/* Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include "kernel/type_checker.h" #include "kernel/abstract.h" #include "kernel/instantiate.h" #include "kernel/inductive/inductive.h" #include "library/util.h" #include "library/replace_visitor.h" #include "library/constants.h" #include "library/user_recursors.h" #include "library/tactic/location.h" extern void pp_detail(lean::environment const & env, lean::expr const & e); extern void pp(lean::environment const & env, lean::expr const & e); namespace lean { // Auxiliary visitor the implements the common parts for unfold_rec_fn and fold_rec_fn class replace_visitor_aux : public replace_visitor { protected: virtual name mk_fresh_name() = 0; expr visit_app_default(expr const & e, expr const & fn, buffer & args) { bool modified = false; for (expr & arg : args) { expr new_arg = visit(arg); if (arg != new_arg) modified = true; arg = new_arg; } if (!modified) return e; return mk_app(fn, args); } virtual expr visit_binding(expr const & b) { expr new_domain = visit(binding_domain(b)); expr l = mk_local(mk_fresh_name(), new_domain); expr new_body = abstract(visit(instantiate(binding_body(b), l)), l); return update_binding(b, new_domain, new_body); } }; class unfold_rec_fn : public replace_visitor_aux { environment const & m_env; name_generator m_ngen; bool m_force_unfold; type_checker_ptr m_tc; type_checker_ptr m_norm_decl_tc; list m_to_unfold; occurrence m_occs; unsigned m_occ_idx; virtual name mk_fresh_name() { return m_ngen.next(); } static void throw_ill_formed() { throw exception("ill-formed expression"); } bool is_rec_building_part(name const & n) { if (n == get_prod_pr1_name() || n == get_prod_pr2_name()) return true; if (is_user_defined_recursor(m_env, n)) return true; if (n.is_atomic() || !n.is_string()) return false; char const * str = n.get_string(); return strcmp(str, "rec_on") == 0 || strcmp(str, "cases_on") == 0 || strcmp(str, "brec_on") == 0 || strcmp(str, "below") == 0 || strcmp(str, "no_confusion") == 0; } optional get_local_pos(buffer const & locals, expr const & e) { if (!is_local(e)) return optional(); unsigned i = 0; for (expr const & local : locals) { if (mlocal_name(local) == mlocal_name(e)) return optional(i); i++; } return optional(); } // return true if e is of the form (C.rec ...) bool is_rec_app(expr const & e, buffer const & locals, name & rec_name, buffer & indices_pos, unsigned & main_arg_pos, buffer & rec_arg_pos) { buffer args; expr fn = get_app_args(e, args); if (!is_constant(fn)) return false; optional I = inductive::is_elim_rule(m_env, const_name(fn)); rec_name = const_name(fn); if (!I) return false; if (!is_recursive_datatype(m_env, *I)) return false; unsigned major_idx = *inductive::get_elim_major_idx(m_env, const_name(fn)); unsigned nindices = *inductive::get_num_indices(m_env, *I); lean_assert(nindices <= major_idx); unsigned rel_idx = major_idx - nindices; // first index we should track // Collect position of indices (at least the ones that occur in e) while (rel_idx < args.size() && rel_idx < major_idx) { if (auto it2 = get_local_pos(locals, args[rel_idx])) { indices_pos.push_back(*it2); } else { return false; } rel_idx++; } if (major_idx >= args.size()) { // Some indices and the major premise may not occur in e because of eta-reduction main_arg_pos = locals.size() + major_idx - args.size(); for (unsigned i = rel_idx; i < major_idx; i++) indices_pos.push_back(locals.size() + i - args.size()); return true; } if (auto it = get_local_pos(locals, args[major_idx])) { main_arg_pos = *it; } else { return false; } for (unsigned i = major_idx+1; i < args.size(); i++) { if (auto it2 = get_local_pos(locals, args[i])) { rec_arg_pos.push_back(*it2); } else { return false; } } return true; } enum rec_kind { BREC, REC, NOREC }; // try to detect the kind of recursive definition rec_kind get_rec_kind(expr const & e, buffer const & locals, name & rec_name, buffer & indices_pos, unsigned & main_arg_pos, buffer & rec_arg_pos) { if (is_rec_app(e, locals, rec_name, indices_pos, main_arg_pos, rec_arg_pos)) return REC; buffer args; expr fn = get_app_args(e, args); if (is_constant(fn) && const_name(fn) == inductive::get_elim_name(get_prod_name()) && args.size() >= 5) { // try do detect brec_on pattern if (is_rec_app(args[4], locals, rec_name, indices_pos, main_arg_pos, rec_arg_pos) && // for brec, eta is not applicable, so main_arg_pos must be < locals.size() main_arg_pos < locals.size()) { for (unsigned i = 5; i < args.size(); i++) { if (auto it2 = get_local_pos(locals, args[i])) { rec_arg_pos.push_back(*it2); } else { return NOREC; } } return BREC; } } return NOREC; } // just unfold the application without trying to fold recursive call expr unfold_simple(expr const & fn, buffer & args) { expr new_app = mk_app(fn, args); if (auto r = unfold_term(m_env, new_app)) { return visit(*r); } else { return new_app; } } expr get_fn_decl(expr const & fn, buffer & locals) { lean_assert(is_constant(fn)); declaration decl = m_env.get(const_name(fn)); if (length(const_levels(fn)) != decl.get_num_univ_params()) throw_ill_formed(); expr fn_body = instantiate_value_univ_params(decl, const_levels(fn)); while (is_lambda(fn_body)) { expr local = mk_local(m_ngen.next(), binding_domain(fn_body)); locals.push_back(local); fn_body = instantiate(binding_body(fn_body), local); } return m_norm_decl_tc->whnf(fn_body).first; } struct fold_failed {}; struct fold_rec_fn : public replace_visitor_aux { type_checker_ptr & m_tc; expr m_fn; // function being unfolded buffer const & m_args; // arguments of the function being unfolded rec_kind m_kind; name m_rec_name; unsigned m_major_idx; // position of the major premise in the recursor buffer const & m_indices_pos; // position of the datatype indices in the function being unfolded unsigned m_main_pos; // position of the (recursive) argument in the function being unfolded buffer const & m_rec_arg_pos; // position of the other arguments that are not fixed in the recursion name m_prod_rec_name; fold_rec_fn(type_checker_ptr & tc, expr const & fn, buffer const & args, rec_kind k, name const & rec_name, buffer const & indices_pos, unsigned main_pos, buffer const & rec_arg_pos): m_tc(tc), m_fn(fn), m_args(args), m_kind(k), m_rec_name(rec_name), m_major_idx(*inductive::get_elim_major_idx(m_tc->env(), rec_name)), m_indices_pos(indices_pos), m_main_pos(main_pos), m_rec_arg_pos(rec_arg_pos) { m_prod_rec_name = inductive::get_elim_name(get_prod_name()); lean_assert(m_main_pos < args.size()); lean_assert(std::all_of(rec_arg_pos.begin(), rec_arg_pos.end(), [&](unsigned pos) { return pos < args.size(); })); } virtual name mk_fresh_name() { return m_tc->mk_fresh_name(); } expr fold_rec(expr const & e, buffer const & args) { if (args.size() != m_major_idx + 1 + m_rec_arg_pos.size()) throw fold_failed(); buffer new_args; new_args.append(m_args); unsigned nindices = m_indices_pos.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_indices_pos.size(); i++) { new_args[m_indices_pos[i]] = args[m_major_idx - nindices + i]; } new_args[m_main_pos] = args[m_major_idx]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_rec_arg_pos.size(); i++) { new_args[m_rec_arg_pos[i]] = args[m_major_idx + 1 + i]; } expr folded_app = mk_app(m_fn, new_args); if (!m_tc->is_def_eq(folded_app, e).first) throw fold_failed(); return folded_app; } expr fold_brec_core(expr const & e, buffer const & args, unsigned prefix_size, unsigned major_pos) { if (args.size() != prefix_size + m_rec_arg_pos.size()) { throw fold_failed(); } buffer nested_args; get_app_args(args[major_pos], nested_args); if (nested_args.size() != m_major_idx+1) { throw fold_failed(); } buffer new_args; new_args.append(m_args); unsigned nindices = m_indices_pos.