Install Packages on OS X 10.9 ----------------------------- We assume that you are using [homebrew][homebrew] as a package manager. [homebrew]: Compilers --------- You need a C++11-compatible compiler to build Lean. As of November 2014, you have three options: - clang++-3.5 (shipped with OSX, Apple LLVM version 6.0) - gcc-4.9.1 (homebrew) - clang++-3.5 (homebrew) We recommend to use Apple's clang++ because it is pre-shipped with OS X and requires no further installation. To install gcc-4.9.1 via homebrew, please execute: brew install gcc To install clang++-3.5 via homebrew, please execute: brew install llvm --with-clang --with-asan To use compilers other than the default one (Apple's clang++), you need to use `-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER` option to specify the compiler that you want to use when you run `cmake`. For example, do the following to use `g++`. cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-4.9 ... Required Packages: CMake, GMP, MPFR, LUA --------------------- brew install cmake brew install gmp brew install mpfr brew install lua Optional Packages: tcmalloc and ninja ------------------------------------- brew install gperftools brew install ninja