# Suppress warnings produced by Valgrind. # http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/Valgrind_Suppression_File_Howto { # This warning is due to a memory-leak bug in the g++ compiler. # Soonho reported the problem. Gcc team said this a known problem, and will be fixed # http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=58142 Suppress_GCC-4.8_Memory_Leak_Bug_in_Thread1 Memcheck:Leak fun:*nothrow_t fun:*_thread_atexit fun:* fun:* fun:*_Bind_simple*_invoke*_Index_tuple* fun:*_Bind_simple* fun:*_Bind_simple* obj:*/libstdc++.so* fun:start_thread fun:clone } { # This warning is due to a memory-leak bug in the g++ compiler. # Soonho reported the problem. Gcc team said this a known problem, and will be fixed # http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=58142 Suppress_GCC-4.8_Memory_Leak_Bug_in_Thread2 Memcheck:Leak fun:*nothrow_t fun:*_thread_atexit fun:* obj:*/libstdc++.so* fun:start_thread fun:clone } { # This warning is due to a memory-leak bug in the g++ compiler. # Soonho reported the problem. Gcc team said this a known problem, and will be fixed # http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=58142 Suppress_GCC-4.8_Memory_Leak_Bug_in_Thread3 Memcheck:Leak fun:*nothrow_t fun:*_thread_atexit fun:* fun:*_Bind_simple* obj:*/libstdc++.so* fun:start_thread fun:clone } { # This warning is due to a memory-leak bug in the g++ compiler. # Soonho reported the problem. Gcc team said this a known problem, and will be fixed # http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=58142 Suppress_GCC-4.8_Memory_Leak_Bug_in_Thread_32Bit_Ubuntu Memcheck:Leak fun:*nothrow_t fun:*_thread_atexit fun:* fun:*_Bind_simple* fun:*_Bind_simple* fun:*_Bind_simple* obj:*/libstdc++.so* fun:clone } { Suppress_Bash_Memory_Leak_on_Fedora19 Memcheck:Leak fun:malloc fun:xmalloc fun:make_if_command fun:yyparse fun:parse_command fun:read_command fun:reader_loop fun:main } { # This entry suppresses the warning caused by a bug in tcmalloc TCMalloc_Bug1 Memcheck:Param msync(start) fun:__msync_nocancel obj:*/libunwind.so.* ... fun:_UL*_step fun:*GetStackTrace* fun:*PageHeap*GrowHeap* fun:*PageHeap*New* fun:*CentralFreeList*Populate* fun:*CentralFreeList*FetchFromSpansSafe* fun:*CentralFreeList*RemoveRange* fun:*ThreadCache*FetchFromCentralCache* fun:malloc ... } { # This entry suppresses the warning caused by a bug in tcmalloc TCMalloc_Bug2 Memcheck:Param msync(start) obj:*/libpthread-2.*.* obj:*/libunwind.so.* ... fun:_UL*_step fun:*GetStackTrace* fun:*PageHeap*GrowHeap* fun:*PageHeap*New* fun:*CentralFreeList*Populate* fun:*CentralFreeList*FetchFromSpansSafe* fun:*CentralFreeList*RemoveRange* fun:*ThreadCache*FetchFromCentralCache* fun:malloc ... } { # This entry suppresses the warning caused by a bug in tcmalloc # It is the equivalent of TCMalloc_Bug2 for realloc TCMalloc_Bug3 Memcheck:Param msync(start) obj:*/libpthread-2.*.* obj:*/libunwind.so.* ... fun:_UL*_step fun:*GetStackTrace* fun:*PageHeap*GrowHeap* fun:*PageHeap*New* fun:*CentralFreeList*Populate* fun:*CentralFreeList*FetchFromSpansSafe* fun:*CentralFreeList*RemoveRange* fun:*ThreadCache*FetchFromCentralCache* fun:realloc ... } { # This entry suppresses the warning caused by a bug in luajit 2.0 LuaJIT_Bug1 Memcheck:Cond obj:*luajit-5.1* ... fun:lua_pcall ... } { # This entry suppresses the warning caused by a bug in luajit 2.0 LuaJIT_Bug2 Memcheck:Cond obj:*luajit-5.1* ... fun:luaL_checklstring ... } { # This entry suppresses a false positive in luajit 2.0 LuaJIT_Bug3 Memcheck:Addr4 obj:*luajit-5.1* ... } { # This entry Suppresses memory leaks at awk. We use awk at doc/lua/test.sh and doc/lua/test_single.sh AWK_Bug1 Memcheck:Leak fun:malloc obj:*/bin/mawk ... } { # This entry Suppresses memory leaks at awk. We use awk at doc/lua/test.sh and doc/lua/test_single.sh AWK_Bug2 Memcheck:Leak fun:realloc obj:*/bin/mawk ... } { readline_suppress_1 Memcheck:Param sendmsg(msg.msg_name) fun:__sendmsg_nocancel fun:readline ... }