Because string-join was introduced at Emacs 24.4 and subr-x.el must be loaded for using it.
563 lines
23 KiB
563 lines
23 KiB
;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
;; Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
;; Author: Soonho Kong
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'dash)
(require 'dash-functional)
(require 's)
(require 'lean-util)
(require 'lean-debug)
;; Type Information
;; ----------------
(defun lean-info-type-kind (typeinfo)
(cl-first typeinfo))
(defun lean-info-type-p (typeinfo)
(pcase typeinfo
(`TYPE t)
((pred stringp) (string-prefix-p "-- TYPE" typeinfo))
((pred listp) (and (lean-info-type-p (cl-first typeinfo))))))
(defun lean-info-type-pos (typeinfo)
(cl-second typeinfo))
(defun lean-info-type-parse-header (str)
(let ((items (split-string str "|")))
(list (string-to-number (cl-second items))
(string-to-number (cl-third items)))))
(defun lean-info-type-parse (seq)
(when (lean-info-type-p seq)
(let ((header (lean-info-type-parse-header (car seq)))
(body (cdr seq)))
`(TYPE ,header ,body))))
(defun lean-info-type-body (typeinfo)
(cl-third typeinfo))
(defun lean-info-type-body-str (typeinfo)
(s-join "\n" (lean-info-type-body typeinfo)))
;; Overload Information
;; --------------------
(defun lean-info-overload-type (overload)
(cl-first overload))
(defun lean-info-overload-p (overload)
(pcase overload
((pred stringp) (string-prefix-p "-- OVERLOAD" overload))
((pred listp) (and (lean-info-overload-p (cl-first overload))))))
(defun lean-info-overload-pos (overload)
(cl-second overload))
(defun lean-info-overload-names (overload)
(cl-loop for seq in (cl-third overload)
collect (s-join "\n" seq)))
(defun lean-info-overload-parse-header (str)
(let ((items (split-string str "|")))
(list (string-to-number (cl-second items))
(string-to-number (cl-third items)))))
(defun lean-info-overload-parse (seq)
(when (lean-info-overload-p seq)
(let ((header (lean-info-overload-parse-header (car seq)))
(body (-split-on "--" (cdr seq))))
`(OVERLOAD ,header ,body))))
;; Synth Information
;; ----------------
(defun lean-info-synth-type (synth)
(cl-first synth))
(defun lean-info-synth-p (synth)
(pcase synth
(`SYNTH t)
((pred stringp) (string-prefix-p "-- SYNTH" synth))
((pred listp) (and (lean-info-synth-p (cl-first synth))))))
(defun lean-info-synth-pos (synth)
(cl-second synth))
(defun lean-info-synth-parse-header (str)
(let ((items (split-string str "|")))
(list (string-to-number (cl-second items))
(string-to-number (cl-third items)))))
(defun lean-info-synth-parse (seq)
(when (lean-info-synth-p seq)
(let ((header (lean-info-synth-parse-header (car seq)))
(body (cdr seq)))
`(SYNTH ,header ,body))))
(defun lean-info-synth-body (synth)
(cl-third synth))
(defun lean-info-synth-body-str (synth)
(s-join "\n" (lean-info-synth-body synth)))
;; Coercion Information
;; ----------------
(defun lean-info-coercion-type (coercion)
(cl-first coercion))
(defun lean-info-coercion-p (coercion)
(pcase coercion
((pred stringp) (string-prefix-p "-- COERCION" coercion))
((pred listp) (and (lean-info-coercion-p (cl-first coercion))))))
(defun lean-info-coercion-pos (coercion)
(cl-second coercion))
(defun lean-info-coercion-parse-header (str)
(let ((items (split-string str "|")))
(list (string-to-number (cl-second items))
(string-to-number (cl-third items)))))
(defun lean-info-coercion-parse (seq)
(when (lean-info-coercion-p seq)
(let* ((header (lean-info-coercion-parse-header (car seq)))
(body (-split-on "--" (cdr seq)))
(coerced-expr (cl-first body))
(coerced-type (cl-second body)))
