/* Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include #include #include #include #include "util/optional.h" #include "util/name.h" #include "util/rb_map.h" #include "util/buffer.h" #include "util/interrupt.h" #include "kernel/environment.h" #include "library/module.h" #include "library/choice.h" #include "library/placeholder.h" #include "library/explicit.h" #include "frontends/lean/parser.h" #include "frontends/lean/util.h" namespace lean { struct calc_ext : public environment_extension { typedef rb_map, name_quick_cmp> refl_table; typedef rb_map, name_pair_quick_cmp> trans_table; optional m_subst; unsigned m_subst_num_args; trans_table m_trans_table; refl_table m_refl_table; calc_ext():m_subst_num_args(0) {} }; struct calc_ext_reg { unsigned m_ext_id; calc_ext_reg() { m_ext_id = environment::register_extension(std::make_shared()); } }; static calc_ext_reg g_ext; static calc_ext const & get_extension(environment const & env) { return static_cast(env.get_extension(g_ext.m_ext_id)); } static environment update(environment const & env, calc_ext const & ext) { return env.update(g_ext.m_ext_id, std::make_shared(ext)); } static expr extract_arg_types(environment const & env, name const & f, buffer & arg_types) { expr f_type = env.get(f).get_type(); while (is_pi(f_type)) { arg_types.push_back(binding_domain(f_type)); f_type = binding_body(f_type); } return f_type; } // Check whether e is of the form (f ...) where f is a constant. If it is return f. static name const & get_fn_const(expr const & e, char const * msg) { expr const & fn = get_app_fn(e); if (!is_constant(fn)) throw exception(msg); return const_name(fn); } static std::string g_calc_subst_key("calcs"); static std::string g_calc_refl_key("calcr"); static std::string g_calc_trans_key("calct"); environment add_calc_subst(environment const & env, name const & subst) { buffer arg_types; expr r_type = extract_arg_types(env, subst, arg_types); unsigned nargs = arg_types.size(); if (nargs < 2) throw exception("invalid calc substitution theorem, it must have at least 2 arguments"); calc_ext ext = get_extension(env); ext.m_subst = subst; ext.m_subst_num_args = nargs; environment new_env = module::add(env, g_calc_subst_key, [=](serializer & s) { s << subst << nargs; }); return update(new_env, ext); } environment add_calc_refl(environment const & env, name const & refl) { buffer arg_types; expr r_type = extract_arg_types(env, refl, arg_types); unsigned nargs = arg_types.size(); if (nargs < 1) throw exception("invalid calc reflexivity rule, it must have at least 1 argument"); name const & rop = get_fn_const(r_type, "invalid calc reflexivity rule, result type must be an operator application"); calc_ext ext = get_extension(env); ext.m_refl_table.insert(rop, mk_pair(refl, nargs)); environment new_env = module::add(env, g_calc_refl_key, [=](serializer & s) { s << rop << refl << nargs; }); return update(new_env, ext); } environment add_calc_trans(environment const & env, name const & trans) { buffer arg_types; expr r_type = extract_arg_types(env, trans, arg_types); unsigned nargs = arg_types.size(); if (nargs < 5) throw exception("invalid calc transitivity rule, it must have at least 5 arguments"); name const & rop = get_fn_const(r_type, "invalid calc transitivity rule, result type must be an operator application"); name const & op1 = get_fn_const(arg_types[nargs-2], "invalid calc transitivity rule, penultimate argument must be an operator application"); name const & op2 = get_fn_const(arg_types[nargs-1], "invalid calc transitivity rule, last argument must be an operator application"); calc_ext ext = get_extension(env); ext.m_trans_table.insert(name_pair(op1, op2), std::make_tuple(trans, rop, nargs)); environment new_env = module::add(env, g_calc_trans_key, [=](serializer & s) { s << op1 << op2 << trans << rop << nargs; }); return update(new_env, ext); } static void calc_subst_reader(deserializer & d, module_idx, shared_environment &, std::function &, std::function & add_delayed_update) { name subst; unsigned nargs; d >> subst >> nargs; add_delayed_update([=](environment const & env, io_state const &) -> environment { calc_ext ext = get_extension(env); ext.m_subst = subst; ext.m_subst_num_args = nargs; return update(env, ext); }); } register_module_object_reader_fn g_calc_subst_reader(g_calc_subst_key, calc_subst_reader); static void calc_refl_reader(deserializer & d, module_idx, shared_environment &, std::function &, std::function & add_delayed_update) { name rop, refl; unsigned nargs; d >> rop >> refl >> nargs; add_delayed_update([=](environment const & env, io_state const &) -> environment { calc_ext ext = get_extension(env); ext.m_refl_table.insert(rop, mk_pair(refl, nargs)); return update(env, ext); }); } register_module_object_reader_fn g_calc_refl_reader(g_calc_refl_key, calc_refl_reader); static void calc_trans_reader(deserializer & d, module_idx, shared_environment &, std::function &, std::function & add_delayed_update) { name op1, op2, trans, rop; unsigned nargs; d >> op1 >> op2 >> trans >> rop >> nargs; add_delayed_update([=](environment const & env, io_state const &) -> environment { calc_ext ext = get_extension(env); ext.m_trans_table.insert(name_pair(op1, op2), std::make_tuple(trans, rop, nargs)); return update(env, ext); }); } register_module_object_reader_fn g_calc_trans_reader(g_calc_trans_key, calc_trans_reader); environment calc_subst_cmd(parser & p) { name id = p.check_constant_next("invalid 'calc_subst' command, constant expected"); return add_calc_subst(p.env(), id); } environment calc_refl_cmd(parser & p) { name id = p.check_constant_next("invalid 'calc_refl' command, constant expected"); return add_calc_refl(p.env(), id); } environment calc_trans_cmd(parser & p) { name id = p.check_constant_next("invalid 'calc_trans' command, constant expected"); return add_calc_trans(p.env(), id); } void register_calc_cmds(cmd_table & r) { add_cmd(r, cmd_info("calc_subst", "set the substitution rule that is used by the calculational proof '{...}' notation", calc_subst_cmd)); add_cmd(r, cmd_info("calc_refl", "set the reflexivity rule for an operator, this command is relevant for the calculational proof '{...}' notation", calc_refl_cmd)); add_cmd(r, cmd_info("calc_trans", "set the transitivity rule for a pair of operators, this command is relevant for the calculational proof '{...}' notation", calc_trans_cmd)); } typedef std::tuple calc_pred; typedef std::pair calc_step; inline name const & pred_op(calc_pred const & p) { return std::get<0>(p); } inline expr const & pred_lhs(calc_pred const & p) { return std::get<1>(p); } inline expr const & pred_rhs(calc_pred const & p) { return std::get<2>(p); } inline calc_pred const & step_pred(calc_step const & s) { return s.first; } inline expr const & step_proof(calc_step const & s) { return s.second; } static name g_lcurly("{"); static name g_rcurly("}"); static name g_ellipsis("..."); static name g_colon(":"); static void decode_expr_core(expr const & e, buffer & preds) { buffer args; expr const & fn = get_app_args(e, args); if (!is_constant(fn)) return; unsigned nargs = args.size(); if (nargs < 2) return; preds.emplace_back(const_name(fn), args[nargs-2], args[nargs-1]); } // Check whether e is of the form (f ...) where f is a constant. If it is return f. static void decode_expr(expr const & e, buffer & preds, pos_info const & pos) { preds.clear(); if (is_choice(e)) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < get_num_choices(e); i++) decode_expr_core(get_choice(e, i), preds); } else { decode_expr_core(e, preds); } if (preds.empty()) throw parser_error("invalid 'calc' expression, expression