1280 lines
50 KiB
1280 lines
50 KiB
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include "util/interrupt.h"
#include "util/list_fn.h"
#include "util/rb_map.h"
#include "util/sexpr/option_declarations.h"
#include "kernel/instantiate.h"
#include "kernel/abstract.h"
#include "kernel/replace_fn.h"
#include "kernel/for_each_fn.h"
#include "kernel/default_converter.h"
#include "kernel/inductive/inductive.h"
#include "library/normalize.h"
#include "library/kernel_serializer.h"
#include "library/reducible.h"
#include "library/util.h"
#include "library/expr_lt.h"
#include "library/match.h"
#include "library/projection.h"
#include "library/local_context.h"
#include "library/unifier.h"
#include "library/constants.h"
#include "library/generic_exception.h"
#include "library/tactic/rewrite_tactic.h"
#include "library/tactic/expr_to_tactic.h"
#include "library/tactic/class_instance_synth.h"
namespace lean {
static name * g_rewriter_max_iterations = nullptr;
static name * g_rewriter_syntactic = nullptr;
unsigned get_rewriter_max_iterations(options const & opts) {
return opts.get_unsigned(*g_rewriter_max_iterations, LEAN_DEFAULT_REWRITER_MAX_ITERATIONS);
bool get_rewriter_syntactic(options const & opts) {
return opts.get_bool(*g_rewriter_syntactic, LEAN_DEFAULT_REWRITER_SYNTACTIC);
class unfold_info {
list<name> m_names;
location m_location;
unfold_info() {}
unfold_info(list<name> const & l, location const & loc):m_names(l), m_location(loc) {}
list<name> const & get_names() const { return m_names; }
location const & get_location() const { return m_location; }
friend serializer & operator<<(serializer & s, unfold_info const & e) {
write_list<name>(s, e.m_names);
s << e.m_location;
return s;
friend deserializer & operator>>(deserializer & d, unfold_info & e) {
e.m_names = read_list<name>(d);
d >> e.m_location;
return d;
class reduce_info {
location m_location;
reduce_info() {}
reduce_info(location const & loc):m_location(loc) {}
location const & get_location() const { return m_location; }
friend serializer & operator<<(serializer & s, reduce_info const & e) {
s << e.m_location;
return s;
friend deserializer & operator>>(deserializer & d, reduce_info & e) {
d >> e.m_location;
return d;
class rewrite_info {
enum multiplicity { Once, AtMostN, ExactlyN, ZeroOrMore, OneOrMore };
bool m_symm;
multiplicity m_multiplicity;
optional<unsigned> m_num;
location m_location;
rewrite_info(bool symm, multiplicity m, optional<unsigned> const & n,
location const & loc):
m_symm(symm), m_multiplicity(m), m_num(n), m_location(loc) {}
rewrite_info():m_symm(false), m_multiplicity(Once) {}
static rewrite_info mk_once(bool symm, location const & loc) {
return rewrite_info(symm, Once, optional<unsigned>(), loc);
static rewrite_info mk_at_most_n(unsigned n, bool symm, location const & loc) {
return rewrite_info(symm, AtMostN, optional<unsigned>(n), loc);
static rewrite_info mk_exactly_n(unsigned n, bool symm, location const & loc) {
return rewrite_info(symm, ExactlyN, optional<unsigned>(n), loc);
static rewrite_info mk_zero_or_more(bool symm, location const & loc) {
return rewrite_info(symm, ZeroOrMore, optional<unsigned>(), loc);
static rewrite_info mk_one_or_more(bool symm, location const & loc) {
return rewrite_info(symm, OneOrMore, optional<unsigned>(), loc);
bool symm() const {
return m_symm;
multiplicity get_multiplicity() const {
return m_multiplicity;
bool has_num() const {
return get_multiplicity() == AtMostN || get_multiplicity() == ExactlyN;
unsigned num() const {
return *m_num;
location const & get_location() const { return m_location; }
friend serializer & operator<<(serializer & s, rewrite_info const & e) {
s << e.m_symm << static_cast<char>(e.m_multiplicity) << e.m_location;
if (e.has_num())
s << e.num();
return s;
friend deserializer & operator>>(deserializer & d, rewrite_info & e) {
char multp;
d >> e.m_symm >> multp >> e.m_location;
e.m_multiplicity = static_cast<rewrite_info::multiplicity>(multp);
if (e.has_num())
e.m_num = d.read_unsigned();
return d;
static expr * g_rewrite_tac = nullptr;
static name * g_rewrite_elem_name = nullptr;
static std::string * g_rewrite_elem_opcode = nullptr;
static name * g_rewrite_unfold_name = nullptr;
static std::string * g_rewrite_unfold_opcode = nullptr;
static name * g_rewrite_fold_name = nullptr;
static std::string * g_rewrite_fold_opcode = nullptr;
static name * g_rewrite_reduce_name = nullptr;
static std::string * g_rewrite_reduce_opcode = nullptr;
[[ noreturn ]] static void throw_re_ex() { throw exception("unexpected occurrence of 'rewrite' expression"); }
class rewrite_core_macro_cell : public macro_definition_cell {
virtual pair<expr, constraint_seq> get_type(expr const &, extension_context &) const { throw_re_ex(); }
virtual optional<expr> expand(expr const &, extension_context &) const { throw_re_ex(); }
class rewrite_reduce_macro_cell : public rewrite_core_macro_cell {
reduce_info m_info;
rewrite_reduce_macro_cell(reduce_info const & info):m_info(info) {}
