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Copyright (c) 2015 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
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Author: Jeremy Avigad
Normed spaces.
import algebra.module .metric_space
open real nat classical topology analysis analysis.metric_space
noncomputable theory
structure has_norm [class] (M : Type) : Type :=
(norm : M → )
namespace analysis
definition norm {M : Type} [has_normM : has_norm M] (v : M) : := has_norm.norm v
notation `∥`v`∥` := norm v
end analysis
/- real vector spaces -/
-- where is the right place to put this?
structure real_vector_space [class] (V : Type) extends vector_space V
variables {V : Type} [real_vector_space V]
-- these specializations help the elaborator when it is hard to infer the ring, e.g. with numerals
proposition smul_left_distrib_real (a : ) (u v : V) : a • (u + v) = a • u + a • v :=
smul_left_distrib a u v
proposition smul_right_distrib_real (a b : ) (u : V) : (a + b) • u = a • u + b • u :=
smul_right_distrib a b u
proposition mul_smul_real (a : ) (b : ) (u : V) : (a * b) • u = a • (b • u) :=
mul_smul a b u
proposition one_smul_real (u : V) : (1 : ) • u = u := one_smul u
proposition zero_smul_real (u : V) : (0 : ) • u = 0 := zero_smul u
proposition smul_zero_real (a : ) : a • (0 : V) = 0 := smul_zero a
proposition neg_smul_real (a : ) (u : V) : (-a) • u = - (a • u) := neg_smul a u
proposition neg_one_smul_real (u : V) : -(1 : ) • u = -u := neg_one_smul u
proposition smul_neg_real (a : ) (u : V) : a • (-u) = -(a • u) := smul_neg a u
/- real normed vector spaces -/
structure normed_vector_space [class] (V : Type) extends real_vector_space V, has_norm V :=
(norm_zero : norm zero = 0)
(eq_zero_of_norm_eq_zero : ∀ u : V, norm u = 0 → u = zero)
(norm_triangle : ∀ u v, norm (add u v) ≤ norm u + norm v)
(norm_smul : ∀ (a : ) (v : V), norm (smul a v) = abs a * norm v)
namespace analysis
variable {V : Type}
variable [normed_vector_space V]
proposition norm_zero : ∥ (0 : V) ∥ = 0 := !normed_vector_space.norm_zero
proposition eq_zero_of_norm_eq_zero {u : V} (H : ∥ u ∥ = 0) : u = 0 :=
!normed_vector_space.eq_zero_of_norm_eq_zero H
proposition norm_triangle (u v : V) : ∥ u + v ∥ ≤ ∥ u ∥ + ∥ v ∥ :=
proposition norm_smul (a : ) (v : V) : ∥ a • v ∥ = abs a * ∥ v ∥ :=
proposition norm_neg (v : V) : ∥ -v ∥ = ∥ v ∥ :=
have abs (1 : ) = 1, from abs_of_nonneg zero_le_one,
by rewrite [-@neg_one_smul V, norm_smul, abs_neg, this, one_mul]
proposition norm_sub (u v : V) : ∥u - v∥ = ∥v - u∥ :=
by rewrite [-norm_neg, neg_sub]
proposition norm_ne_zero_of_ne_zero {u : V} (H : u ≠ 0) : ∥u∥ ≠ 0 :=
suppose ∥u∥ = 0, H (eq_zero_of_norm_eq_zero this)
end analysis
open analysis
variable {V : Type}
variable [normed_vector_space V]
private definition nvs_dist [reducible] (u v : V) := ∥ u - v ∥
private lemma nvs_dist_self (u : V) : nvs_dist u u = 0 :=
by rewrite [↑nvs_dist, sub_self, norm_zero]
private lemma eq_of_nvs_dist_eq_zero (u v : V) (H : nvs_dist u v = 0) : u = v :=
have u - v = 0, from eq_zero_of_norm_eq_zero H,
eq_of_sub_eq_zero this
private lemma nvs_dist_triangle (u v w : V) : nvs_dist u w ≤ nvs_dist u v + nvs_dist v w :=
nvs_dist u w = ∥ (u - v) + (v - w) ∥ : by rewrite [↑nvs_dist, *sub_eq_add_neg, add.assoc,
