UbuntuOS XWindowsCoverageBuilds / UnitTests / Dynamic Analyses
About ----- - [Design](doc/design.md) - [To Do list](doc/todo.md) - [Authors](doc/authors.md) - [Tutorial](doc/lean/tutorial.md) Requirements ------------ - C++11 compatible compiler: [g++](http://gcc.gnu.org/) (version >= 4.8.1), or [clang++](http://clang.llvm.org/cxx_status.html) (version >= 3.3) - [CMake](http://www.cmake.org) - [GMP (GNU multiprecision library)](http://gmplib.org/) - [MPFR (GNU MPFR Library)](http://www.mpfr.org/) - [Lua 5.2 or 5.1](http://www.lua.org), or [LuaJIT 2.0](http://luajit.org) - (optional) [gperftools](https://code.google.com/p/gperftools/) - (optional) [Boost](http://www.boost.org) (version >= 1.54), we can build Lean using boost::thread instead of std::thread. When using Boost, Lean can modify the thread stack size. Installing required packages at -------------------------------- - [Ubuntu 12.04](doc/make/ubuntu-12.04.md) - [Ubuntu 12.04 (detailed)](doc/make/ubuntu-12.04-detailed.md) - [Fedora 19](doc/make/fedora-19.md) - [OS X 10.8](doc/make/osx-10.8.md) - [Cygwin](doc/make/cygwin.md) Build Instructions ------------------ - [CMake + Make](doc/make/cmake_make.md) - [CMake + Ninja](doc/make/cmake_ninja.md) - [Faster builds with ccache](doc/make/ccache.md) Miscellaneous ------------- - [Testing and Code Coverage](doc/make/coverage.md) - Building Doxygen Documentation: `doxygen src/Doxyfile` - [Coding style](doc/coding_style.md) - [Git Commit Convention](doc/commit_convention.md) - [Automatic builds](doc/make/travis.md)