737.lean:235:5: error: 2 unsolved subgoals s t : ℕ+ → ℚ, Hs : regular s, Ht : regular t, a b c j n : ℕ+, Hn : pceil ((rat_of_pnat (K s) * (b⁻¹ + c⁻¹) + (a⁻¹ + c⁻¹) * rat_of_pnat (K t)) * rat_of_pnat j) ≤ n ⊢ 0 ≤ rat_of_pnat (K s) * (b⁻¹ + c⁻¹) + (a⁻¹ + c⁻¹) * rat_of_pnat (K t) s t : ℕ+ → ℚ, Hs : regular s, Ht : regular t, a b c j n : ℕ+, Hn : pceil ((rat_of_pnat (K s) * (b⁻¹ + c⁻¹) + (a⁻¹ + c⁻¹) * rat_of_pnat (K t)) * rat_of_pnat j) ≤ n ⊢ 1 / ((rat_of_pnat (K s) * (b⁻¹ + c⁻¹) + (a⁻¹ + c⁻¹) * rat_of_pnat (K t)) * rat_of_pnat j) * (rat_of_pnat (K s) * (b⁻¹ + c⁻¹) + (a⁻¹ + c⁻¹) * rat_of_pnat (K t)) ≤ j⁻¹ 737.lean:228:4: error:invalid 'exact' tactic, term still contains metavariables after elaboration show n⁻¹ * (rat_of_pnat (K s) * (b⁻¹ + c⁻¹)) + n⁻¹ * ((a⁻¹ + c⁻¹) * rat_of_pnat (K t)) ≤ j⁻¹, from ?M_1 proof state: s t : ℕ+ → ℚ, Hs : regular s, Ht : regular t, a b c j n : ℕ+, Hn : pceil ((rat_of_pnat (K s) * (b⁻¹ + c⁻¹) + (a⁻¹ + c⁻¹) * rat_of_pnat (K t)) * rat_of_pnat j) ≤ n ⊢ ?M_1 ≤ j⁻¹ s t : ℕ+ → ℚ, Hs : regular s, Ht : regular t, a b c j n : ℕ+, Hn : pceil ((rat_of_pnat (K s) * (b⁻¹ + c⁻¹) + (a⁻¹ + c⁻¹) * rat_of_pnat (K t)) * rat_of_pnat j) ≤ n ⊢ abs (s (a * n) * t (b * n) - s (a * n) * t (c * n)) + abs (s (a * n) * t (c * n) - s (c * n) * t (c * n)) ≤ ?M_1 737.lean:236:0: error: don't know how to synthesize placeholder s t : ℕ+ → ℚ, Hs : regular s, Ht : regular t, a b c j : ℕ+ ⊢ ∃ (N : ℕ+), ∀ (n : ℕ+), N ≤ n → abs (s (a * n) * t (b * n) - s (c * n) * t (c * n)) ≤ j⁻¹ 737.lean:236:0: error: failed to add declaration 's.mul_bound_helper' to environment, value has metavariables remark: set 'formatter.hide_full_terms' to false to see the complete term ?M_1