More results from the Spectral repository are moved to this library Also make various type-class arguments of truncatedness and equivalences which were hard to synthesize explicit
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import types.trunc types.bool
open eq bool equiv sigma sigma.ops trunc is_trunc pi
namespace choice
universe variable u
-- 3.8.1. The axiom of choice.
definition AC [reducible] := Π (X : Type.{u}) (A : X -> Type.{u}) (P : Π x, A x -> Type.{u}),
is_set X -> (Π x, is_set (A x)) -> (Π x a, is_prop (P x a)) ->
(Π x, ∥ Σ a, P x a ∥) -> ∥ Σ f, Π x, P x (f x) ∥
-- 3.8.3. Corresponds to the assertion that
-- "the cartesian product of a family of nonempty sets is nonempty".
definition AC_cart [reducible] := Π (X : Type.{u}) (A : X -> Type.{u}),
is_set X -> (Π x, is_set (A x)) -> (Π x, ∥ A x ∥) -> ∥ Π x, A x ∥
-- A slight variant of AC with a modified (equivalent) codomain.
definition AC' [reducible] := Π (X : Type.{u}) (A : X -> Type.{u}) (P : Π x, A x -> Type.{u}),
is_set X -> (Π x, is_set (A x)) -> (Π x a, is_prop (P x a))
-> (Π x, ∥ Σ a, P x a ∥) -> ∥ Π x, Σ a : A x, P x a ∥
-- The equivalence of AC and AC' follows from the equivalence of their codomains.
definition AC_equiv_AC' : AC.{u} ≃ AC'.{u} :=
(λ H X A P HX HA HP HI, trunc_functor _ (to_fun !sigma_pi_equiv_pi_sigma) (H X A P HX HA HP HI))
(λ H X A P HX HA HP HI, trunc_functor _ (to_inv !sigma_pi_equiv_pi_sigma) (H X A P HX HA HP HI))
_ _
-- AC_cart can be derived from AC' by setting P := λ _ _ , unit.
definition AC_cart_of_AC' : AC'.{u} -> AC_cart.{u} :=
λ H X A HX HA HI, trunc_functor _ (λ H0 x, (H0 x).1)
(H X A (λ x a, lift.{0 u} unit) HX HA (λ x a, !is_trunc_lift)
(λ x, trunc_functor _ (λ a, ⟨a, lift.up.{0 u} unit.star⟩) (HI x)))
-- And the converse, by setting A := λ x, Σ a, P x a.
definition AC'_of_AC_cart : AC_cart.{u} -> AC'.{u} :=
by intro H X A P HX HA HP HI;
apply H X (λ x, Σ a, P x a) HX (λ x, !is_trunc_sigma) HI
-- Which is enough to show AC' ≃ AC_cart, since both are props.
definition AC'_equiv_AC_cart : AC'.{u} ≃ AC_cart.{u} :=
equiv_of_is_prop AC_cart_of_AC'.{u} AC'_of_AC_cart.{u} _ _
-- 3.8.2. AC ≃ AC_cart follows by transitivity.
definition AC_equiv_AC_cart : AC.{u} ≃ AC_cart.{u} :=
equiv.trans AC_equiv_AC' AC'_equiv_AC_cart
namespace example385
definition X : Type.{1} := Σ A : Type.{0}, ∥ A = bool ∥
definition x0 : X := ⟨bool, merely.intro _ rfl⟩
definition Y : X -> Type.{1} := λ x, x0 = x
definition not_is_set_X : ¬ is_set X :=
intro H, apply not_is_prop_bool_eq_bool,
apply @is_trunc_equiv_closed (x0 = x0),
apply equiv.symm !equiv_subtype, exact _
definition is_set_x1 (x : X) : is_set x.1 :=
by cases x; induction a_1; cases a_1; exact _
definition is_set_Yx (x : X) : is_set (Y x) :=
apply @is_trunc_equiv_closed _ _ _ !equiv_subtype,
apply @is_trunc_equiv_closed _ _ _ (equiv.symm !eq_equiv_equiv),
apply is_trunc_equiv; repeat (apply is_set_x1)
definition trunc_Yx (x : X) : ∥ Y x ∥ :=
cases x, induction a_1, apply merely.intro,
apply to_fun !equiv_subtype, rewrite a_1
end example385
open example385
-- 3.8.5. There exists a type X and a family Y : X → U such that each Y(x) is a set,
-- but such that (3.8.3) is false.
definition X_must_be_set : Σ (X : Type.{1}) (Y : X -> Type.{1})
(HA : Π x : X, is_set (Y x)), ¬ ((Π x : X, ∥ Y x ∥) -> ∥ Π x : X, Y x ∥) :=
⟨X, Y, is_set_Yx, λ H, trunc.rec_on (H trunc_Yx)
(λ H0, not_is_set_X (@is_trunc_of_is_contr _ _ (is_contr.mk x0 H0)))⟩
end choice