/* Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura Soonho Kong */ #pragma once #include "numeric_traits.h" #include "xnumeral.h" namespace lean { template class interval { T m_lower; T m_upper; unsigned m_lower_open:1; unsigned m_upper_open:1; unsigned m_lower_inf:1; unsigned m_upper_inf:1; xnumeral_kind lower_kind() const { return m_lower_inf ? XN_MINUS_INFINITY : XN_NUMERAL; } xnumeral_kind upper_kind() const { return m_upper_inf ? XN_PLUS_INFINITY : XN_NUMERAL; } void set_closed_endpoints(); static void round_to_plus_inf() { numeric_traits::set_rounding(true); } static void round_to_minus_inf() { numeric_traits::set_rounding(false); } static void reset(T & v) { numeric_traits::reset(v); } static void inv(T & v) { numeric_traits::inv(v); } static void neg(T & v) { numeric_traits::neg(v); } static bool is_zero(T const & v) { return numeric_traits::is_zero(v); } static void power(T & v, unsigned k) { return numeric_traits::power(v, k); } void _swap(interval & b); bool _eq(interval const & b) const; public: template interval & operator=(T2 const & n) { m_lower = n; m_upper = n; set_closed_endpoints(); return *this; } interval & operator=(T const & n); interval & operator=(interval const & n); interval & operator=(interval && n); // (-oo, oo) interval(); // [n,n] template interval(T2 const & n):m_lower(n), m_upper(n) { set_closed_endpoints();} // copy constructor interval(interval const & n); // move constructor interval(interval && src); // [l,u], (l,u], [l,u), (l,u) template interval(T2 const & l, T2 const & u, bool l_open = false, bool u_open = false):m_lower(l), m_upper(u) { m_lower_open = l_open; m_upper_open = u_open; m_lower_inf = false; m_upper_inf = false; } // [l,u], (l,u], [l,u), (l,u) template interval(bool l_open, T2 const & l, T2 const & u, bool u_open):interval(l, u, l_open, u_open) {} // (-oo, u], (-oo, u] template interval(T2 const & u, bool u_open):m_upper(u) { m_lower_open = true; m_upper_open = u_open; m_lower_inf = true; m_upper_inf = false; } // [u, +oo), (u, +oo) template interval(bool l_open, T2 const & l):m_lower(l) { m_lower_open = l_open; m_upper_open = true; m_lower_inf = false; m_upper_inf = true; } ~interval(); friend void swap(interval & a, interval & b) { a._swap(b); } T const & lower() const { return m_lower; } T const & upper() const { return m_upper; } bool is_lower_neg() const { return ::lean::is_neg(m_lower, lower_kind()); } bool is_lower_pos() const { return ::lean::is_pos(m_lower, lower_kind()); } bool is_lower_zero() const { return ::lean::is_zero(m_lower, lower_kind()); } bool is_upper_neg() const { return ::lean::is_neg(m_upper, upper_kind()); } bool is_upper_pos() const { return ::lean::is_pos(m_upper, upper_kind()); } bool is_upper_zero() const { return ::lean::is_zero(m_upper, upper_kind()); } bool is_lower_open() const { return m_lower_open; } bool is_upper_open() const { return m_upper_open; } bool is_lower_inf() const { return m_lower_inf; } bool is_upper_inf() const { return m_upper_inf; } // all values in the interval are non-negative bool is_P() const { return is_lower_pos() || is_lower_zero(); } // interval of the form [0, ... bool is_P0() const { return is_lower_zero() && !is_lower_open(); } // all values in the interval are positive bool is_P1() const { return is_lower_pos() || (is_lower_zero() && is_lower_open()); } // all values in the interval are non-positive bool is_N() const { return is_upper_neg() || is_upper_zero(); } // interval of the form ..., 0] bool is_N0() const { return is_upper_zero() && !is_upper_open(); } // all values in the interval are negative bool is_N1() const { return is_upper_neg() || (is_upper_zero() && is_upper_open()); } // lower is negative and upper is positive bool is_M() const { return is_lower_neg() && is_upper_pos(); } // [0,0] bool is_zero() const { return is_lower_zero() && is_upper_zero(); } // Interval contains the value zero bool contains_zero() const; /** \brief Return true iff this contains b. That is, every value in b is a value of this. */ bool contains(interval const & b) const; bool is_empty() const; void set_empty(); /** \brief Return true is the interval contains only one value. */ bool is_singleton() const; /** \brief Return true is the interval contains only v. */ template bool is_singleton(T2 const & v) const { return is_singleton() && m_lower == v; } friend bool operator==(interval const & a, interval const & b) { return a._eq(b); } friend bool operator!