/- Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Floris van Doorn truncating an ∞-group to a group -/ import hit.trunc algebra.bundled open eq is_trunc trunc namespace algebra section parameters (n : trunc_index) {A : Type} [inf_group A] local abbreviation G := trunc n A definition trunc_mul [unfold 9 10] (g h : G) : G := begin induction g with p, induction h with q, exact tr (p * q) end definition trunc_inv [unfold 9] (g : G) : G := begin induction g with p, exact tr p⁻¹ end definition trunc_one [constructor] : G := tr 1 local notation 1 := trunc_one local postfix ⁻¹ := trunc_inv local infix * := trunc_mul theorem trunc_mul_assoc (g₁ g₂ g₃ : G) : g₁ * g₂ * g₃ = g₁ * (g₂ * g₃) := begin induction g₁ with p₁, induction g₂ with p₂, induction g₃ with p₃, exact ap tr !mul.assoc, end theorem trunc_one_mul (g : G) : 1 * g = g := begin induction g with p, exact ap tr !one_mul end theorem trunc_mul_one (g : G) : g * 1 = g := begin induction g with p, exact ap tr !mul_one end theorem trunc_mul_left_inv (g : G) : g⁻¹ * g = 1 := begin induction g with p, exact ap tr !mul.left_inv end parameter (A) definition trunc_inf_group [constructor] [instance] : inf_group (trunc n A) := ⦃inf_group, mul := algebra.trunc_mul n, mul_assoc := algebra.trunc_mul_assoc n, one := algebra.trunc_one n, one_mul := algebra.trunc_one_mul n, mul_one := algebra.trunc_mul_one n, inv := algebra.trunc_inv n, mul_left_inv := algebra.trunc_mul_left_inv n⦄ definition trunc_group [constructor] : group (trunc 0 A) := group_of_inf_group _ end section variables (n : trunc_index) {A : Type} [ab_inf_group A] theorem trunc_mul_comm (g h : trunc n A) : trunc_mul n g h = trunc_mul n h g := begin induction g with p, induction h with q, exact ap tr !mul.comm end variable (A) definition trunc_ab_inf_group [constructor] [instance] : ab_inf_group (trunc n A) := ⦃ab_inf_group, trunc_inf_group n A, mul_comm := algebra.trunc_mul_comm n⦄ definition trunc_ab_group [constructor] : ab_group (trunc 0 A) := ab_group_of_ab_inf_group _ end end algebra