also add more definitions in types.pi, types.path, algebra.precategory the (pre)category library still needs cleanup authors of this commit: @avigad, @javra, @fpvandoorn
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Copyright (c) 2014 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Floris van Doorn
Ported from Coq HoTT
Theorems about products
open eq equiv is_equiv is_trunc prod
variables {A A' B B' C D : Type}
{a a' a'' : A} {b b₁ b₂ b' b'' : B} {u v w : A × B}
namespace prod
-- prod.eta is already used for the eta rule for strict equality
protected definition eta (u : A × B) : (pr₁ u , pr₂ u) = u :=
destruct u (λu1 u2, idp)
definition pair_eq (pa : a = a') (pb : b = b') : (a , b) = (a' , b') :=
eq.rec_on pa (eq.rec_on pb idp)
definition prod_eq : (pr₁ u = pr₁ v) → (pr₂ u = pr₂ v) → u = v :=
apply (prod.rec_on u), intros (a₁, b₁),
apply (prod.rec_on v), intros (a₂, b₂, H₁, H₂),
apply (transport _ (eta (a₁, b₁))),
apply (transport _ (eta (a₂, b₂))),
apply (pair_eq H₁ H₂),
/- Symmetry -/
definition is_equiv_flip [instance] (A B : Type) : is_equiv (@flip A B) :=
adjointify flip
(λu, destruct u (λb a, idp))
(λu, destruct u (λa b, idp))
definition prod_comm_equiv (A B : Type) : A × B ≃ B × A :=
|| flip _
-- is_trunc_prod is defined in sigma
end prod