virtual name get_name() const { return *g_rewrite_reduce_name; }
virtual void write(serializer & s) const {
s << *g_rewrite_reduce_opcode << m_info;
reduce_info const & get_info() const { return m_info; }
expr mk_rewrite_reduce(location const & loc) {
macro_definition def(new rewrite_reduce_macro_cell(reduce_info(loc)));
return mk_macro(def);
expr mk_rewrite_reduce_to(expr const & e, location const & loc) {
macro_definition def(new rewrite_reduce_macro_cell(reduce_info(loc)));
return mk_macro(def, 1, &e);
bool is_rewrite_reduce_step(expr const & e) {
return is_macro(e) && macro_def(e).get_name() == *g_rewrite_reduce_name;
reduce_info const & get_rewrite_reduce_info(expr const & e) {
return static_cast<rewrite_reduce_macro_cell const*>(macro_def(e).raw())->get_info();
typedef reduce_info fold_info;
class rewrite_fold_macro_cell : public rewrite_core_macro_cell {
fold_info m_info;
rewrite_fold_macro_cell(fold_info const & info):m_info(info) {}
virtual name get_name() const { return *g_rewrite_fold_name; }
virtual void write(serializer & s) const {
s << *g_rewrite_fold_opcode << m_info;
fold_info const & get_info() const { return m_info; }
expr mk_rewrite_fold(expr const & e, location const & loc) {
macro_definition def(new rewrite_fold_macro_cell(reduce_info(loc)));
return mk_macro(def, 1, &e);
bool is_rewrite_fold_step(expr const & e) {
return is_macro(e) && macro_def(e).get_name() == *g_rewrite_fold_name;
fold_info const & get_rewrite_fold_info(expr const & e) {
return static_cast<rewrite_fold_macro_cell const*>(macro_def(e).raw())->get_info();
class rewrite_unfold_macro_cell : public rewrite_core_macro_cell {
unfold_info m_info;
rewrite_unfold_macro_cell(unfold_info const & info):m_info(info) {}
virtual name get_name() const { return *g_rewrite_unfold_name; }
virtual void write(serializer & s) const {
s << *g_rewrite_unfold_opcode << m_info;
unfold_info const & get_info() const { return m_info; }
expr mk_rewrite_unfold(list<name> const & ns, location const & loc) {
macro_definition def(new rewrite_unfold_macro_cell(unfold_info(ns, loc)));
return mk_macro(def);
bool is_rewrite_unfold_step(expr const & e) {
return is_macro(e) && macro_def(e).get_name() == *g_rewrite_unfold_name;
unfold_info const & get_rewrite_unfold_info(expr const & e) {
return static_cast<rewrite_unfold_macro_cell const*>(macro_def(e).raw())->get_info();
class rewrite_element_macro_cell : public rewrite_core_macro_cell {
rewrite_info m_info;
rewrite_element_macro_cell(rewrite_info const & info):m_info(info) {}
virtual name get_name() const { return *g_rewrite_elem_name; }
virtual void write(serializer & s) const {
s << *g_rewrite_elem_opcode << m_info;
rewrite_info const & get_info() const { return m_info; }
expr mk_rw_macro(macro_definition const & def, optional<expr> const & pattern, expr const & H) {
if (pattern) {
expr args[2] = {H, *pattern};
return mk_macro(def, 2, args);
} else {
return mk_macro(def, 1, &H);
expr mk_rewrite_once(optional<expr> const & pattern, expr const & H, bool symm, location const & loc) {
macro_definition def(new rewrite_element_macro_cell(rewrite_info::mk_once(symm, loc)));
return mk_rw_macro(def, pattern, H);
expr mk_rewrite_zero_or_more(optional<expr> const & pattern, expr const & H, bool symm, location const & loc) {
macro_definition def(new rewrite_element_macro_cell(rewrite_info::mk_zero_or_more(symm, loc)));
return mk_rw_macro(def, pattern, H);
expr mk_rewrite_one_or_more(optional<expr> const & pattern, expr const & H, bool symm, location const & loc) {
macro_definition def(new rewrite_element_macro_cell(rewrite_info::mk_one_or_more(symm, loc)));
return mk_rw_macro(def, pattern, H);
expr mk_rewrite_at_most_n(optional<expr> const & pattern, expr const & H, bool symm, unsigned n, location const & loc) {
macro_definition def(new rewrite_element_macro_cell(rewrite_info::mk_at_most_n(n, symm, loc)));
return mk_rw_macro(def, pattern, H);
expr mk_rewrite_exactly_n(optional<expr> const & pattern, expr const & H, bool symm, unsigned n, location const & loc) {
macro_definition def(new rewrite_element_macro_cell(rewrite_info::mk_exactly_n(n, symm, loc)));
return mk_rw_macro(def, pattern, H);
bool is_rewrite_step(expr const & e) {
return is_macro(e) && macro_def(e).get_name() == *g_rewrite_elem_name;
bool has_rewrite_pattern(expr const & e) {
return macro_num_args(e) == 2;
expr const & get_rewrite_rule(expr const & e) {
return macro_arg(e, 0);
expr const & get_rewrite_pattern(expr const & e) {
return macro_arg(e, 1);
rewrite_info const & get_rewrite_info(expr const & e) {
return static_cast<rewrite_element_macro_cell const*>(macro_def(e).raw())->get_info();
expr mk_rewrite_tactic_expr(buffer<expr> const & elems) {
lean_assert(std::all_of(elems.begin(), elems.end(), [](expr const & e) {
return is_rewrite_step(e) || is_rewrite_unfold_step(e) ||
is_rewrite_reduce_step(e) || is_rewrite_fold_step(e);
return mk_app(*g_rewrite_tac, mk_expr_list(elems.size(), elems.data()));
