import data.fintype data.list data.sum data.nat open option list nat structure countable [class] (A : Type) := (pickle : A → nat) (unpickle : nat → option A) (picklek : ∀ a, unpickle (pickle a) = some a) open countable definition countable_fintype [instance] {A : Type} [h₁ : fintype A] [h₂ : decidable_eq A] : countable A := (λ a, find a (elements_of A)) (λ n, nth (elements_of A) n) (λ a, find_nth (fintype.complete a)) definition countable_nat [instance] : countable nat := (λ a, a) (λ n, some n) (λ a, rfl) definition countable_option [instance] {A : Type} [h : countable A] : countable (option A) := (λ o, match o with | some a := succ (pickle a) | none := 0 end) (λ n, if n = 0 then some none else some (unpickle A (pred n))) (λ o, begin cases o with [a], begin esimp end, begin esimp, rewrite [if_neg !succ_ne_zero, pred_succ, countable.picklek] end end) section sum variables {A B : Type} variables [h₁ : countable A] [h₂ : countable B] include h₁ h₂ definition pickle_sum : sum A B → nat | (sum.inl a) := 2 * pickle a | (sum.inr b) := 2 * pickle b + 1 definition unpickle_sum (n : nat) : option (sum A B) := if n mod 2 = 0 then match unpickle A (n div 2) with | some a := some (sum.inl a) | none := none end else match unpickle B ((n - 1) div 2) with | some b := some (sum.inr b) | none := none end open decidable theorem unpickle_pickle_sum : ∀ s : sum A B, unpickle_sum (pickle_sum s) = some s | (sum.inl a) := assert aux : 2 > 0, from dec_trivial, begin esimp [pickle_sum, unpickle_sum], rewrite [mul_mod_right, if_pos (eq.refl 0), mul_div_cancel_left _ aux, countable.picklek] end | (sum.inr b) := assert aux₁ : 2 > 0, from dec_trivial, assert aux₂ : 1 mod 2 = 1, by rewrite [modulo_def], assert aux₃ : 1 ≠ 0, from dec_trivial, begin esimp [pickle_sum, unpickle_sum], rewrite [add.comm, add_mul_mod_self_left aux₁, aux₂, if_neg aux₃, add_sub_cancel_left, mul_div_cancel_left _ aux₁, countable.picklek] end definition countable_sum [instance] : countable (sum A B) := (λ s, pickle_sum s) (λ n, unpickle_sum n) (λ s, unpickle_pickle_sum s) end sum section prod variables {A B : Type} variables [h₁ : countable A] [h₂ : countable B] include h₁ h₂ definition pickle_prod : A × B → nat | (a, b) := mkpair (pickle a) (pickle b) definition unpickle_prod (n : nat) : option (A × B) := match unpair n with | (n₁, n₂) := match unpickle A n₁ with | some a := match unpickle B n₂ with | some b := some (a, b) | none := none end | none := none end end theorem unpickle_pickle_prod : ∀ p : A × B, unpickle_prod (pickle_prod p) = some p | (a, b) := begin esimp [pickle_prod, unpickle_prod, prod.cases_on], rewrite [unpair_mkpair], esimp, rewrite [*countable.picklek] end definition countable_product [instance] : countable (A × B) := pickle_prod unpickle_prod unpickle_pickle_prod end prod section list variables {A : Type} variables [h : countable A] include h definition pickle_list_core : list A → nat | [] := 0 | (a::l) := mkpair (pickle a) (pickle_list_core l) theorem pickle_list_core_cons (a : A) (l : list A) : pickle_list_core (a::l) = mkpair (pickle a) (pickle_list_core l) := rfl definition pickle_list (l : list A) : nat := mkpair (length l) (pickle_list_core l) definition unpickle_list_core : nat → nat → option (list A) | 0 v := some [] | (succ n) v := match unpair v with | (v₁, v₂) := match unpickle A v₁ with | some a := match unpickle_list_core n v₂ with | some l := some (a::l) | none := none end | none := none end end theorem unpickle_list_core_succ (n v : nat) : unpickle_list_core (succ n) v = match unpair v with | (v₁, v₂) := match unpickle A v₁ with | some a := match unpickle_list_core n v₂ with | some l := some (a::l) | none := none end | none := none end end := rfl definition unpickle_list (n : nat) : option (list A) := match unpair n with | (l, v) := unpickle_list_core l v end theorem unpickle_pickle_list_core : ∀ l : list A, unpickle_list_core (length l) (pickle_list_core l) = some l | [] := rfl | (a::l) := begin rewrite [pickle_list_core_cons, length_cons, add_one (length l), unpickle_list_core_succ], rewrite [unpair_mkpair], esimp [prod.cases_on], rewrite [unpickle_pickle_list_core l], rewrite [countable.picklek], end theorem unpickle_pickle_list (l : list A) : unpickle_list (pickle_list l) = some l := begin esimp [pickle_list, unpickle_list], rewrite [unpair_mkpair], esimp [prod.cases_on], apply unpickle_pickle_list_core end definition countable_list [instance] : countable (list A) := pickle_list unpickle_list unpickle_pickle_list end list