... ≤ ∥ u - v ∥ + ∥ v - w ∥ : norm_triangle
private lemma nvs_dist_comm (u v : V) : nvs_dist u v = nvs_dist v u :=
by rewrite [↑nvs_dist, -norm_neg, neg_sub]
definition normed_vector_space_to_metric_space [trans_instance]
(V : Type) [nvsV : normed_vector_space V] :
metric_space V :=
⦃ metric_space,
dist := nvs_dist,
dist_self := nvs_dist_self,
eq_of_dist_eq_zero := eq_of_nvs_dist_eq_zero,
dist_comm := nvs_dist_comm,
dist_triangle := nvs_dist_triangle
open nat
proposition approaches_seq_norm_elim {X : → V} {x : V} (H : X ⟶ x [at ∞]) :
∀ {ε : }, ε > 0 → ∃ N₁ : , ∀ {n : }, n ≥ N₁ → ∥ X n - x ∥ < ε :=
approaches_at_infty_dest H
proposition dist_eq_norm_sub (u v : V) : dist u v = ∥ u - v ∥ := rfl
proposition norm_eq_dist_zero (u : V) : ∥ u ∥ = dist u 0 :=
by rewrite [dist_eq_norm_sub, sub_zero]
proposition norm_nonneg (u : V) : ∥ u ∥ ≥ 0 :=
by rewrite norm_eq_dist_zero; apply !dist_nonneg
proposition norm_pos_of_ne_zero {v : V} (Hv : v ≠ 0) : ∥v∥ > 0 :=
(suppose ¬ ∥v∥ > 0,
have ∥v∥ = 0, from eq_of_le_of_ge (le_of_not_gt this) !norm_nonneg,
Hv (eq_zero_of_norm_eq_zero this))
structure banach_space [class] (V : Type) extends nvsV : normed_vector_space V :=
(complete : ∀ X, @analysis.cauchy V (@normed_vector_space_to_metric_space V nvsV) X →
@analysis.converges_seq V (@normed_vector_space_to_metric_space V nvsV) X)
definition banach_space_to_metric_space [trans_instance] (V : Type) [bsV : banach_space V] :
complete_metric_space V :=
⦃ complete_metric_space, normed_vector_space_to_metric_space V,
complete := banach_space.complete
namespace analysis
-- unfold some common definitions fully (copied from metric space, updated for normed_space notation)
-- TODO: copy these for as well?
namespace normed_vector_space
open set topology set.filter
variables {M N : Type}
--variable [HU : normed_vector_space U]
variable [normed_vector_space M]
--variables {f g : U → V}
section approaches
variables {X : Type} {F : filter X} {f : X → M} {y : M}
proposition approaches_intro (H : ∀ ε, ε > 0 → eventually (λ x, ∥(f x) - y∥ < ε) F) :
(f ⟶ y) F :=
approaches_intro H
proposition approaches_dest (H : (f ⟶ y) F) {ε : } (εpos : ε > 0) :
eventually (λ x, ∥(f x) - y∥ < ε) F :=
approaches_dest H εpos
variables (F f y)
proposition approaches_iff : ((f ⟶ y) F) ↔ (∀ ε, ε > 0 → eventually (λ x, ∥(f x) - y∥ < ε) F) :=
iff.intro approaches_dest approaches_intro
end approaches
proposition approaches_at_infty_intro {f : → M} {y : M}
(H : ∀ ε, ε > 0 → ∃ N, ∀ n, n ≥ N → ∥(f n) - y∥ < ε) :
f ⟶ y [at ∞] :=
approaches_at_infty_intro H
proposition approaches_at_infty_dest {f : → M} {y : M}
(H : f ⟶ y [at ∞]) ⦃ε : ℝ⦄ (εpos : ε > 0) :
∃ N, ∀ ⦃n⦄, n ≥ N → ∥(f n) - y∥ < ε :=
approaches_at_infty_dest H εpos
proposition approaches_at_infty_iff (f : → M) (y : M) :
f ⟶ y [at ∞] ↔ (∀ ε, ε > 0 → ∃ N, ∀ ⦃n⦄, n ≥ N → ∥(f n) - y∥ < ε) :=
iff.intro approaches_at_infty_dest approaches_at_infty_intro
variable [normed_vector_space N]
proposition approaches_at_dest {f : M → N} {y : N} {x : M}
(H : f ⟶ y [at x]) ⦃ε : ℝ⦄ (εpos : ε > 0) :
∃ δ, δ > 0 ∧ ∀ ⦃x'⦄, ∥x' - x∥ < δ → x' ≠ x → ∥(f x') - y∥ < ε :=
approaches_at_dest H εpos
proposition approaches_at_intro {f : M → N} {y : N} {x : M}
