/* Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #pragma once #include "util/debug.h" namespace lean { /** \brief Simple optional template. This is a naive replacement for C++14 optional. We will delete it as soon optional is supported in g++ and clang++. */ template class optional { bool m_some; union { T m_value; }; public: optional():m_some(false) {} optional(T const & v):m_some(true) { new (&m_value) T(v); } optional(optional const & other):m_some(other.m_some) { if (m_some) new (&m_value) T(other.m_value); } optional(optional && other):m_some(other.m_some) { if (m_some) new (&m_value) T(std::forward(other.m_value)); } template optional(Args&&... args):m_some(true) { new (&m_value) T(args...); } ~optional() { if (m_some) m_value.~T(); } explicit operator bool() const { return m_some; } T const * operator->() const { lean_assert(m_some); return &m_value; } T * operator->() { lean_assert(m_some); return &m_value; } T const & operator*() const { lean_assert(m_some); return m_value; } T & operator*() { lean_assert(m_some); return m_value; } T const & value() const { lean_assert(m_some); return m_value; } T & value() { lean_assert(m_some); return m_value; } template void emplace(Args&&... args) { if (m_some) m_value.~T(); new (&m_value) T(args...); } optional& operator=(optional const & other) { if (this == &other) return *this; if (m_some) m_value.~T(); m_some = other.m_some; if (m_some) new (&m_value) T(other.m_value); return *this; } optional& operator=(optional && other) { lean_assert(this != &other); if (m_some) m_value.~T(); m_some = other.m_some; if (m_some) new (&m_value) T(std::forward(other.m_value)); return *this; } optional& operator=(T const & other) { if (m_some) m_value.~T(); m_some = true; new (&m_value) T(other); return *this; } optional& operator=(T && other) { if (m_some) m_value.~T(); m_some = true; new (&m_value) T(std::forward(other)); return *this; } friend bool operator==(optional const & o1, optional const & o2) { if (o1.m_some != o2.m_some) return false; else return !o1.m_some || o1.m_value == o2.m_value; } }; template optional some(T const & t) { return optional(t); } template optional some(T && t) { return optional(std::forward(t)); } }