Compiling Lean with Split Stacks ================================ [Split stacks]( is a relatively new feature in gcc. It allows the stack to grown automatically as needed. There is a small performance penalty since the program stack is stored in the heap. However, we can have multiple threads, each starting with a small stack, and have the stack grow and shrink as required by the program. In principle, it is possible to build a program that uses split-stacks with libraries that do not. However, it did not work in our experiments. To be able to compile Lean with split-stacks, we also have to compile GMP, MPFR and Lua using split-stacks. We also had to use the [gold linker]( Gold linker ----------- The gold linker is called `` (in our test system). On Ubuntu, you can install it by executing sudo apt-get install binutils-gold Before we compiled GMP, MPFR, Lua, and Lean, we created an alias alias If everything is working correctly, when we execute `ld --version`, we should get an output like the following one: GNU gold (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu 2.22) 1.11 Copyright 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ... Compiling GMP using split-stacks -------------------------------- Download GMP from [](; uncompress the gmp tar-ball at `$HOME/tools`; and configure it using ./configure CFLAGS=-fsplit-stack --prefix=$HOME/tools/split-stack --enable-static Then, build and install using make make install We should have the file `libgmp.a` at `$HOME/tools/split-stack/lib`. Compiling MPFR using split-stacks ---------------------------------- Download MPFR from [](; uncompress the mpfr tar-ball at `$HOME/tools`; and configure it using ./configure CFLAGS=-fsplit-stack --prefix=$HOME/tools/split-stack --with-gmp-include=$HOME/tools/split-stack/include --with-gmp-lib=$HOME/tools/split-stack/lib --enable-static Make sure MPFR does not produce any warning/error message. Then, build and install using: make make install We should have the file `libmpfr.a` at `$HOME/tools/split-stack/lib`. Compiling Lua using split-stacks -------------------------------- Download Lua from [](; uncompress the Lua tar-ball at `$HOME/tools`. Then, modify the following line in the file `src/Makefile` in the Lua directory. CFLAGS= -O2 -Wall -DLUA_COMPAT_ALL $(SYSCFLAGS) $(MYCFLAGS) We should include the option `-fsplit-stack` CFLAGS= -O2 -fsplit-stack -Wall -DLUA_COMPAT_ALL $(SYSCFLAGS) $(MYCFLAGS) Then, build and install using make linux make linux install INSTALL_TOP=$HOME/tools/split-stack We should have the file `liblua.a` at `$HOME/tools/split-stack/lib`. Compiling Lean using split-stacks -------------------------------- Go to the Lean directory, and create the folder `build/release` mkdir build/release Configure Lean using cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -D TCMALLOC=OFF -D LUA_LIBRARIES=$HOME/tools/split-stack/lib/liblua.a -D LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$HOME/tool/split-stack/include -D GMP_INCLUDE_DIR=$HOME/tools/split-stack/include -D GMP_LIBRARIES=$HOME/tools/split-stack/lib/libgmp.a -D MPFR_LIBRARIES=$HOME/tools/split-stack/lib/libmpfr.a ../../src Remark: if you have ninja build tool installed in your system, you can also provide `-G Ninja` Then, build using make and, test it yes "C" | ctest The Lean executable will be located at `build/release/shell/lean`.