Leonardo de Moura 1e6550eda6 feat(kernel/default_converter): take into account the 'theorem' annotations in the converability checker
The idea is that we should seldon need to unfold theorems.
The convertability checker should use that.
When the convertability checker was implemented, theorems were opaque in
Lean. So, this hint was not needed.

This modification is another workaround for the performance problem with
the migrate command at library/data/real/division.lean.
This solution is better than applying proof irrelevance eagerly because
it also addresses similar problems in the HoTT library which does not
support proof irrelevance.

This commit also enables the conv_opt for all theorems.
2015-06-30 10:42:26 -07:00

666 lines
23 KiB

Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "util/interrupt.h"
#include "util/flet.h"
#include "kernel/default_converter.h"
#include "kernel/instantiate.h"
#include "kernel/free_vars.h"
#include "kernel/type_checker.h"
#include "kernel/metavar.h"
#include "kernel/error_msgs.h"
namespace lean {
static expr * g_dont_care = nullptr;
default_converter::default_converter(environment const & env, bool memoize):
m_env(env), m_memoize(memoize) {
m_tc = nullptr;
m_jst = nullptr;
constraint default_converter::mk_eq_cnstr(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j) {
return ::lean::mk_eq_cnstr(lhs, rhs, j);
optional<expr> default_converter::expand_macro(expr const & m) {
return macro_def(m).expand(m, get_extension(*m_tc));
/** \brief Apply normalizer extensions to \c e. */
optional<pair<expr, constraint_seq>> default_converter::norm_ext(expr const & e) {
return m_env.norm_ext()(e, get_extension(*m_tc));
optional<expr> default_converter::d_norm_ext(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs) {
if (auto r = norm_ext(e)) {
cs += r->second;
return some_expr(r->first);
} else {
return none_expr();
/** \brief Return true if \c e may be reduced later after metavariables are instantiated. */
bool default_converter::is_stuck(expr const & e) {
return static_cast<bool>(m_env.norm_ext().is_stuck(e, get_extension(*m_tc)));
optional<expr> default_converter::is_stuck(expr const & e, type_checker & c) {
if (is_meta(e)) {
return some_expr(e);
} else {
return m_env.norm_ext().is_stuck(e, get_extension(c));
/** \brief Weak head normal form core procedure. It does not perform delta reduction nor normalization extensions. */
expr default_converter::whnf_core(expr const & e) {
// handle easy cases
switch (e.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Sort: case expr_kind::Meta: case expr_kind::Local:
case expr_kind::Pi: case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Lambda:
return e;
case expr_kind::Macro: case expr_kind::App:
// check cache
if (m_memoize) {
auto it = m_whnf_core_cache.find(e);
if (it != m_whnf_core_cache.end())
return it->second;
// do the actual work
expr r;
switch (e.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Sort: case expr_kind::Meta: case expr_kind::Local:
case expr_kind::Pi: case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Lambda:
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
case expr_kind::Macro:
if (auto m = expand_macro(e))
r = whnf_core(*m);
r = e;
case expr_kind::App: {
buffer<expr> args;
expr f0 = get_app_rev_args(e, args);
expr f = whnf_core(f0);
if (is_lambda(f)) {
unsigned m = 1;
unsigned num_args = args.size();
while (is_lambda(binding_body(f)) && m < num_args) {
f = binding_body(f);
lean_assert(m <= num_args);
r = whnf_core(mk_rev_app(instantiate(binding_body(f), m, args.data() + (num_args - m)), num_args - m, args.data()));
} else {
r = f == f0 ? e : whnf_core(mk_rev_app(f, args.size(), args.data()));
if (m_memoize)
m_whnf_core_cache.insert(mk_pair(e, r));
return r;
bool default_converter::is_opaque(declaration const &) const {
return false;
/** \brief Expand \c e if it is non-opaque constant with weight >= w */
expr default_converter::unfold_name_core(expr e, unsigned w) {
if (is_constant(e)) {
if (auto d = m_env.find(const_name(e))) {
if (d->is_definition() && !is_opaque(*d) && d->get_weight() >= w &&
length(const_levels(e)) == d->get_num_univ_params())
return unfold_name_core(instantiate_value_univ_params(*d, const_levels(e)), w);
return e;
\brief Expand constants and application where the function is a constant.