(H : ∀ ε, ε > 0 → ∃ δ, δ > 0 ∧ ∀ ⦃x'⦄, ∥x' - x∥ < δ → x' ≠ x → ∥(f x') - y∥ < ε) :
f ⟶ y [at x] :=
approaches_at_intro H
proposition approaches_at_iff (f : M → N) (y : N) (x : M) : f ⟶ y [at x] ↔
(∀ ⦃ε⦄, ε > 0 → ∃ δ, δ > 0 ∧ ∀ ⦃x'⦄, ∥x' - x∥ < δ → x' ≠ x → ∥(f x') - y∥ < ε) :=
iff.intro approaches_at_dest approaches_at_intro
end normed_vector_space
variable {V : Type}
variable [normed_vector_space V]
variable {A : Type}
variables {X : A → V}
variables {x : V}
proposition neg_approaches {F} (HX : (X ⟶ x) F) :
((λ n, - X n) ⟶ - x) F :=
apply normed_vector_space.approaches_intro,
intro ε Hε,
apply set.filter.eventually_mono (approaches_dest HX Hε),
intro x' Hx',
rewrite [-norm_neg, neg_neg_sub_neg],
apply Hx'
proposition approaches_neg {F} (Hx : ((λ n, - X n) ⟶ - x) F) : (X ⟶ x) F :=
have aux : X = λ n, (- (- X n)), from funext (take n, by rewrite neg_neg),
by rewrite [aux, -neg_neg x]; exact neg_approaches Hx
proposition neg_approaches_iff {F} : (((λ n, - X n) ⟶ - x) F) ↔ ((X ⟶ x) F) :=
have aux : X = λ n, (- (- X n)), from funext (take n, by rewrite neg_neg),
iff.intro approaches_neg neg_approaches
proposition norm_approaches_zero_of_approaches_zero {F} (HX : (X ⟶ 0) F) : ((λ n, norm (X n)) ⟶ 0) F :=
apply metric_space.approaches_intro,
intro ε Hε,
apply set.filter.eventually_mono (approaches_dest HX Hε),
intro x Hx,
change abs (∥X x∥ - 0) < ε,
rewrite [sub_zero, abs_of_nonneg !norm_nonneg, -sub_zero (X x)],
apply Hx
proposition approaches_zero_of_norm_approaches_zero
{F} (HX : ((λ n, norm (X n)) ⟶ 0) F) :
(X ⟶ 0) F :=
apply normed_vector_space.approaches_intro,
intro ε Hε,
apply set.filter.eventually_mono (approaches_dest HX Hε),
intro x Hx,
apply lt_of_abs_lt,
rewrite [sub_zero, -sub_zero ∥X x∥],
apply Hx
proposition norm_approaches_zero_iff (X : → V) (F) :
(((λ n, norm (X n)) ⟶ 0) F) ↔ ((X ⟶ 0) F) :=
iff.intro approaches_zero_of_norm_approaches_zero norm_approaches_zero_of_approaches_zero
variables {U V : Type}
--variable [HU : normed_vector_space U]
variable [HV : normed_vector_space V]
variables {f g : U → V}
open set-- filter causes error??
include HV
theorem add_approaches {lf lg : V} {F : filter U} (Hf : (f ⟶ lf) F) (Hg : (g ⟶ lg) F) :
((λ y, f y + g y) ⟶ lf + lg) F :=
apply normed_vector_space.approaches_intro,
intro ε Hε,
have e2pos : ε / 2 > 0, from div_pos_of_pos_of_pos Hε two_pos,
have Hfl : filter.eventually (λ x, dist (f x) lf < ε / 2) F, from approaches_dest Hf e2pos,
have Hgl : filter.eventually (λ x, dist (g x) lg < ε / 2) F, from approaches_dest Hg e2pos,
apply filter.eventually_mono,
apply filter.eventually_and Hfl Hgl,
intro x Hfg,
rewrite [add_sub_comm, -add_halves ε],
apply lt_of_le_of_lt,
apply norm_triangle,
cases Hfg with Hf' Hg',
apply add_lt_add,
exact Hf', exact Hg'
theorem smul_approaches {lf : V} {F : filter U} (Hf : (f ⟶ lf) F) (s : ) :
((λ y, s • f y) ⟶ s • lf) F :=
apply normed_vector_space.approaches_intro,
intro ε Hε,
cases em (s = 0) with seq sneq,
{have H : (λ x, ∥(s • f x) - (s • lf)∥ < ε) = (λ x, true),
begin apply funext, intro x, rewrite [seq, 2 zero_smul, sub_zero, norm_zero, eq_true], exact Hε end,
rewrite H,
apply filter.eventually_true},
{have e2pos : ε / abs s > 0, from div_pos_of_pos_of_pos Hε (abs_pos_of_ne_zero sneq),