`(COERCION ,header ,coerced-expr ,coerced-type))))
(defun lean-info-coercion-expr (coercion)
(cl-third coercion))
(defun lean-info-coercion-expr-str (coercion)
(s-join "\n" (lean-info-coercion-expr coercion)))
(defun lean-info-coercion-type (coercion)
(cl-fourth coercion))
(defun lean-info-coercion-type-str (coercion)
(s-join "\n" (lean-info-coercion-type coercion)))
;; Extra Information
;; ----------------
(defun lean-info-extra-type (extra)
(cl-first extra))
(defun lean-info-extra-p (extra)
(pcase extra
(`EXTRA t)
((pred stringp) (string-prefix-p "-- EXTRA_TYPE" extra))
((pred listp) (and (lean-info-extra-p (cl-first extra))))))
(defun lean-info-extra-pos (extra)
(cl-second extra))
(defun lean-info-extra-parse-header (str)
(let ((items (split-string str "|")))
(list (string-to-number (cl-second items))
(string-to-number (cl-third items)))))
(defun lean-info-extra-parse (seq)
(when (lean-info-extra-p seq)
(let* ((header (lean-info-extra-parse-header (car seq)))
(body (-split-on "--" (cdr seq)))
(coerced-expr (cl-first body))
(coerced-type (cl-second body)))
`(EXTRA ,header ,coerced-expr ,coerced-type))))
(defun lean-info-extra-expr (extra)
(cl-third extra))
(defun lean-info-extra-expr-str (extra)
(s-join "\n" (lean-info-extra-expr extra)))
(defun lean-info-extra-type (extra)
(cl-fourth extra))
(defun lean-info-extra-type-str (extra)
(s-join "\n" (lean-info-extra-type extra)))
;; Identifier Information
;; ----------------------
(defun lean-info-identifier-type (identifier)
(cl-first identifier))
(defun lean-info-identifier-p (identifier)
(pcase identifier
((pred stringp) (string-prefix-p "-- IDENTIFIER" identifier))
((pred listp) (and (lean-info-identifier-p (cl-first identifier))))))
(defun lean-info-identifier-pos (identifier)
(cl-second identifier))
(defun lean-info-identifier-parse-header (str)
(let ((items (split-string str "|")))
(list (string-to-number (cl-second items))
(string-to-number (cl-third items)))))
(defun lean-info-identifier-parse (seq)
(when (lean-info-identifier-p seq)
(let ((header (lean-info-identifier-parse-header (car seq)))
(body (cdr seq)))
`(IDENTIFIER ,header ,body))))
(defun lean-info-identifier-body (identifier)
(cl-third identifier))
(defun lean-info-identifier-body-str (identifier)
(s-join "\n" (lean-info-identifier-body identifier)))
;; Symbol Information
;; ----------------
(defun lean-info-symbol-type (symbol)
(cl-first symbol))
(defun lean-info-symbol-p (symbol)
(pcase symbol
((pred stringp) (string-prefix-p "-- SYMBOL" symbol))
((pred listp) (and (lean-info-symbol-p (cl-first symbol))))))
(defun lean-info-symbol-pos (symbol)
(cl-second symbol))
(defun lean-info-symbol-parse-header (str)
(let ((items (split-string str "|")))
(list (string-to-number (cl-second items))
(string-to-number (cl-third items)))))
(defun lean-info-symbol-parse (seq)
(when (lean-info-symbol-p seq)
(let ((header (lean-info-symbol-parse-header (car seq)))
(body (cdr seq)))
`(SYMBOL ,header ,body))))
(defun lean-info-symbol-body (symbol)
(cl-third symbol))
(defun lean-info-symbol-body-str (symbol)
(s-join "\n" (lean-info-symbol-body symbol)))
(defun lean-info-id-symbol-body-str (info)
(cl-case (lean-info-kind info)
('IDENTIFIER (s-join "\n" (lean-info-symbol-body info)))
('SYMBOL (s-join "\n" (lean-info-identifier-body info)))))
;; Proofstate Information
;; --------------------
(defun lean-info-proofstate-type (proofstate)
(cl-first proofstate))
(defun lean-info-proofstate-p (proofstate)
(pcase proofstate
((pred stringp) (string-prefix-p "-- PROOF_STATE" proofstate))