class rewrite_match_plugin : public match_plugin {
io_state m_ios;
type_checker & m_tc;
rewrite_match_plugin(io_state const & ios, type_checker & tc):
m_ios(ios), m_tc(tc) {}
rewrite_match_plugin(io_state const &, type_checker & tc):
m_tc(tc) {}
virtual bool on_failure(expr const & p, expr const & t, match_context & ctx) const {
try {
constraint_seq cs;
expr p1 = m_tc.whnf(p, cs);
expr t1 = m_tc.whnf(t, cs);
return !cs && (p1 != p || t1 != t) && ctx.match(p1, t1);
} catch (exception&) {
return false;
// Return true iff the given declaration contains inst_implicit arguments
bool has_inst_implicit_args(name const & d) const {
if (auto decl = m_tc.env().find(d)) {
expr const * it = &decl->get_type();
while (is_pi(*it)) {
if (binding_info(*it).is_inst_implicit())
return true;
it = &binding_body(*it);
return false;
} else {
return false;
virtual lbool pre(expr const & p, expr const & t, match_context & ctx) const {
if (!is_app(p) || !is_app(t))
return l_undef;
expr const & p_fn = get_app_fn(p);
if (!is_constant(p_fn))
return l_undef;
expr const & t_fn = get_app_fn(t);
if (!is_constant(t_fn))
return l_undef;
if (!ctx.match(p_fn, t_fn))
return l_undef;
projection_info const * info = get_projection_info(m_tc.env(), const_name(p_fn));
if (info && info->m_inst_implicit) {
// Special support for projections
buffer<expr> p_args, t_args;
get_app_args(p, p_args);
get_app_args(t, t_args);
if (p_args.size() != t_args.size())
return l_false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p_args.size(); i++) {
if (i == info->m_nparams)
continue; // skip structure
if (!ctx.match(p_args[i], t_args[i]))
return l_false;
return l_true;
if (has_inst_implicit_args(const_name(p_fn))) {
// Special support for declarations that contains inst_implicit arguments.
// The idea is to skip them during matching.
buffer<expr> p_args, t_args;
get_app_args(p, p_args);
get_app_args(t, t_args);
if (p_args.size() != t_args.size())
return l_false;
expr const * it = &m_tc.env().get(const_name(p_fn)).get_type();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p_args.size(); i++) {
if (is_pi(*it) && binding_info(*it).is_inst_implicit()) {
it = &binding_body(*it);
continue; // skip argument
if (!ctx.match(p_args[i], t_args[i]))
return to_lbool(on_failure(p, t, ctx)); // try to unfold if possible
if (is_pi(*it))
it = &binding_body(*it);
return l_true;
return l_undef;
class rewrite_fn {
typedef std::shared_ptr<type_checker> type_checker_ptr;
environment m_env;
io_state m_ios;
elaborate_fn m_elab;
proof_state m_ps;
name_generator m_ngen;
type_checker_ptr m_tc;
type_checker_ptr m_matcher_tc;
type_checker_ptr m_unifier_tc; // reduce_to and check_trivial
rewrite_match_plugin m_mplugin;
goal m_g;
local_context m_ctx;
substitution m_subst;
expr m_expr_loc; // auxiliary expression used for error localization
unsigned m_max_iter;
buffer<optional<level>> m_lsubst; // auxiliary buffer for pattern matching
buffer<optional<expr>> m_esubst; // auxiliary buffer for pattern matching
[[ noreturn ]] void throw_rewrite_exception(char const * msg) {
throw_generic_exception(msg, m_expr_loc);
[[ noreturn ]] void throw_rewrite_exception(sstream const & strm) {
throw_generic_exception(strm, m_expr_loc);
[[ noreturn ]] void throw_max_iter_exceeded() {
throw_rewrite_exception(sstream() << "rewrite tactic failed, maximum number of iterations exceeded "
<< "(current threshold: " << m_max_iter
<< ", increase the threshold by setting option 'rewrite.max_iter')");
void update_goal(goal const & g) {
m_g = g;
m_ctx = m_g.to_local_context();
expr mk_meta(expr const & type) {
return m_g.mk_meta(m_ngen.next(), type);
class rewriter_converter : public default_converter {
list<name> const & m_to_unfold;
bool & m_unfolded;
rewriter_converter(environment const & env, bool relax_main_opaque, list<name> const & to_unfold,
bool & unfolded):
default_converter(env, relax_main_opaque),
m_to_unfold(to_unfold), m_unfolded(unfolded) {}
virtual bool is_opaque(declaration const & d) const {
if (std::find(m_to_unfold.begin(), m_to_unfold.end(), d.get_name()) != m_to_unfold.end()) {
m_unfolded = true;
return false;
} else {
return true;
optional<expr> reduce(expr const & e, list<name> const & to_unfold) {
bool unfolded = !to_unfold;
bool relax_main_opaque = false;
auto tc = new type_checker(m_env, m_ngen.mk_child(),
std::unique_ptr<converter>(new rewriter_converter(m_env, relax_main_opaque, to_unfold, unfolded)));
constraint_seq cs;
bool use_eta = true;
expr r = normalize(*tc, e, cs, use_eta);
if (!unfolded || cs) // FAIL if didn't unfolded or generated constraints
return none_expr();
return some_expr(r);
// Replace goal with definitionally equal one
void replace_goal(expr const & new_type) {
expr M = m_g.mk_meta(m_ngen.next(), new_type);
goal new_g(M, new_type);
assign(m_subst, m_g, M);
bool process_reduce_goal(list<name> const & to_unfold) {
if (auto new_type = reduce(m_g.get_type(), to_unfold)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Replace hypothesis type with definitionally equal one