=(interval const & a, interval const & b) { return !operator==(a, b); } /** \brief Return true if all values in this are less than all values in 'b'. */ bool before(interval const & b) const; template void set_lower(T2 const & n) { m_lower = n; } template void set_upper(T2 const & n) { m_upper = n; } void set_is_lower_open(bool v) { m_lower_open = v; } void set_is_upper_open(bool v) { m_upper_open = v; } void set_is_lower_inf(bool v) { m_lower_inf = v; } void set_is_upper_inf(bool v) { m_upper_inf = v; } void neg(); friend interval neg(interval o) { o.neg(); return o; } interval & operator+=(interval const & o); interval & operator-=(interval const & o); interval & operator*=(interval const & o); interval & operator/=(interval const & o); interval & operator+=(T const & o); interval & operator-=(T const & o); interval & operator*=(T const & o); interval & operator/=(T const & o); void inv(); friend interval inv(interval o) { o.inv(); return o; } void fmod(interval y); void fmod(T y); friend interval inv(interval o, interval y) { o.fmod(y); return o; } friend interval inv(interval o, T y) { o.fmod(y); return o; } void power(unsigned n); void exp (); void exp2 (); void exp10(); void log (); void log2 (); void log10(); void sin (); void cos (); void tan (); void csc (); void sec (); void cot (); void asin (); void acos (); void atan (); void sinh (); void cosh (); void tanh (); void asinh(); void acosh(); void atanh(); friend interval power(interval o, unsigned k) { o.power(k); return o; } friend interval exp (interval o) { o.exp(); return o; } friend interval exp2 (interval o) { o.exp2(); return o; } friend interval exp10(interval o) { o.exp10(); return o; } friend interval log (interval o) { o.log(); return o; } friend interval log2 (interval o) { o.log2(); return o; } friend interval log10(interval o) { o.log10(); return o; } friend interval sin (interval o) { o.sin(); return o; } friend interval cos (interval o) { o.cos(); return o; } friend interval tan (interval o) { o.tan(); return o; } friend interval csc (interval o) { o.csc(); return o; } friend interval sec (interval o) { o.sec(); return o; } friend interval cot (interval o) { o.cot(); return o; } friend interval asin (interval o) { o.asin(); return o; } friend interval acos (interval o) { o.acos(); return o; } friend interval atan (interval o) { o.atan(); return o; } friend interval sinh (interval o) { o.sinh(); return o; } friend interval cosh (interval o) { o.cosh(); return o; } friend interval tanh (interval o) { o.tanh(); return o; } friend interval asinh(interval o) { o.asinh(); return o; } friend interval acosh(interval o) { o.acosh(); return o; } friend interval atanh(interval o) { o.atanh(); return o; } friend interval operator+(interval a, interval const & b) { return a += b; } friend interval operator-(interval a, interval const & b) { return a -= b; } friend interval operator*(interval a, interval const & b) { return a *= b; } friend interval operator/(interval a, interval const & b) { return a /= b; } friend interval operator+(interval a, T const & b) { return a += b; } friend interval operator-(interval a, T const & b) { return a -= b; } friend interval operator*(interval a, T const & b) { return a *= b; } friend interval operator/(interval a, T const & b) { return a /= b; } friend interval operator+(T const & a, interval b) { return b += a; } friend interval operator-(T const & a, interval b) { b.neg(); return b += a; } friend interval operator*(T const & a, interval b) { return b *= a; } friend interval operator/(T const & a, interval b) { b.inv(); return b *= a; } bool check_invariant() const; void display(std::ostream & out) const; friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, interval const & n) { n.display(out); return out; } }; }