m_scopes); } static environment using_namespace(environment const & env, io_state const &, name const &) { // do nothing, aliases are treated in a special way in the frontend. return env; } static environment push_scope(environment const & env) { aliases_ext ext = get_extension(env); ext.push(); environment new_env = update(env, ext); if (!in_section(new_env)) new_env = add_aliases(new_env, get_namespace(new_env), name()); return new_env; } static environment pop_scope(environment const & env) { aliases_ext ext = get_extension(env); ext.pop(); return update(env, ext); } }; static name g_aliases("aliases"); struct aliases_ext_reg { unsigned m_ext_id; aliases_ext_reg() { register_scoped_ext(g_aliases, aliases_ext::using_namespace, aliases_ext::push_scope, aliases_ext::pop_scope); m_ext_id = environment::register_extension(std::make_shared()); } }; static aliases_ext_reg g_ext; static aliases_ext const & get_extension(environment const & env) { return static_cast(env.get_extension(g_ext.m_ext_id)); } static environment update(environment const & env, aliases_ext const & ext) { return env.update(g_ext.m_ext_id, std::make_shared(ext)); } environment add_alias(environment const & env, name const & a, expr const & e) { aliases_ext ext = get_extension(env); ext.add_alias(a, e); return update(env, ext); } optional is_aliased(environment const & env, expr const & t) { auto it = get_extension(env).m_state.m_inv_aliases.find(t); return it ? optional(*it) : optional(); } list get_alias_exprs(environment const & env, name const & n) { auto it = get_extension(env).m_state.m_aliases.find(n); return it ? *it : list(); } environment add_alias(environment const & env, name const & a, level const & l) { if (env.is_universe(a)) throw exception(sstream() << "universe level alias '" << a << "' shadows existing global universe level"); aliases_ext ext = get_extension(env); ext.add_alias(a, l); return update(env, ext); } optional is_aliased(environment const & env, level const & l) { auto it = get_extension(env).m_state.m_inv_level_aliases.find(l); return it ? optional(*it) : optional(); } optional get_alias_level(environment const & env, name const & n) { auto it = get_extension(env).m_state.m_level_aliases.find(n); return it ? some_level(*it) : optional(); } // Return true iff \c n is (prefix + ex) for some ex in exceptions static bool is_exception(name const & n, name const & prefix, unsigned num_exceptions, name const * exceptions) { return std::any_of(exceptions, exceptions + num_exceptions, [&](name const & ex) { return (prefix + ex) == n; }); } environment add_aliases(environment const & env, name const & prefix, name const & new_prefix, unsigned num_exceptions, name const * exceptions) { aliases_ext ext = get_extension(env); env.for_each_declaration([&](declaration const & d) { if (is_prefix_of(prefix, d.get_name()) && !is_exception(d.get_name(), prefix, num_exceptions, exceptions)) { name a = d.get_name().replace_prefix(prefix, new_prefix); levels ls = map2(d.get_univ_params(), [](name const &) { return mk_level_placeholder(); }); expr c = mk_constant(d.get_name(), ls); ext.add_alias(a, c); } }); env.for_each_universe([&](name const & u) { if (is_prefix_of(prefix, u) && !is_exception(u, prefix, num_exceptions, exceptions)) { name a = u.replace_prefix(prefix, new_prefix); if (env.is_universe(a)) throw exception(sstream() << "universe level alias '" << a << "' shadows existing global universe level"); ext.add_alias(a, mk_global_univ(u)); } }); return update(env, ext); } static int add_alias(lua_State * L) { if (is_expr(L, 3)) return push_environment(L, add_alias(to_environment(L, 1), to_name_ext(L, 2), to_expr(L, 3))); else return push_environment(L, add_alias(to_environment(L, 1), to_name_ext(L, 2), to_level(L, 3))); } static int is_aliased(lua_State * L) { if (is_expr(L, 2)) return push_optional_name(L, is_aliased(to_environment(L, 1), to_expr(L, 2))); else return push_optional_name(L, is_aliased(to_environment(L, 1), to_level(L, 2))); } static int get_alias_exprs(lua_State * L) { return push_list_expr(L, get_alias_exprs(to_environment(L, 1), to_name_ext(L, 2))); } static int get_alias_level(lua_State * L) { return push_optional_level(L, get_alias_level(to_environment(L, 1), to_name_ext(L, 2))); } static int add_aliases(lua_State * L) { int nargs = lua_gettop(L); if (nargs == 2) { return push_environment(L, add_aliases(to_environment(L, 1), to_name_ext(L, 2), name())); } else if (nargs == 3) { return push_environment(L, add_aliases(to_environment(L, 1), to_name_ext(L, 2), to_name_ext(L, 3))); } else { buffer exs; luaL_checktype(L, 4, LUA_TTABLE); int n = objlen(L, 4); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { lua_rawgeti(L, 4, i); exs.push_back(to_name_ext(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 1); } return push_environment(L, add_aliases(to_environment(L, 1), to_name_ext(L, 2), to_name_ext(L, 3), exs.size(), exs.data())); } } void open_aliases(lua_State * L) { SET_GLOBAL_FUN(add_alias, "add_alias"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(add_aliases, "add_aliases"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(is_aliased, "is_aliased"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(get_alias_exprs, "get_alias_exprs"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(get_alias_level, "get_alias_level"); } }