void replace_hypothesis(expr const & hyp, expr const & new_hyp_type) {
expr new_hyp = update_mlocal(hyp, new_hyp_type);
buffer<expr> new_hyps;
for (expr & h : new_hyps) {
if (mlocal_name(h) == mlocal_name(hyp)) {
h = new_hyp;
expr new_type = m_g.get_type();
expr new_mvar = mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(new_hyps, new_type));
expr new_meta = mk_app(new_mvar, new_hyps);
goal new_g(new_meta, new_type);
assign(m_subst, m_g, new_meta);
bool process_reduce_hypothesis(expr const & hyp, list<name> const & to_unfold) {
if (auto new_hyp_type = reduce(mlocal_type(hyp), to_unfold)) {
replace_hypothesis(hyp, *new_hyp_type);
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool process_reduce_step(list<name> const & to_unfold, location const & loc) {
if (loc.is_goal_only())
return process_reduce_goal(to_unfold);
bool progress = false;
buffer<expr> hyps;
for (expr const & h : hyps) {
if (!loc.includes_hypothesis(local_pp_name(h)))
if (process_reduce_hypothesis(h, to_unfold))
progress = true;
if (loc.includes_goal()) {
if (process_reduce_goal(to_unfold))
progress = true;
return progress;
bool process_unfold_step(expr const & elem) {
auto info = get_rewrite_unfold_info(elem);
return process_reduce_step(info.get_names(), info.get_location());
optional<expr> fold(expr const & type, expr const & e, occurrence const & occ) {
auto ecs = m_elab(m_g, m_ngen.mk_child(), e, none_expr(), false);
expr new_e = ecs.first;
if (ecs.second)
return none_expr(); // contain constraints...
optional<expr> unfolded_e = unfold_app(m_env, new_e);
if (!unfolded_e)
return none_expr();
bool use_cache = occ.is_all();
unsigned occ_idx = 0;
bool found = false;
expr new_type =
replace(type, [&](expr const & t, unsigned) {
if (closed(t)) {
constraint_seq cs;
if (m_tc->is_def_eq(t, *unfolded_e, justification(), cs) && !cs) {
if (occ.contains(occ_idx)) {
found = true;
return some_expr(new_e);
return none_expr();
}, use_cache);
if (found)
return some_expr(new_type);
return none_expr();
bool process_fold_goal(expr const & e, occurrence const & occ) {
if (auto new_type = fold(m_g.get_type(), e, occ)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool process_fold_hypothesis(expr const & hyp, expr const & e, occurrence const & occ) {
if (auto new_hyp_type = fold(mlocal_type(hyp), e, occ)) {
replace_hypothesis(hyp, *new_hyp_type);
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool process_fold_step(expr const & elem) {
location const & loc = get_rewrite_fold_info(elem).get_location();
expr const & e = macro_arg(elem, 0);
if (loc.is_goal_only())
return process_fold_goal(e, *loc.includes_goal());
bool progress = false;
buffer<expr> hyps;
for (expr const & h : hyps) {
auto occ = loc.includes_hypothesis(local_pp_name(h));
if (!occ)
if (process_fold_hypothesis(h, e, *occ))
progress = true;
if (auto occ = loc.includes_goal()) {
if (process_fold_goal(e, *occ))
progress = true;
return progress;
optional<expr> unify_with(expr const & t, expr const & e) {
auto ecs = m_elab(m_g, m_ngen.mk_child(), e, none_expr(), false);
expr new_e = ecs.first;
buffer<constraint> cs;
to_buffer(ecs.second, cs);
constraint_seq cs_seq;
if (!m_unifier_tc->is_def_eq(t, new_e, justification(), cs_seq))
return none_expr();
unifier_config cfg;
cfg.m_discard = true;
unify_result_seq rseq = unify(m_env, cs.size(), cs.data(), m_ngen.mk_child(), m_subst, cfg);
if (auto p = rseq.pull()) {
substitution new_subst = p->first.first;
new_e = new_subst.instantiate_all(new_e);
if (has_expr_metavar_strict(new_e))
return none_expr(); // new expressions was not completely instantiated
m_subst = new_subst;
return some_expr(new_e);
return none_expr();
bool process_reduce_to_goal(expr const & e) {
if (auto new_type = unify_with(m_g.get_type(), e)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool process_reduce_to_hypothesis(expr const & hyp, expr const & e) {
if (auto new_hyp_type = unify_with(mlocal_type(hyp), e)) {
replace_hypothesis(hyp, *new_hyp_type);
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool process_reduce_to_step(expr const & e, location const & loc) {
if (loc.is_goal_only())
return process_reduce_to_goal(e);
bool progress = false;
buffer<expr> hyps;
for (expr const & h : hyps) {
if (!loc.includes_hypothesis(local_pp_name(h)))
if (process_reduce_to_hypothesis(h, e))
progress = true;
if (loc.includes_goal()) {
if (process_reduce_to_goal(e))
progress = true;
return progress;
bool process_reduce_step(expr const & elem) {
if (macro_num_args(elem) == 0) {
auto info = get_rewrite_reduce_info(elem);
return process_reduce_step(list<name>(), info.get_location());
} else {
auto info = get_rewrite_reduce_info(elem);
return process_reduce_to_step(macro_arg(elem, 0), info.get_location());
// Replace metavariables with special metavariables for the higher-order matcher. This is method is used when
// converting an expression into a pattern.