((pred listp) (and (lean-info-proofstate-p (cl-first proofstate))))))
(defun lean-info-proofstate-pos (proofstate)
(cl-second proofstate))
(defun lean-info-proofstate-parse-header (str)
(let ((items (split-string str "|")))
(list (string-to-number (cl-second items))
(string-to-number (cl-third items)))))
(defun lean-info-proofstate-parse (seq)
(when (lean-info-proofstate-p seq)
(let ((header (lean-info-proofstate-parse-header (car seq)))
(body (-split-on "--" (cdr seq))))
`(PROOF_STATE ,header ,body)
(defun lean-info-proofstate-states (proofstate)
(cl-third proofstate))
(defun lean-info-proofstate-state-str (string-seq)
(s-join "\n" string-seq))
(defun lean-info-proofstate-extract-conclusion (string-seq)
(--drop-while (not (s-starts-with? "⊢" it)) string-seq))
(defun lean-info-proofstate-extract-premises (string-seq)
(--take-while (not (s-starts-with? "⊢" it)) string-seq))
(defun lean-info-proofstate-states-str (proofstate &optional display-style)
(let* ((states (lean-info-proofstate-states proofstate))
(first-state (-first-item states))
(rest-states (cdr states))
(display-style (or display-style lean-proofstate-display-style)))
(pcase display-style
(-map 'lean-info-proofstate-state-str states)))
(lean-info-proofstate-state-str first-state))
(-map 'lean-info-proofstate-state-str
(cons first-state (-map
(t "No Goal"))))
;; Basic
;; -----
(defun lean-info-kind (info)
(cl-first info))
(defun lean-info-nay-p (str)
(when (string-match (rx "-- BEGININFO " (* not-newline) "NAY") str)
(defun lean-info-stale-p (str)
(when (string-match (rx "-- BEGININFO " (* not-newline) "STALE") str)
(defun lean-info-pos (info)
(cl-case (lean-info-kind info)
(TYPE (lean-info-type-pos info))
(OVERLOAD (lean-info-overload-pos info))
(SYNTH (lean-info-synth-pos info))
(COERCION (lean-info-coercion-pos info))
(IDENTIFIER (lean-info-identifier-pos info))
(SYMBOL (lean-info-symbol-pos info))
(EXTRA (lean-info-extra-pos info))
(PROOF_STATE (lean-info-proofstate-pos info))))
(defun lean-info-line-number (info)
(cl-first (lean-info-pos info)))
(defun lean-info-column (info)
(cl-second (lean-info-pos info)))
;; Info Parsing
;; ================
(defun lean-info-list-split (str)
"Parse string into list of list of strings.
Take out \"BEGININFO\" and \"ENDINFO\" and Use \"ACK\" as a delim."
(-split-on "-- ACK"
(--filter (not (or (string-prefix-p "-- BEGININFO" it)
(string= "-- ENDINFO" it)))
(split-string str "\n"))))
(defun lean-info-list-parse-string (str)
"Parse string into info-list"
(let ((string-seq-seq (lean-info-list-split str))
(cl-loop for string-seq in string-seq-seq
when string-seq
do (setq result
(or (lean-info-type-parse string-seq)
(lean-info-overload-parse string-seq)
(lean-info-synth-parse string-seq)
(lean-info-coercion-parse string-seq)
(lean-info-identifier-parse string-seq)
(lean-info-symbol-parse string-seq)
(lean-info-extra-parse string-seq)
(lean-info-proofstate-parse string-seq)))
when result
collect result)))
(defun lean-info-list-filter (info-list start-column)
"Given a info-list, only return an info-item is NAY or whose start-column is matched with the argument."
(--filter (let ((col (lean-info-column it)))
(and col (= start-column col)))
(defun lean-get-partial-names (full-name)
"Given a full-name \"a.b.c.d\", return a set of partial names (\"a.b.c.d\" \"b.c.d\" \"c.d\" \"d\")"
(cl-labels ((helper(l1 l2 names)
(cond (l1 (helper
(-butlast l1)
(cons nil (-butlast l2))
(-zip-with (lambda (x y) (if y (concat x "." y) x))
(cons nil (-butlast l2)))))
(t (reverse names)))))
(let ((items (reverse (split-string full-name "\\."))))