The unfolding is only performend if the constant corresponds to
a non-opaque definition with weight >= w.
expr default_converter::unfold_names(expr const & e, unsigned w) {
if (is_app(e)) {
expr f0 = get_app_fn(e);
expr f = unfold_name_core(f0, w);
if (is_eqp(f, f0)) {
return e;
} else {
buffer<expr> args;
get_app_rev_args(e, args);
return mk_rev_app(f, args);
} else {
return unfold_name_core(e, w);
\brief Return some definition \c d iff \c e is a target for delta-reduction, and the given definition is the one
to be expanded.
optional<declaration> default_converter::is_delta(expr const & e) const {
expr const & f = get_app_fn(e);
if (is_constant(f)) {
if (auto d = m_env.find(const_name(f)))
if (d->is_definition() && !is_opaque(*d))
return d;
return none_declaration();
\brief Weak head normal form core procedure that perform delta reduction for non-opaque constants with
weight greater than or equal to \c w.
This method is based on <tt>whnf_core(expr const &)</tt> and \c unfold_names.
\remark This method does not use normalization extensions attached in the environment.
expr default_converter::whnf_core(expr e, unsigned w) {
while (true) {
expr new_e = unfold_names(whnf_core(e), w);
if (is_eqp(e, new_e))
return e;
e = new_e;
/** \brief Put expression \c t in weak head normal form */
pair<expr, constraint_seq> default_converter::whnf(expr const & e_prime) {
// Do not cache easy cases
switch (e_prime.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Sort: case expr_kind::Meta: case expr_kind::Local: case expr_kind::Pi:
return to_ecs(e_prime);
case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Macro: case expr_kind::App: case expr_kind::Constant:
expr e = e_prime;
// check cache
if (m_memoize) {
auto it = m_whnf_cache.find(e);
if (it != m_whnf_cache.end())
return it->second;
expr t = e;
constraint_seq cs;
while (true) {
expr t1 = whnf_core(t, 0);
if (auto new_t = d_norm_ext(t1, cs)) {
t = *new_t;
} else {
auto r = mk_pair(t1, cs);
if (m_memoize)
m_whnf_cache.insert(mk_pair(e, r));
return r;
expr default_converter::whnf(expr const & e_prime, constraint_seq & cs) {
auto r = whnf(e_prime);
cs += r.second;
return r.first;
\brief Given lambda/Pi expressions \c t and \c s, return true iff \c t is def eq to \c s.
t and s are definitionally equal
domain(t) is definitionally equal to domain(s)
body(t) is definitionally equal to body(s)
bool default_converter::is_def_eq_binding(expr t, expr s, constraint_seq & cs) {
lean_assert(t.kind() == s.kind());
expr_kind k = t.kind();
buffer<expr> subst;
do {
optional<expr> var_s_type;
if (binding_domain(t) != binding_domain(s)) {
var_s_type = instantiate_rev(binding_domain(s), subst.size(), subst.data());
expr var_t_type = instantiate_rev(binding_domain(t), subst.size(), subst.data());
if (!is_def_eq(var_t_type, *var_s_type, cs))
return false;
if (!closed(binding_body(t)) || !closed(binding_body(s))) {
// local is used inside t or s
if (!var_s_type)
var_s_type = instantiate_rev(binding_domain(s), subst.size(), subst.data());
subst.push_back(mk_local(mk_fresh_name(*m_tc), binding_name(s), *var_s_type, binding_info(s)));
} else {
subst.push_back(*g_dont_care); // don't care
t = binding_body(t);
s = binding_body(s);
} while (t.kind() == k && s.kind() == k);
return is_def_eq(instantiate_rev(t, subst.size(), subst.data()),
instantiate_rev(s, subst.size(), subst.data()), cs);
bool default_converter::is_def_eq(level const & l1, level const & l2, constraint_seq & cs) {
if (is_equivalent(l1, l2)) {
return true;
} else if (has_meta(l1) || has_meta(l2)) {
cs += constraint_seq(mk_level_eq_cnstr(l1, l2, m_jst->get()));
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool default_converter::is_def_eq(levels const & ls1, levels const & ls2, constraint_seq & cs) {
if (is_nil(ls1) && is_nil(ls2)) {
return true;
} else if (!is_nil(ls1) && !is_nil(ls2)) {
is_def_eq(head(ls1), head(ls2), cs) &&
is_def_eq(tail(ls1), tail(ls2), cs);
} else {
return false;
/** \brief This is an auxiliary method for is_def_eq. It handles the "easy cases". */
lbool default_converter::quick_is_def_eq(expr const & t, expr const & s, constraint_seq & cs, bool use_hash) {
if (m_eqv_manager.is_equiv(t, s, use_hash))
return l_true;
if (is_meta(t) || is_meta(s)) {
// if t or s is a metavariable (or the application of a metavariable), then add constraint
cs += constraint_seq(mk_eq_cnstr(t, s, m_jst->get()));
return l_true;
if (t.kind() == s.kind()) {
switch (t.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi:
return to_lbool(is_def_eq_binding(t, s, cs));
case expr_kind::Sort:
return to_lbool(is_def_eq(sort_level(t), sort_level(s), cs));
case expr_kind::Meta:
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Local: case expr_kind::App:
case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Macro:
// We do not handle these cases in this method.
return l_undef; // This is not an "easy case"
\brief Return true if arguments of \c t are definitionally equal to arguments of \c s.
