import logic open eq.ops prod tactic inductive tree (A : Type) := leaf : A → tree A, node : tree A → tree A → tree A inductive one.{l} : Type.{max 1 l} := star : one set_option pp.universes true namespace tree section universe variables l₁ l₂ variable {A : Type.{l₁}} variable (C : tree A → Type.{l₂}) definition below (t : tree A) : Type := rec_on t (λ a, one.{l₂}) (λ t₁ t₂ r₁ r₂, C t₁ × C t₂ × r₁ × r₂) end section universe variables l₁ l₂ variable {A : Type.{l₁}} variable {C : tree A → Type.{l₂}} definition below_rec_on (t : tree A) (H : Π (n : tree A), below C n → C n) : C t := have general : C t × below C t, from rec_on t (λa, (H (leaf a), (λ (l r : tree A) (Hl : C l × below C l) (Hr : C r × below C r), have b : below C (node l r), from (pr₁ Hl, pr₁ Hr, pr₂ Hl, pr₂ Hr), have c : C (node l r), from H (node l r) b, (c, b)), pr₁ general end definition no_confusion_type {A : Type} (P : Type) (t₁ t₂ : tree A) : Type := cases_on t₁ (λ a₁, cases_on t₂ (λ a₂, (a₁ = a₂ → P) → P) (λ l₂ r₂, P)) (λ l₁ r₁, cases_on t₂ (λ a₂, P) (λ l₂ r₂, (l₁ = l₂ → r₁ = r₂ → P) → P)) set_option pp.universes true check no_confusion_type definition no_confusion {A : Type} {P : Type} {t₁ t₂ : tree A} : t₁ = t₂ → no_confusion_type P t₁ t₂ := assume e₁ : t₁ = t₂, have aux₁ : t₁ = t₁ → no_confusion_type P t₁ t₁, from take h, cases_on t₁ (λ a, assume h : a = a → P, h (eq.refl a)) (λ l r, assume h : l = l → r = r → P, h (eq.refl l) (eq.refl r)), eq.rec aux₁ e₁ e₁ check no_confusion theorem leaf_ne_tree {A : Type} (a : A) (l r : tree A) : leaf a ≠ node l r := assume h : leaf a = node l r, no_confusion h constant A : Type₁ constants l₁ l₂ r₁ r₂ : tree A axiom node_eq : node l₁ r₁ = node l₂ r₂ check no_confusion node_eq definition tst : (l₁ = l₂ → r₁ = r₂ → l₁ = l₂) → l₁ = l₂ := no_confusion node_eq check tst (λ e₁ e₂, e₁) theorem node.inj1 {A : Type} (l₁ l₂ r₁ r₂ : tree A) : node l₁ r₁ = node l₂ r₂ → l₁ = l₂ := assume h, have trivial : (l₁ = l₂ → r₁ = r₂ → l₁ = l₂) → l₁ = l₂, from no_confusion h, trivial (λ e₁ e₂, e₁) theorem node.inj2 {A : Type} (l₁ l₂ r₁ r₂ : tree A) : node l₁ r₁ = node l₂ r₂ → l₁ = l₂ := begin intro h, apply (no_confusion h), intros, assumption end theorem node.inj3 {A : Type} {l₁ l₂ r₁ r₂ : tree A} (h : node l₁ r₁ = node l₂ r₂) : l₁ = l₂ := begin apply (no_confusion h), assume (e₁ : l₁ = l₂) (e₂ : r₁ = r₂), e₁ end theorem node.inj4 {A : Type} {l₁ l₂ r₁ r₂ : tree A} (h : node l₁ r₁ = node l₂ r₂) : l₁ = l₂ := begin apply (no_confusion h), assume e₁ e₂, e₁ end end tree