(helper items items items))))
(defun lean-match-name-at-pos (file-name line-number column-number name)
"Return t if there is name at pos in a file."
;; Try to use a existing buffer if there is one
(let ((buffer (flymake-find-buffer-for-file file-name))
str pos)
(unless buffer
;; In case a user haven't opened the file before, we read the
;; file to the temp buffer (*lean-server-temp*) and proceed.
(setq buffer (get-buffer-create "*lean-server-temp*"))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(insert-file-contents file-name)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (1- line-number))
(forward-char column-number)
(setq pos (point))
(setq str (buffer-substring-no-properties pos
(min (+ pos (length name))
(string= name str)))))
(defun lean-match-full-name-at-pos (file-name line-number column-number full-name)
"Return the matched name for the given full-name if any."
(let ((partial-names (lean-get-partial-names full-name)))
(--first (lean-match-name-at-pos file-name line-number column-number it) partial-names)))
(defun lean-info-list-find-start-column (info-list file-name column-number)
"Find the start-column of the id/symbol in info-list at a file-name/column-number"
;; Extract symbol, ids
(let* ((sorted-id-symbol-list
(-sort (-on '< 'lean-info-column)
(--filter (or (lean-info-identifier-p it)
(lean-info-symbol-p it))
;; candidate = list of info
(-partition-by 'lean-info-column
(--filter (<= (lean-info-column it) column-number)
(setq candidate
(-first (lambda (info)
(let* ((start-column (lean-info-column info))
(full-name (lean-info-id-symbol-body-str info))
(matched-name (lean-match-full-name-at-pos
(lean-info-line-number info)
(< column-number
(+ start-column (length matched-name)))))
(when candidate
(lean-info-column candidate))))
(defun lean-info-list-parse (str &optional file-name column-number)
"Parse input string and return info-list."
(let ((info-list (lean-info-list-parse-string str))
;; Proof State Case
((and column-number (or (looking-at ",")
(looking-at (rx white))
(looking-back (rx "," (* white))))))
;; Find a position of "," and filter the info-list to extract proofstate info
(lean-info-list-filter info-list
(unless (looking-at ",")
(search-backward ","))
;; When file-name/column-number is specified, try to start-column of id/symbol
((and file-name column-number)
(setq start-column (lean-info-list-find-start-column info-list file-name column-number))
(if start-column
(lean-info-list-filter info-list start-column)
;; If there is no symbol at column-number, return nil
;; When not specified, just return info-list.
(t info-list))))
(cl-defstruct lean-info-record type overload synth coercion identifier symbol extra proofstate nay stale)
(defun lean-info-record-parse (string &optional file-name column-number)
"Parse string into info-record"
(let* ((info-list (lean-info-list-parse string file-name column-number))
(types (-filter 'lean-info-type-p info-list))
(overloads (-filter 'lean-info-overload-p info-list))
(synths (-filter 'lean-info-synth-p info-list))
(coercions (-filter 'lean-info-coercion-p info-list))
(identifiers (-filter 'lean-info-identifier-p info-list))
(symbols (-filter 'lean-info-symbol-p info-list))
(extras (-filter 'lean-info-extra-p info-list))
(proofstates (-filter 'lean-info-proofstate-p info-list)))
(make-lean-info-record :type types
:overload overloads
:synth synths
:coercion coercions
:identifier identifiers
:symbol symbols
:extra extras
:proofstate proofstates
:nay (lean-info-nay-p string)
:stale (lean-info-stale-p string))))
(defun lean-info-record-to-strings (info-record)
"Given typeinfo, overload, and sym-name, compose information as a list of strings."