This method is used to implement an optimization in the method \c is_def_eq.
bool default_converter::is_def_eq_args(expr t, expr s, constraint_seq & cs) {
while (is_app(t) && is_app(s)) {
if (!is_def_eq(app_arg(t), app_arg(s), cs))
return false;
t = app_fn(t);
s = app_fn(s);
return !is_app(t) && !is_app(s);
/** \brief Return true iff t is a constant named f_name or an application of the form (f_name a_1 ... a_k) */
bool default_converter::is_app_of(expr t, name const & f_name) {
t = get_app_fn(t);
return is_constant(t) && const_name(t) == f_name;
/** \brief Try to solve (fun (x : A), B) =?= s by trying eta-expansion on s */
bool default_converter::try_eta_expansion_core(expr const & t, expr const & s, constraint_seq & cs) {
if (is_lambda(t) && !is_lambda(s)) {
auto tcs = infer_type(s);
auto wcs = whnf(tcs.first);
expr s_type = wcs.first;
constraint_seq aux_cs;
if (is_pi(s_type)) {
// do nothing ... s_type is already a Pi
} else if (auto m = m_tc->is_stuck(s_type)) {
name_generator ngen = m_tc->mk_ngen();
expr r = mk_pi_for(ngen, *m);
justification j = mk_justification(s, [=](formatter const & fmt, substitution const & subst, bool) {
return pp_function_expected(fmt, substitution(subst).instantiate(s));
aux_cs += mk_eq_cnstr(s_type, r, j);
s_type = r;
} else {
return false;
expr new_s = mk_lambda(binding_name(s_type), binding_domain(s_type), mk_app(s, Var(0)), binding_info(s_type));
auto dcs = is_def_eq(t, new_s);
if (!dcs.first) {
return false;
cs += dcs.second + wcs.second + tcs.second + aux_cs;
return true;
} else {
return false;
/** \brief Return true iff \c t and \c s are definitionally equal.
\remark Store in \c cs any generated constraints.
bool default_converter::is_def_eq(expr const & t, expr const & s, constraint_seq & cs) {
auto bcs = is_def_eq(t, s);
if (bcs.first) {
cs += bcs.second;
return true;
} else {
return false;
/** \brief Return true if \c t and \c s are definitionally equal because they are applications of the form
<tt>(f a_1 ... a_n)</tt> <tt>(g b_1 ... b_n)</tt>, and \c f and \c g are definitionally equal, and
\c a_i and \c b_i are also definitionally equal for every 1 <= i <= n.
Return false otherwise.
\remark Store in \c cs any generated constraints
bool default_converter::is_def_eq_app(expr const & t, expr const & s, constraint_seq & cs) {
if (is_app(t) && is_app(s)) {
buffer<expr> t_args;
buffer<expr> s_args;
expr t_fn = get_app_args(t, t_args);
expr s_fn = get_app_args(s, s_args);
constraint_seq cs_prime = cs;
if (is_def_eq(t_fn, s_fn, cs_prime) && t_args.size() == s_args.size()) {
unsigned i = 0;
for (; i < t_args.size(); i++) {
if (!is_def_eq(t_args[i], s_args[i], cs_prime))
if (i == t_args.size()) {
cs = cs_prime;
return true;
return false;
/** \brief remark: is_prop returns true only if \c e is reducible to Prop.
If \c e contains metavariables, then reduction can get stuck, and is_prop will return false.
pair<bool, constraint_seq> default_converter::is_prop(expr const & e) {
auto tcs = infer_type(e);
auto wcs = whnf(tcs.first);
if (wcs.first == mk_Prop())
return to_bcs(true, wcs.second + tcs.second);
return to_bcs(false);
/** \brief Return true if \c t and \c s are definitionally equal due to proof irrelevant.
Return false otherwise.