have H : filter.eventually (λ x, ∥(f x) - lf∥ < ε / abs s) F, from approaches_dest Hf e2pos,
apply filter.eventually_mono H,
intro x Hx,
rewrite [-smul_sub_left_distrib, norm_smul, mul.comm],
apply mul_lt_of_lt_div,
apply abs_pos_of_ne_zero sneq,
apply Hx}
namespace normed_vector_space
variables {U V : Type}
variables [HU : normed_vector_space U] [HV : normed_vector_space V]
variables {f g : U → V}
include HU HV
open set
theorem continuous_at_within_intro {x : U} {s : set U}
(H : ∀ ⦃ε⦄, ε > 0 → ∃ δ, δ > 0 ∧ ∀ ⦃x'⦄, x' ∈ s → ∥x' - x∥ < δ → ∥(f x') - (f x)∥ < ε) :
continuous_at_on f x s :=
metric_space.continuous_at_within_intro H
theorem continuous_at_on_dest {x : U} {s : set U} (Hfx : continuous_at_on f x s) :
∀ ⦃ε⦄, ε > 0 → ∃ δ, δ > 0 ∧ ∀ ⦃x'⦄, x' ∈ s → ∥x' - x∥ < δ → ∥(f x') - (f x)∥ < ε :=
metric_space.continuous_at_on_dest Hfx
theorem continuous_on_intro {s : set U}
(H : ∀ x ⦃ε⦄, ε > 0 → ∃ δ, δ > 0 ∧ ∀ ⦃x'⦄, x' ∈ s → ∥x' - x∥ < δ → ∥(f x') - (f x)∥ < ε) :
continuous_on f s :=
metric_space.continuous_on_intro H
theorem continuous_on_dest {s : set U} (H : continuous_on f s) {x : U} (Hxs : x ∈ s) :
∀ ⦃ε⦄, ε > 0 → ∃ δ, δ > 0 ∧ ∀ ⦃x'⦄, x' ∈ s → ∥x' - x∥ < δ → ∥(f x') - (f x)∥ < ε :=
metric_space.continuous_on_dest H Hxs
theorem continuous_intro
(H : ∀ x ⦃ε⦄, ε > 0 → ∃ δ, δ > 0 ∧ ∀ ⦃x'⦄, ∥x' - x∥ < δ → ∥(f x') - (f x)∥ < ε) :
continuous f :=
metric_space.continuous_intro H
theorem continuous_dest (H : continuous f) (x : U) :
∀ ⦃ε⦄, ε > 0 → ∃ δ, δ > 0 ∧ ∀ ⦃x'⦄, ∥x' - x∥ < δ → ∥(f x') - (f x)∥ < ε :=
metric_space.continuous_dest H x
theorem continuous_at_intro {x : U}
(H : ∀ ε : , ε > 0 → (∃ δ : , δ > 0 ∧ ∀ x' : U, ∥x' - x∥ < δ → ∥f x' - f x∥ < ε)) :
continuous_at f x :=
metric_space.continuous_at_intro H
theorem continuous_at_dest {x : U} (H : continuous_at f x) :
∀ ε : , ε > 0 → (∃ δ : , δ > 0 ∧ ∀ x' : U, ∥x' - x∥ < δ → ∥f x' - f x∥ < ε) :=
metric_space.continuous_at_dest H
end normed_vector_space
open topology
variables {U V : Type}
variables [HU : normed_vector_space U] [HV : normed_vector_space V]
variables {f g : U → V}
include HU HV
theorem neg_continuous (Hf : continuous f) : continuous (λ x : U, - f x) :=
apply continuous_of_forall_continuous_at,
intro x,
apply continuous_at_of_tendsto_at,
apply neg_approaches,
apply tendsto_at_of_continuous_at,
apply forall_continuous_at_of_continuous,
apply Hf
theorem add_continuous (Hf : continuous f) (Hg : continuous g) : continuous (λ x, f x + g x) :=
apply continuous_of_forall_continuous_at,
intro y,
apply continuous_at_of_tendsto_at,
apply add_approaches,
all_goals apply tendsto_at_of_continuous_at,
all_goals apply forall_continuous_at_of_continuous,
repeat assumption
theorem sub_continuous (Hf : continuous f) (Hg : continuous g) : continuous (λ x, f x - g x) :=
apply continuous_of_forall_continuous_at,
intro y,
apply continuous_at_of_tendsto_at,
apply add_approaches,
all_goals apply tendsto_at_of_continuous_at,
all_goals apply forall_continuous_at_of_continuous,
apply neg_continuous,
theorem smul_continuous (s : ) (Hf : continuous f) : continuous (λ x : U, s • f x) :=
apply continuous_of_forall_continuous_at,
intro y,
apply continuous_at_of_tendsto_at,
apply smul_approaches,
apply tendsto_at_of_continuous_at,
apply forall_continuous_at_of_continuous,
end analysis