expr to_meta_idx(expr const & e) {
rb_map<expr, expr, expr_quick_cmp> emap;
name_map<level> lmap;
auto to_meta_idx = [&](level const & l) {
return replace(l, [&](level const & l) {
if (!has_meta(l)) {
return some_level(l);
} else if (is_meta(l)) {
if (auto it = lmap.find(meta_id(l))) {
return some_level(*it);
} else {
unsigned next_idx = m_lsubst.size();
level r = mk_idx_meta_univ(next_idx);
lmap.insert(meta_id(l), r);
return some_level(r);
} else {
return none_level();
// return true if the arguments of e are not metavar applications
auto no_meta_args = [&](expr const & e) {
buffer<expr> args;
get_app_args(e, args);
return !std::any_of(args.begin(), args.end(), [&](expr const & e) { return is_meta(e); });
return replace(e, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
if (!has_metavar(e)) {
return some_expr(e); // done
} else if (is_binding(e)) {
unsigned next_idx = m_esubst.size();
expr r = mk_idx_meta(next_idx, m_tc->infer(e).first);
return some_expr(r);
} else if (is_meta(e)) {
if (auto it = emap.find(e)) {
return some_expr(*it);
} else {
unsigned next_idx = m_esubst.size();
expr r = mk_idx_meta(next_idx, m_tc->infer(e).first);
if (no_meta_args(e))
emap.insert(e, r); // cache only if arguments of e are not metavariables
return some_expr(r);
} else if (is_constant(e)) {
levels ls = map(const_levels(e), [&](level const & l) { return to_meta_idx(l); });
return some_expr(update_constant(e, ls));
} else {
return none_expr();
// Given the rewrite step \c e, return a pattern to be used to locate the term to be rewritten.
expr get_pattern(expr const & e) {
if (has_rewrite_pattern(e)) {
return to_meta_idx(get_rewrite_pattern(e));
} else {
// Remark: we discard constraints generated producing the pattern.
// Patterns are only used to locate positions where the rule should be applied.
expr rule = get_rewrite_rule(e);
expr rule_type = m_tc->whnf(m_tc->infer(rule).first).first;
while (is_pi(rule_type)) {
expr meta = mk_meta(binding_domain(rule_type));
rule_type = m_tc->whnf(instantiate(binding_body(rule_type), meta)).first;
if (!is_eq(rule_type))
throw_rewrite_exception("invalid rewrite tactic, given lemma is not an equality");
if (get_rewrite_info(e).symm()) {
return to_meta_idx(app_arg(rule_type));
} else {
return to_meta_idx(app_arg(app_fn(rule_type)));
// Set m_esubst and m_lsubst elements to none
void reset_subst() {
for (optional<level> & l : m_lsubst)
l = none_level();
for (optional<expr> & e : m_esubst)
e = none_expr();
pair<expr, constraint> mk_class_instance_elaborator(expr const & type) {
unifier_config cfg;
cfg.m_kind = unifier_kind::VeryConservative;
bool use_local_instances = true;
bool is_strict = false;
return ::lean::mk_class_instance_elaborator(m_env, m_ios, m_ctx, m_ngen.next(), optional<name>(),
m_ps.relax_main_opaque(), use_local_instances, is_strict,
some_expr(type), m_expr_loc.get_tag(), cfg, nullptr);
// rule, new_t
typedef optional<pair<expr, expr>> unify_result;
// When successful, the result is the pair (H, new_t) where
// (H : new_t = t) if is_goal == true
// (H : t = new_t) if is_goal == false
unify_result unify_target(expr const & t, expr const & orig_elem, bool is_goal) {
try {
expr rule = get_rewrite_rule(orig_elem);
auto rcs = m_elab(m_g, m_ngen.mk_child(), rule, none_expr(), false);
rule = rcs.first;
buffer<constraint> cs;
to_buffer(rcs.second, cs);
constraint_seq cs_seq;
expr rule_type = m_tc->whnf(m_tc->infer(rule, cs_seq), cs_seq);
while (is_pi(rule_type)) {
expr meta;
if (binding_info(rule_type).is_inst_implicit()) {
auto mc = mk_class_instance_elaborator(binding_domain(rule_type));
meta = mc.first;
cs_seq += mc.second;
} else {
meta = mk_meta(binding_domain(rule_type));
rule_type = m_tc->whnf(instantiate(binding_body(rule_type), meta), cs_seq);
rule = mk_app(rule, meta);
bool symm = get_rewrite_info(orig_elem).symm();
expr src;
if (symm)
src = app_arg(rule_type);
src = app_arg(app_fn(rule_type));
if (!m_tc->is_def_eq(t, src, justification(), cs_seq))
return unify_result();
unifier_config cfg;
cfg.m_kind = unifier_kind::Liberal;
cfg.m_discard = true;
unify_result_seq rseq = unify(m_env, cs.size(), cs.data(), m_ngen.mk_child(), m_subst, cfg);
if (auto p = rseq.pull()) {
substitution new_subst = p->first.first;
rule = new_subst.instantiate_all(rule);
rule_type = new_subst.instantiate_all(rule_type);
if (has_expr_metavar_strict(rule) || has_expr_metavar_strict(rule_type))
return unify_result(); // rule was not completely instantiated.