(let* ((type (cl-first (lean-info-record-type info-record)))
(overload (cl-first (lean-info-record-overload info-record)))
(synth (cl-first (lean-info-record-synth info-record)))
(coercion (cl-first (lean-info-record-coercion info-record)))
(extra (cl-first (lean-info-record-extra info-record)))
(proofstate (cl-first (lean-info-record-proofstate info-record)))
(id (cl-first (lean-info-record-identifier info-record)))
(sym (cl-first (lean-info-record-symbol info-record)))
(stale (lean-info-record-stale info-record))
name-str type-str coercion-str extra-str proofstate-str overload-str stale-str str)
(setq name-str
(synth (lean-info-synth-body-str synth))
((and id sym)
(format "[%s] %s"
(lean-info-id-symbol-body-str sym)
(lean-info-id-symbol-body-str id)))
(id (lean-info-id-symbol-body-str id))
(sym (lean-info-id-symbol-body-str sym))))
(when coercion
(setq coercion-str
(format "%s : %s"
(propertize (lean-info-coercion-expr-str coercion) 'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
(lean-info-coercion-type-str coercion))))
(when type
(setq type-str (lean-info-type-body-str type)))
(when (and name-str overload)
(setq overload-str
", "
(and id (string-prefix-p (lean-info-id-symbol-body-str id) it))
(and sym (string-prefix-p (lean-info-id-symbol-body-str sym) it)))
(lean-info-overload-names overload)))))
(when extra
(setq str
(cond (lean-show-only-type-in-parens (format ": %s" (lean-info-extra-type-str extra)))
(t (format "(%s) : %s"
(propertize (lean-info-extra-expr-str extra) 'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
(lean-info-extra-type-str extra))))))
(when (and name-str type-str)
(setq str (format "%s : %s"
(propertize name-str 'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
(when (and str coercion-str)
(setq str (format "%s\n%s %s"
(propertize "coercion applied" 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face)
(when overload-str
(setq str (concat str
(format "\n%s with %s"
(propertize "overloaded" 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face)
(when proofstate
(setq str (lean-info-proofstate-states-str proofstate)))
(when (and stale str)
(setq stale-str (format "[%s]"
(propertize "stale" 'face '(foreground-color . "red")))))
(cond (stale-str (list stale-str str))
(t (list str)))))
(defun lean-get-info-record-at-point-cont (info-record cont)
(cond ((lean-info-record-nay info-record)
(lean-debug "executing continucation for get-info-record-at-point %d: NAY DETECTED"
(setq lean-global-nay-retry-counter (1+ lean-global-nay-retry-counter))
(if (and (< lean-global-nay-retry-counter
(= (length lean-global-async-task-queue) 1))
;; Retry
(lean-get-info-record-at-point cont)
;; Stop
(setq lean-global-nay-retry-counter 0)))
(lean-debug "executing continucation for get-info-record-at-point: OK")
(setq lean-global-nay-retry-counter 0)
(funcall cont info-record))))
(defun lean-get-begin-paren-pos ()
(forward-char 1)
(backward-list 1)
`(,(line-number-at-pos) . ,(lean-line-offset))))
(defun lean-get-info-record-at-point (cont)
"Get info-record at the current point"
(let* ((file-name (buffer-file-name))
(line-number (line-number-at-pos))
(column-number (lean-line-offset))
(cmd (cond ((or (looking-at "(") (looking-at ","))
(lean-cmd-info line-number column-number))
((and (eolp) (looking-back ",") (> column-number 1))
(lean-cmd-info line-number (1- column-number)))
(t (lean-cmd-info line-number)))))
(lean-debug "get-info-record-at-point: %S" cmd)
(lean-server-check-current-file file-name)
(lean-server-send-cmd-async cmd (lambda (info-record)
(lean-get-info-record-at-point-cont info-record
(defun lean-get-full-name-at-point-cont (info-record)
"Continuation of lean-get-full-name-at-point"
(lean-debug "lean-get-full-name-at-point-cont: %S" info-record)
(let ((id (cl-first (lean-info-record-identifier info-record))))
(when id
(lean-info-identifier-body-str id))))
(defun lean-get-full-name-at-point (cont)
"Return the full-name at point (if any)"
(lambda (info-record)
(lean-debug "lean-get-full-name-at-point: executing continuation for get-full-name-at-point")
(funcall cont
(lean-get-full-name-at-point-cont info-record)))))
(provide 'lean-info)