Leonardo de Moura 368fcb5ff9 refactor(builtin/kernel): rename refute to by_contradiction
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2014-02-12 08:49:19 -08:00

26 lines
1.5 KiB

import macros
-- Well-founded relation definition
-- We are essentially saying that a relation R is well-founded
-- if every non-empty "set" P, has a R-minimal element
definition wf {A : (Type U)} (R : A → A → Bool) : Bool
:= ∀ P, (∃ w, P w) → ∃ min, P min ∧ ∀ b, R b min → ¬ P b
-- Well-founded induction theorem
theorem wf_induction {A : (Type U)} {R : A → A → Bool} {P : A → Bool} (Hwf : wf R) (iH : ∀ x, (∀ y, R y x → P y) → P x)
: ∀ x, P x
:= by_contradiction (assume N : ¬ ∀ x, P x,
obtain (w : A) (Hw : ¬ P w), from not_forall_elim N,
-- The main "trick" is to define Q x as ¬ P x.
-- Since R is well-founded, there must be a R-minimal element r s.t. Q r (which is ¬ P r)
let Q : A → Bool := λ x, ¬ P x,
Qw : ∃ w, Q w := exists_intro w Hw,
Qwf : ∃ min, Q min ∧ ∀ b, R b min → ¬ Q b := Hwf Q Qw
in obtain (r : A) (Hr : Q r ∧ ∀ b, R b r → ¬ Q b), from Qwf,
-- Using the inductive hypothesis iH and Hr, we show P r, and derive the contradiction.
let s1 : ∀ b, R b r → P b := take b : A, assume H : R b r,
-- We are using Hr to derive ¬ ¬ P b
not_not_elim (and_elimr Hr b H),
s2 : P r := iH r s1,
s3 : ¬ P r := and_eliml Hr
in absurd s2 s3)