m_subst = new_subst;
expr lhs = app_arg(app_fn(rule_type));
expr rhs = app_arg(rule_type);
if (is_goal) {
if (symm) {
return unify_result(rule, lhs);
} else {
rule = mk_symm(*m_tc, rule);
return unify_result(rule, rhs);
} else {
if (symm) {
rule = mk_symm(*m_tc, rule);
return unify_result(rule, lhs);
} else {
return unify_result(rule, rhs);
} catch (exception&) {}
return unify_result();
// target, new_target, H : represents the rewrite (H : target = new_target) for hypothesis
// and (H : new_target = target) for goals
typedef optional<std::tuple<expr, expr, expr>> find_result;
// Search for \c pattern in \c e. If \c t is a match, then try to unify the type of the rule
// in the rewrite step \c orig_elem with \c t.
// When successful, this method returns the target \c t, the fully elaborated rule \c r,
// and the new value \c new_t (i.e., the expression that will replace \c t).
// \remark is_goal == true if \c e is the type of a goal. Otherwise, it is assumed to be the type
// of a hypothesis. This flag affects the equality proof built by this method.
find_result find_target(expr const & e, expr const & pattern, expr const & orig_elem, bool is_goal) {
find_result result;
for_each(e, [&](expr const & t, unsigned) {
if (result)
return false; // stop search
if (closed(t)) {
lean_assert(std::all_of(m_esubst.begin(), m_esubst.end(), [&](optional<expr> const & e) { return !e; }));
bool assigned = false;
bool r = match(pattern, t, m_lsubst, m_esubst, nullptr, nullptr, &m_mplugin, &assigned);
if (assigned)
if (r) {
if (auto p = unify_target(t, orig_elem, is_goal)) {
result = std::make_tuple(t, p->second, p->first);
return false;
return true;
return result;
bool process_rewrite_hypothesis(expr const & hyp, expr const & orig_elem, expr const & pattern, occurrence const & occ) {
expr Pa = mlocal_type(hyp);
bool is_goal = false;
if (auto it = find_target(Pa, pattern, orig_elem, is_goal)) {
expr a, Heq, b; // Heq is a proof of a = b
std::tie(a, b, Heq) = *it;
bool has_dep_elim = inductive::has_dep_elim(m_env, get_eq_name());
unsigned vidx = has_dep_elim ? 1 : 0;
expr Px = replace_occurrences(Pa, a, occ, vidx);
expr Pb = instantiate(Px, vidx, b);
expr A = m_tc->infer(a).first;
level l1 = sort_level(m_tc->ensure_type(Pa).first);
level l2 = sort_level(m_tc->ensure_type(A).first);
expr H;
if (has_dep_elim) {
expr Haeqx = mk_app(mk_constant(get_eq_name(), {l1}), A, b, mk_var(0));
expr P = mk_lambda("x", A, mk_lambda("H", Haeqx, Px));
H = mk_app({mk_constant(get_eq_rec_name(), {l1, l2}), A, a, P, hyp, b, Heq});
} else {
H = mk_app({mk_constant(get_eq_rec_name(), {l1, l2}), A, a, mk_lambda("x", A, Px), hyp, b, Heq});
expr new_hyp = update_mlocal(hyp, Pb);
buffer<expr> new_hyps;
buffer<expr> args;
for (expr & h : new_hyps) {
if (mlocal_name(h) == mlocal_name(hyp)) {
h = new_hyp;
} else {
expr new_type = m_g.get_type();
expr new_mvar = mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(new_hyps, new_type));
expr new_meta = mk_app(new_mvar, new_hyps);
goal new_g(new_meta, new_type);
assign(m_subst, m_g, mk_app(new_mvar, args));
return true;
return false;
bool process_rewrite_goal(expr const & orig_elem, expr const & pattern, occurrence const & occ) {
expr Pa = m_g.get_type();
bool is_goal = true;
if (auto it = find_target(Pa, pattern, orig_elem, is_goal)) {
expr a, Heq, b;
std::tie(a, b, Heq) = *it;
// Given (a, b, P[a], Heq : b = a, occ), return (P[b], M : P[b], H : P[a])
// where M is a metavariable application of a fresh metavariable, and H is a witness (based on M) for P[a].