\remark Store in \c cs any generated constraints.
bool default_converter::is_def_eq_proof_irrel(expr const & t, expr const & s, constraint_seq & cs) {
if (!m_env.prop_proof_irrel())
return false;
// Proof irrelevance support for Prop (aka Type.{0})
auto tcs = infer_type(t);
auto scs = infer_type(s);
expr t_type = tcs.first;
expr s_type = scs.first;
auto pcs = is_prop(t_type);
if (pcs.first) {
auto dcs = is_def_eq(t_type, s_type);
if (dcs.first) {
cs += dcs.second + scs.second + pcs.second + tcs.second;
return true;
} else {
// If we can't stablish whether t_type is Prop, we try s_type.
pcs = is_prop(s_type);
if (pcs.first) {
auto dcs = is_def_eq(t_type, s_type);
if (dcs.first) {
cs += dcs.second + scs.second + pcs.second + tcs.second;
return true;
// This procedure will miss the case where s_type and t_type cannot be reduced to Prop
// because they contain metavariables.
return false;
bool default_converter::failed_before(expr const & t, expr const & s) const {
if (t.hash() < s.hash()) {
return m_failure_cache.find(mk_pair(t, s)) != m_failure_cache.end();
} else if (t.hash() > s.hash()) {
return m_failure_cache.find(mk_pair(s, t)) != m_failure_cache.end();
} else {
m_failure_cache.find(mk_pair(t, s)) != m_failure_cache.end() ||
m_failure_cache.find(mk_pair(s, t)) != m_failure_cache.end();
void default_converter::cache_failure(expr const & t, expr const & s) {
if (t.hash() <= s.hash())
m_failure_cache.insert(mk_pair(t, s));
m_failure_cache.insert(mk_pair(s, t));
\brief Perform one lazy delta-reduction step.
- l_true if t_n and s_n are definitionally equal.
- l_false if they are not definitionally equal.
- l_undef it the step did not manage to establish whether they are definitionally equal or not.
\remark t_n, s_n and cs are updated.
auto default_converter::lazy_delta_reduction_step(expr & t_n, expr & s_n, constraint_seq & cs) -> reduction_status {
auto d_t = is_delta(t_n);
auto d_s = is_delta(s_n);
if (!d_t && !d_s) {
return reduction_status::DefUnknown;
} else if (d_t && !d_s) {
t_n = whnf_core(unfold_names(t_n, 0));
} else if (!d_t && d_s) {
s_n = whnf_core(unfold_names(s_n, 0));
} else if (!d_t->is_theorem() && d_s->is_theorem()) {
t_n = whnf_core(unfold_names(t_n, d_t->get_weight()));
} else if (!d_s->is_theorem() && d_t->is_theorem()) {
s_n = whnf_core(unfold_names(s_n, d_s->get_weight()));
} else if (!d_t->is_theorem() && d_t->get_weight() > d_s->get_weight()) {
t_n = whnf_core(unfold_names(t_n, d_s->get_weight() + 1));
} else if (!d_s->is_theorem() && d_t->get_weight() < d_s->get_weight()) {
s_n = whnf_core(unfold_names(s_n, d_t->get_weight() + 1));
} else {
if (is_app(t_n) && is_app(s_n) && is_eqp(*d_t, *d_s)) {
// If t_n and s_n are both applications of the same (non-opaque) definition,
if (has_expr_metavar(t_n) || has_expr_metavar(s_n)) {
// We let the unifier deal with cases such as
// (f ...) =?= (f ...)
// when t_n or s_n contains metavariables
return reduction_status::DefUnknown;
} else {
// Optimization:
// We try to check if their arguments are definitionally equal.
// If they are, then t_n and s_n must be definitionally equal, and we can
// skip the delta-reduction step.