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_indices_pos.size(); i++) { new_args[m_indices_pos[i]] = nested_args[m_major_idx - nindices + i]; } new_args[m_main_pos] = nested_args[m_major_idx]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_rec_arg_pos.size(); i++) { new_args[m_rec_arg_pos[i]] = args[prefix_size + i]; } expr folded_app = mk_app(m_fn, new_args); if (!m_tc->is_def_eq(folded_app, e).first) throw fold_failed(); return folded_app; } expr fold_brec_pr1(expr const & e, buffer const & args) { return fold_brec_core(e, args, 3, 1); } expr fold_brec_prod_rec(expr const & e, buffer const & args) { return fold_brec_core(e, args, 5, 4); } virtual expr visit_app(expr const & e) { buffer args; expr fn = get_app_args(e, args); if (m_kind == REC && is_constant(fn) && const_name(fn) == m_rec_name) return fold_rec(e, args); if (m_kind == BREC && is_constant(fn) && const_name(fn) == get_prod_pr1_name() && args.size() >= 3) { expr rec_fn = get_app_fn(args[1]); if (is_constant(rec_fn) && const_name(rec_fn) == m_rec_name) return fold_brec_pr1(e, args); } if (m_kind == BREC && is_constant(fn) && const_name(fn) == m_prod_rec_name && args.size() >= 5) { expr rec_fn = get_app_fn(args[4]); if (is_constant(rec_fn) && const_name(rec_fn) == m_rec_name) return fold_brec_prod_rec(e, args); } return visit_app_default(e, fn, args); } }; expr unfold(expr const & fn, buffer args) { buffer fn_locals; expr fn_body = get_fn_decl(fn, fn_locals); if (args.size() < fn_locals.size()) { // insufficient args return unfold_simple(fn, args); } name rec_name; unsigned main_pos = 0; buffer indices_pos; buffer rec_arg_pos; rec_kind k = get_rec_kind(fn_body, fn_locals, rec_name, indices_pos, main_pos, rec_arg_pos); if (k == NOREC || main_pos >= args.size()) { // norecursive definition return unfold_simple(fn, args); } unsigned rest = main_pos >= fn_locals.size() ? main_pos+1 : fn_locals.size(); for (unsigned i = rest; i < args.size(); i++) rec_arg_pos.push_back(i); auto new_main_cs = m_tc->whnf(args[main_pos]); if (!is_constructor_app(m_env, new_main_cs.first) || new_main_cs.second) { // argument is not a constructor or constraints were generated throw fold_failed(); } args[main_pos] = new_main_cs.first; expr fn_body_abst = abstract_locals(fn_body, fn_locals.size(), fn_locals.data()); expr new_e = instantiate_rev(fn_body_abst, fn_locals.size(), args.data()); new_e = mk_app(new_e, args.size() - fn_locals.size(), args.data() + fn_locals.size()); auto new_e_cs = m_norm_decl_tc->whnf(new_e); if (new_e_cs.second) { // constraints were generated throw fold_failed(); } new_e = new_e_cs.first; expr const new_head = get_app_fn(new_e); // TODO(Leo): create an option for the following conditions? // if (is_constant(new_head) && inductive::is_elim_rule(m_env, const_name(new_head))) { // //head is a recursor... so the unfold is probably not generating a nice result... // throw fold_failed(); // } return fold_rec_fn(m_tc, fn, args, k, rec_name, indices_pos, main_pos, rec_arg_pos)(new_e); } bool unfold_cnst(expr const & e) { if (!is_constant(e)) return false; if (std::find(m_to_unfold.begin(), m_to_unfold.end(), const_name(e)) == m_to_unfold.end()) return false; m_occ_idx++; return m_occs.contains(m_occ_idx); } virtual expr visit_app(expr const & e) { buffer args; expr fn = get_app_args(e, args); bool modified = false; for (expr & arg : args) { expr new_arg = visit(arg); if (arg != new_arg) modified = true; arg = new_arg; } if (unfold_cnst(fn)) { try { return unfold(fn, args); } catch (fold_failed &) { if (m_force_unfold) return unfold_simple(fn, args); } } if (!modified) { return e; } else { return mk_app(fn, args); } } virtual expr visit_constant(expr const & e) { if (unfold_cnst(e)) { if (auto r = unfold_term(m_env, e)) return *r; } return e; } public: unfold_rec_fn(environment const & env, name_generator && ngen, bool force_unfold, list const & to_unfold, occurrence const & occs): m_env(env), m_ngen(ngen), m_force_unfold(force_unfold), m_tc(mk_type_checker(m_env, m_ngen.mk_child(), [](name const &) { return false; })), m_norm_decl_tc(mk_type_checker(m_env, m_ngen.mk_child(), [&](name const & n) { return !is_rec_building_part(n); })), m_to_unfold(to_unfold), m_occs(occs), m_occ_idx(0) {} expr operator()(expr const & e) { m_occ_idx = 0; return replace_visitor_aux::operator()(e); } }; optional unfold_rec(environment const & env, name_generator && ngen, bool force_unfold, expr const & e, list const & to_unfold, occurrence const & occs) { try { expr r = unfold_rec_fn(env, std::move(ngen), force_unfold, to_unfold, occs)(e); if (r == e) return none_expr(); return some_expr(r); } catch (exception &) { return none_expr(); } } }