bool has_dep_elim = inductive::has_dep_elim(m_env, get_eq_name());
unsigned vidx = has_dep_elim ? 1 : 0;
expr Px = replace_occurrences(Pa, a, occ, vidx);
expr Pb = instantiate(Px, vidx, b);
expr A = m_tc->infer(a).first;
level l1 = sort_level(m_tc->ensure_type(Pa).first);
level l2 = sort_level(m_tc->ensure_type(A).first);
expr M = m_g.mk_meta(m_ngen.next(), Pb);
expr H;
if (has_dep_elim) {
expr Haeqx = mk_app(mk_constant(get_eq_name(), {l2}), A, b, mk_var(0));
expr P = mk_lambda("x", A, mk_lambda("H", Haeqx, Px));
H = mk_app({mk_constant(get_eq_rec_name(), {l1, l2}), A, b, P, M, a, Heq});
} else {
H = mk_app({mk_constant(get_eq_rec_name(), {l1, l2}), A, b, mk_lambda("x", A, Px), M, a, Heq});
goal new_g(M, Pb);
assign(m_subst, m_g, H);
// regular(m_env, m_ios) << "FOUND\n" << a << "\n==>\n" << b << "\nWITH\n" << Heq << "\n";
// regular(m_env, m_ios) << H << "\n";
return true;
return false;
bool process_rewrite_single_step(expr const & orig_elem, expr const & pattern) {
check_system("rewrite tactic");
rewrite_info const & info = get_rewrite_info(orig_elem);
location const & loc = info.get_location();
if (loc.is_goal_only())
return process_rewrite_goal(orig_elem, pattern, *loc.includes_goal());
bool progress = false;
buffer<expr> hyps;
for (expr const & h : hyps) {
auto occ = loc.includes_hypothesis(local_pp_name(h));
if (!occ)
if (process_rewrite_hypothesis(h, orig_elem, pattern, *occ))
progress = true;
if (auto occ = loc.includes_goal()) {
if (process_rewrite_goal(orig_elem, pattern, *occ))
progress = true;
return progress;
void check_max_iter(unsigned i) {
if (i >= m_max_iter)
bool process_rewrite_step(expr const & elem, expr const & orig_elem) {
expr pattern = get_pattern(elem);
// regular(m_env, m_ios) << "pattern: " << pattern << "\n";
rewrite_info const & info = get_rewrite_info(elem);
unsigned i, num;
switch (info.get_multiplicity()) {
case rewrite_info::Once:
return process_rewrite_single_step(orig_elem, pattern);
case rewrite_info::AtMostN:
num = info.num();
for (i = 0; i < std::min(num, m_max_iter); i++) {
if (!process_rewrite_single_step(orig_elem, pattern))
return true;
return true;
case rewrite_info::ExactlyN:
num = info.num();
for (i = 0; i < std::min(num, m_max_iter); i++) {
if (!process_rewrite_single_step(orig_elem, pattern))
return false;
return true;
case rewrite_info::ZeroOrMore:
for (i = 0; i < m_max_iter; i++) {
if (!process_rewrite_single_step(orig_elem, pattern))
return true;
case rewrite_info::OneOrMore:
if (!process_rewrite_single_step(orig_elem, pattern))
return false;
for (i = 0; i < m_max_iter; i++) {
if (!process_rewrite_single_step(orig_elem, pattern))
return true;
// Process the given rewrite element/step. This method destructively update
// m_g, m_subst, m_ngen. It returns true if it succeeded and false otherwise.
bool process_step(expr const & elem) {
if (is_rewrite_unfold_step(elem)) {
return process_unfold_step(elem);
} else if (is_rewrite_fold_step(elem)) {
return process_fold_step(elem);
} else if (is_rewrite_reduce_step(elem)) {
return process_reduce_step(elem);
} else {
expr rule = get_rewrite_rule(elem);
expr new_elem;
if (has_rewrite_pattern(elem)) {
expr pattern = m_elab(m_g, m_ngen.mk_child(), get_rewrite_pattern(elem), none_expr(), false).first;
expr new_args[2] = { rule, pattern };
new_elem = mk_macro(macro_def(elem), 2, new_args);
} else {
rule = m_elab(m_g, m_ngen.mk_child(), rule, none_expr(), false).first;
new_elem = mk_macro(macro_def(elem), 1, &rule);
return process_rewrite_step(new_elem, elem);
bool check_trivial_goal() {
expr type = m_g.get_type();
if (is_eq(type) || (is_iff(type) && m_env.impredicative())) {
constraint_seq cs;
expr lhs = app_arg(app_fn(type));
expr rhs = app_arg(type);
if (m_unifier_tc->is_def_eq(lhs, rhs, justification(), cs) && !cs) {
expr H = is_eq(type) ? mk_refl(*m_tc, lhs) : mk_iff_refl(lhs);
assign(m_subst, m_g, H);
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else if (type == mk_true()) {
assign(m_subst, m_g, mk_constant(get_eq_intro_name()));
return true;
} else {
return false;
class match_converter : public unfold_reducible_converter {
match_converter(environment const & env, bool relax_main_opaque):
unfold_reducible_converter(env, relax_main_opaque, true) {}
virtual bool is_opaque(declaration const & d) const {
if (is_projection(m_env, d.get_name()))
return true;
return unfold_reducible_converter::is_opaque(d);
type_checker_ptr mk_matcher_tc() {
if (get_rewriter_syntactic(m_ios.get_options())) {