// If the flag use_conv_opt() is not true, then we skip this optimization
constraint_seq tmp_cs;
if (!is_opaque(*d_t) && d_t->use_conv_opt() && !failed_before(t_n, s_n)) {
if (is_def_eq(const_levels(get_app_fn(t_n)), const_levels(get_app_fn(s_n)), tmp_cs) &&
is_def_eq_args(t_n, s_n, tmp_cs)) {
cs += tmp_cs;
return reduction_status::DefEqual;
} else {
cache_failure(t_n, s_n);
t_n = whnf_core(unfold_names(t_n, d_t->get_weight() - 1));
s_n = whnf_core(unfold_names(s_n, d_s->get_weight() - 1));
switch (quick_is_def_eq(t_n, s_n, cs)) {
case l_true: return reduction_status::DefEqual;
case l_false: return reduction_status::DefDiff;
case l_undef: return reduction_status::Continue;
lbool default_converter::lazy_delta_reduction(expr & t_n, expr & s_n, constraint_seq & cs) {
while (true) {
switch (lazy_delta_reduction_step(t_n, s_n, cs)) {
case reduction_status::Continue: break;
case reduction_status::DefUnknown: return l_undef;
case reduction_status::DefEqual: return l_true;
case reduction_status::DefDiff: return l_false;
auto default_converter::ext_reduction_step(expr & t_n, expr & s_n, constraint_seq & cs) -> reduction_status {
auto new_t_n = d_norm_ext(t_n, cs);
auto new_s_n = d_norm_ext(s_n, cs);
if (!new_t_n && !new_s_n)
return reduction_status::DefUnknown;
if (new_t_n)
t_n = whnf_core(*new_t_n);
if (new_s_n)
s_n = whnf_core(*new_s_n);
switch (quick_is_def_eq(t_n, s_n, cs)) {
case l_true: return reduction_status::DefEqual;
case l_false: return reduction_status::DefDiff;
case l_undef: return reduction_status::Continue;
// Apply lazy delta-reduction and then normalizer extensions
lbool default_converter::reduce_def_eq(expr & t_n, expr & s_n, constraint_seq & cs) {
while (true) {
// first, keep applying lazy delta-reduction while applicable
lbool r = lazy_delta_reduction(t_n, s_n, cs);
if (r != l_undef) return r;
// try normalizer extensions
switch (ext_reduction_step(t_n, s_n, cs)) {
case reduction_status::Continue: break;
case reduction_status::DefUnknown: return l_undef;
case reduction_status::DefEqual: return l_true;
case reduction_status::DefDiff: return l_false;
bool default_converter::postpone_is_def_eq(expr const & t, expr const & s) {
if (has_expr_metavar(t) || has_expr_metavar(s)) {
optional<declaration> d_t = is_delta(t);
optional<declaration> d_s = is_delta(s);
if (d_t && d_s && is_eqp(*d_t, *d_s))
return true;
else if (is_stuck(t) && is_stuck(s))
return true;
return false;
pair<bool, constraint_seq> default_converter::is_def_eq_core(expr const & t, expr const & s) {
constraint_seq cs;
bool use_hash = true;
lbool r = quick_is_def_eq(t, s, cs, use_hash);
if (r != l_undef) return to_bcs(r == l_true, cs);
// apply whnf (without using delta-reduction or normalizer extensions)
expr t_n = whnf_core(t);
expr s_n = whnf_core(s);
if (!is_eqp(t_n, t) || !is_eqp(s_n, s)) {
r = quick_is_def_eq(t_n, s_n, cs);
if (r != l_undef) return to_bcs(r == l_true, cs);
r = reduce_def_eq(t_n, s_n, cs);
if (r != l_undef) return to_bcs(r == l_true, cs);
if (is_constant(t_n) && is_constant(s_n) && const_name(t_n) == const_name(s_n) &&
is_def_eq(const_levels(t_n), const_levels(s_n), cs))
return to_bcs(true, cs);
if (is_local(t_n) && is_local(s_n) && mlocal_name(t_n) == mlocal_name(s_n))
return to_bcs(true, cs);
bool postpone = postpone_is_def_eq(t_n, s_n);
// At this point, t_n and s_n are in weak head normal form (modulo meta-variables and proof irrelevance)
if (!postpone && is_def_eq_app(t_n, s_n, cs))
return to_bcs(true, cs);
if (try_eta_expansion(t_n, s_n, cs))
return to_bcs(true, cs);
constraint_seq pi_cs;
if (is_def_eq_proof_irrel(t, s, pi_cs))
return to_bcs(true, pi_cs);
if (is_stuck(t_n) || is_stuck(s_n) || postpone) {
cs += constraint_seq(mk_eq_cnstr(t_n, s_n, m_jst->get()));
return to_bcs(true, cs);
return to_bcs(false);
pair<bool, constraint_seq> default_converter::is_def_eq(expr const & t, expr const & s) {
auto r = is_def_eq_core(t, s);
if (r.first && !r.second)
m_eqv_manager.add_equiv(t, s);
return r;
/** Return true iff t is definitionally equal to s. */
pair<bool, constraint_seq> default_converter::is_def_eq(expr const & t, expr const & s, type_checker & c, delayed_justification & jst) {
flet<type_checker*> set_tc(m_tc, &c);
flet<delayed_justification*> set_js(m_jst, &jst);
return is_def_eq(t, s);
pair<expr, constraint_seq> default_converter::whnf(expr const & e, type_checker & c) {
flet<type_checker*> set_tc(m_tc, &c);
return whnf(e);
void initialize_default_converter() {
g_dont_care = new expr(Const("dontcare"));
void finalize_default_converter() {
delete g_dont_care;