Leonardo de Moura 9637ceb86e feat(frontends/lean): allow user to provide a terminator for 'foldr' and 'foldl'
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2014-07-30 15:04:44 -07:00

142 lines
5.4 KiB

Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "util/buffer.h"
#include "util/lua.h"
#include "kernel/expr.h"
#include "frontends/lean/token_table.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parser_pos_provider.h"
namespace lean {
class parser;
namespace notation {
typedef std::function<expr(parser &, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const &)> parse_fn;
enum class action_kind { Skip, Expr, Exprs, Binder, Binders, ScopedExpr, Ext, LuaExt };
struct action_cell;
\brief Action that must be performed after a token is consumed.
The possible actions are:
- Skip: do nothing, just consume the token.
- Expr: parse a Lean expression using a given right-binding-power (rbp).
- Exprs: parse a sequence of expressions separated by a given token.
The expressions are parsed using the given right-binding-power (rbp).
The multiple expressions are combined into a single expression by folding them
using an expression (rec) with two free variables and an initial element, fold left and right are supported.
- Binder: parse a single Lean binder.
- Binders: parse a sequence of Lean binders.
- ScopedExpr: parse an expression using the previous binder(s).
The resulting expression is computed using an expression (rec) with one free variable.
- Ext: invokes an external procedure parse_fn. This is used to define notation that does
complicated notation.
The parse_table datastructure applies "left factoring" when actions are "compatible".
\remark Ext actions are never compatible with anything.
class action {
action_cell * m_ptr;
explicit action(action_cell * ptr);
static action g_skip_action;
static action g_binder_action;
static action g_binders_action;
action(action const & s);
action(action && s);
action & operator=(action const & s);
action & operator=(action && s);
friend action mk_skip_action();
friend action mk_expr_action(unsigned rbp);
friend action mk_exprs_action(name const & sep, expr const & rec, expr const & ini, optional<name> const & terminator, bool right, unsigned rbp);
friend action mk_binder_action();
friend action mk_binders_action();
friend action mk_scoped_expr_action(expr const & rec, unsigned rbp, bool lambda);
friend action mk_ext_action(parse_fn const & fn);
friend action mk_ext_lua_action(char const * lua_fn);
action_kind kind() const;
unsigned rbp() const;
name const & get_sep() const;
expr const & get_rec() const;
expr const & get_initial() const;
optional<name> const & get_terminator() const;
bool is_fold_right() const;
bool use_lambda_abstraction() const;
parse_fn const & get_parse_fn() const;
std::string const & get_lua_fn() const;
bool is_equal(action const & a) const;
void display(std::ostream & out) const;
action mk_skip_action();
action mk_expr_action(unsigned rbp = 0);
action mk_exprs_action(name const & sep, expr const & rec, expr const & ini, optional<name> const & terminator, bool right, unsigned rbp = 0);
action mk_binder_action();
action mk_binders_action();
action mk_scoped_expr_action(expr const & rec, unsigned rbp = 0, bool lambda = true);
action mk_ext_action(parse_fn const & fn);
action mk_ext_lua_action(char const * lua_fn);
/** \brief Apply \c f to expressions embedded in the given action */
action replace(action const & a, std::function<expr(expr const &)> const & f);
class transition {
name m_token;
action m_action;
transition(name const & t, action const & a):
m_token(t), m_action(a) {}
name const & get_token() const { return m_token; }
action const & get_action() const { return m_action; }
/** \brief Apply \c f to expressions embedded in the given transition */
transition replace(transition const & t, std::function<expr(expr const &)> const & f);
\brief Parse table "transition rules" for implementing a Pratt's parser.
The table supports "left factoring" in the methods \c add and \c merge.
class parse_table {
struct cell;
cell * m_ptr;
explicit parse_table(cell * c);
parse_table add_core(unsigned num, transition const * ts, expr const & a, bool overload) const;
void for_each(buffer<transition> & ts, std::function<void(unsigned, transition const *, list<expr> const &)> const & fn) const;
parse_table(bool nud = true);
parse_table(parse_table const & s);
parse_table(parse_table && s);
parse_table & operator=(parse_table const & n);
parse_table & operator=(parse_table&& n);
bool is_nud() const;
parse_table add(unsigned num, transition const * ts, expr const & a, bool overload) const;
parse_table add(std::initializer_list<transition> const & ts, expr const & a) const {
return add(ts.size(), ts.begin(), a, true);
parse_table merge(parse_table const & s, bool overload) const;
optional<std::pair<action, parse_table>> find(name const & tk) const;
list<expr> const & is_accepting() const;
void for_each(std::function<void(unsigned, transition const *, list<expr> const &)> const & fn) const;
void display(std::ostream & out) const;
typedef notation::parse_table parse_table;
void open_parse_table(lua_State * L);