// use an everything opaque converter
return mk_opaque_type_checker(m_env, m_ngen.mk_child());
} else {
return std::unique_ptr<type_checker>(new type_checker(m_env, m_ngen.mk_child(),
std::unique_ptr<converter>(new match_converter(m_env, m_ps.relax_main_opaque()))));
rewrite_fn(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, elaborate_fn const & elab, proof_state const & ps):
m_env(env), m_ios(ios), m_elab(elab), m_ps(ps), m_ngen(ps.get_ngen()),
m_tc(mk_type_checker(m_env, m_ngen.mk_child(), ps.relax_main_opaque(), UnfoldQuasireducible)),
m_unifier_tc(mk_type_checker(m_env, m_ngen.mk_child(), ps.relax_main_opaque())),
m_mplugin(m_ios, *m_matcher_tc) {
goals const & gs = m_ps.get_goals();
m_subst = m_ps.get_subst();
m_max_iter = get_rewriter_max_iterations(ios.get_options());
proof_state_seq operator()(buffer<expr> const & elems) {
for (expr const & elem : elems) {
flet<expr> set1(m_expr_loc, elem);
if (!process_step(elem)) {
if (m_ps.report_failure()) {
proof_state curr_ps(m_ps, cons(m_g, tail(m_ps.get_goals())), m_subst, m_ngen);
throw tactic_exception("rewrite step failed", some_expr(elem), curr_ps,
[](formatter const &) { return format("invalid 'rewrite' tactic, rewrite step failed"); });
return proof_state_seq();
goals new_gs;
if (check_trivial_goal())
new_gs = tail(m_ps.get_goals());
new_gs = cons(m_g, tail(m_ps.get_goals()));
proof_state new_ps(m_ps, new_gs, m_subst, m_ngen);
return proof_state_seq(new_ps);
tactic mk_rewrite_tactic(elaborate_fn const & elab, buffer<expr> const & elems) {
return tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & ios, proof_state const & s) {
goals const & gs = s.get_goals();
if (empty(gs)) {
return proof_state_seq();
return rewrite_fn(env, ios, elab, s)(elems);
void initialize_rewrite_tactic() {
g_rewriter_max_iterations = new name{"rewriter", "max_iter"};
register_unsigned_option(*g_rewriter_max_iterations, LEAN_DEFAULT_REWRITER_MAX_ITERATIONS,
"(rewriter tactic) maximum number of iterations");
g_rewriter_syntactic = new name{"rewriter", "syntactic"};
register_bool_option(*g_rewriter_syntactic, LEAN_DEFAULT_REWRITER_SYNTACTIC,
"(rewriter tactic) if true tactic will not unfold any constant when performing pattern matching");
name rewrite_tac_name{"tactic", "rewrite_tac"};
g_rewrite_tac = new expr(Const(rewrite_tac_name));
g_rewrite_reduce_name = new name("rewrite_reduce");
g_rewrite_reduce_opcode = new std::string("RWR");
g_rewrite_unfold_name = new name("rewrite_unfold");
g_rewrite_unfold_opcode = new std::string("RWU");
g_rewrite_fold_name = new name("rewrite_fold");
g_rewrite_fold_opcode = new std::string("RWF");
g_rewrite_elem_name = new name("rewrite_element");
g_rewrite_elem_opcode = new std::string("RWE");
[](deserializer & d, unsigned num, expr const * args) {
if (num > 1)
throw corrupted_stream_exception();
reduce_info info;
d >> info;
if (num == 0)
return mk_rewrite_reduce(info.get_location());
return mk_rewrite_reduce_to(args[0], info.get_location());
[](deserializer & d, unsigned num, expr const * args) {
if (num != 1)
throw corrupted_stream_exception();
fold_info info;
d >> info;
return mk_rewrite_fold(args[0], info.get_location());
[](deserializer & d, unsigned num, expr const *) {
if (num != 0)
throw corrupted_stream_exception();
unfold_info info;
d >> info;
macro_definition def(new rewrite_unfold_macro_cell(info));
return mk_macro(def);
[](deserializer & d, unsigned num, expr const * args) {
if (num != 1 && num != 2)
throw corrupted_stream_exception();
rewrite_info info;
d >> info;
macro_definition def(new rewrite_element_macro_cell(info));
return mk_macro(def, num, args);
[](type_checker &, elaborate_fn const & elab, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const *) {
buffer<expr> args;
get_tactic_expr_list_elements(app_arg(e), args, "invalid 'rewrite' tactic, invalid argument");
for (expr const & arg : args) {
if (!is_rewrite_step(arg) && !is_rewrite_unfold_step(arg) &&
!is_rewrite_reduce_step(arg) && !is_rewrite_fold_step(arg))
throw expr_to_tactic_exception(e, "invalid 'rewrite' tactic, invalid argument");
return mk_rewrite_tactic(elab, args);
void finalize_rewrite_tactic() {
delete g_rewriter_max_iterations;
delete g_rewriter_syntactic;
delete g_rewrite_tac;
delete g_rewrite_unfold_name;
delete g_rewrite_unfold_opcode;
delete g_rewrite_fold_name;
delete g_rewrite_fold_opcode;
delete g_rewrite_reduce_name;
delete g_rewrite_reduce_opcode;
delete g_rewrite_elem_name;
delete g_rewrite_elem_opcode;