must be a function application 'f a_1 ... a_k' " "where f is a constant, and k >= 2", pos); } // Create (op _ _ ... _) static expr mk_op_fn(parser & p, name const & op, unsigned num_placeholders, pos_info const & pos) { expr r = p.save_pos(mk_explicit(mk_constant(op)), pos); while (num_placeholders > 0) { num_placeholders--; r = p.mk_app(r, p.save_pos(mk_expr_placeholder(), pos), pos); } return r; } static void parse_calc_proof(parser & p, buffer const & preds, std::vector & steps) { steps.clear(); auto pos = p.pos(); p.check_token_next(g_colon, "invalid 'calc' expression, ':' expected"); if (p.curr_is_token(g_lcurly)) { p.next(); expr pr = p.parse_expr(); p.check_token_next(g_rcurly, "invalid 'calc' expression, '}' expected"); calc_ext const & ext = get_extension(p.env()); if (!ext.m_subst) throw parser_error("invalid 'calc' expression, substitution rule was not defined with calc_subst command", pos); for (auto const & pred : preds) { auto refl_it = ext.m_refl_table.find(pred_op(pred)); if (refl_it) { expr refl = mk_op_fn(p, refl_it->first, refl_it->second-1, pos); expr refl_pr = p.mk_app(refl, pred_lhs(pred), pos); expr subst = mk_op_fn(p, *ext.m_subst, ext.m_subst_num_args-2, pos); expr subst_pr = p.mk_app({subst, pr, refl_pr}, pos); steps.emplace_back(pred, subst_pr); } } if (steps.empty()) throw parser_error("invalid 'calc' expression, reflexivity rule is not defined for operator", pos); } else { expr pr = p.parse_expr(); for (auto const & pred : preds) steps.emplace_back(pred, pr); } } /** \brief Collect distinct rhs's */ static void collect_rhss(std::vector const & steps, buffer & rhss) { rhss.clear(); for (auto const & step : steps) { calc_pred const & pred = step_pred(step); expr const & rhs = pred_rhs(pred); if (std::find(rhss.begin(), rhss.end(), rhs) == rhss.end()) rhss.push_back(rhs); } lean_assert(!rhss.empty()); } static void join(parser & p, std::vector const & steps1, std::vector const & steps2, std::vector & res_steps, pos_info const & pos) { res_steps.clear(); calc_ext const & ext = get_extension(p.env()); for (calc_step const & s1 : steps1) { check_interrupted(); calc_pred const & pred1 = step_pred(s1); expr const & pr1 = step_proof(s1); for (calc_step const & s2 : steps2) { calc_pred const & pred2 = step_pred(s2); expr const & pr2 = step_proof(s2); if (!is_eqp(pred_rhs(pred1), pred_lhs(pred2))) continue; auto trans_it = ext.m_trans_table.find(name_pair(pred_op(pred1), pred_op(pred2))); if (!trans_it) continue; expr trans = mk_op_fn(p, std::get<0>(*trans_it), std::get<2>(*trans_it)-5, pos); expr trans_pr = p.mk_app({trans, pred_lhs(pred1), pred_rhs(pred1), pred_rhs(pred2), pr1, pr2}, pos); res_steps.emplace_back(calc_pred(std::get<1>(*trans_it), pred_lhs(pred1), pred_rhs(pred2)), trans_pr); } } } expr parse_calc(parser & p) { buffer preds, new_preds; buffer rhss; std::vector steps, new_steps, next_steps; auto pos = p.pos(); decode_expr(p.parse_expr(), preds, pos); parse_calc_proof(p, preds, steps); expr dummy = mk_expr_placeholder(); while (p.curr_is_token(g_ellipsis)) { pos = p.pos(); p.next(); decode_expr(p.parse_led(dummy), preds, pos); collect_rhss(steps, rhss); new_steps.clear(); for (auto const & pred : preds) { if (is_eqp(pred_lhs(pred), dummy)) { for (expr const & rhs : rhss) new_preds.emplace_back(pred_op(pred), rhs, pred_rhs(pred)); } } if (new_preds.empty()) throw parser_error("invalid 'calc' expression, invalid expression", pos); parse_calc_proof(p, new_preds, new_steps); join(p, steps, new_steps, next_steps, pos); if (next_steps.empty()) throw parser_error("invalid 'calc' expression, transitivity rule is not defined for current step", pos); steps.swap(next_steps); } buffer choices; for (auto const & s : steps) choices.push_back(step_proof(s)); return p.save_pos(mk_choice(choices.size(), choices.data()), pos); } }