The new command provides a uniform way to set declaration attributes. It replaces the commands: class, instance, coercion, multiple_instances, reducible, irreducible
27 lines
447 B
27 lines
447 B
import logic
namespace experiment
constant nat : Type.{1}
constant int : Type.{1}
constant nat_add : nat → nat → nat
infixl `+` := nat_add
constant int_add : int → int → int
infixl `+` := int_add
constant of_nat : nat → int
attribute of_nat [coercion]
constants a b : nat
constants i j : int
definition c1 := a + b
theorem T1 : c1 = nat_add a b :=
eq.refl _
definition c2 := i + j
theorem T2 : c2 = int_add i j :=
eq.refl _