Leonardo de Moura 919007612a fix(tests/lean): adjust tests since module 'logic' depends on nat
We need that because of the definitional package
2014-11-22 17:34:05 -08:00

60 lines
1.3 KiB

import logic
namespace experiment
namespace algebra
inductive mul_struct [class] (A : Type) : Type :=
mk : (A → A → A) → mul_struct A
definition mul {A : Type} [s : mul_struct A] (a b : A)
:= mul_struct.rec (λ f, f) s a b
infixl `*` := mul
end algebra
open algebra
namespace nat
inductive nat : Type :=
zero : nat,
succ : nat → nat
constant mul : nat → nat → nat
constant add : nat → nat → nat
definition mul_struct [instance] : algebra.mul_struct nat
:= algebra.mul_struct.mk mul
end nat
open algebra nat
variables a b c : nat
check a * b * c
definition tst1 : nat := a * b * c
open [notation] algebra
open nat
-- check mul_struct nat << This is an error, we opened only the notation from algebra
variables a b c : nat
check a * b * c
definition tst2 : nat := a * b * c
open nat
-- check mul_struct nat << This is an error, we opened only the notation from algebra
variables a b c : nat
check a*b*c
definition tst3 : nat := #nat a*b*c
open nat
set_option pp.implicit true
definition add_struct [instance] : algebra.mul_struct nat
:= algebra.mul_struct.mk add
variables a b c : nat
check #experiment.algebra a*b*c -- << is open add instead of mul
definition tst4 : nat := #experiment.algebra a*b*c
end experiment