- It uses the unifier in "conservative" mode - It only affects the current goal closes #570
22 lines
642 B
22 lines
642 B
import logic
open tactic
definition my_tac1 := apply @eq.refl
definition my_tac2 := repeat (or_else (apply and.intro) assumption)
tactic_hint my_tac1
tactic_hint my_tac2
theorem T1 {A : Type.{2}} (a : A) : a = a
theorem T2 {a b c : Prop} (Ha : a) (Hb : b) (Hc : c) : a ∧ b ∧ c
notation `(` h `|` r:(foldl `|` (e r, tactic.or_else r e) h) `)` := r
infixl `;`:15 := tactic.and_then
definition my_tac3 := fixpoint (λ f, (apply or.intro_left; f |
apply or.intro_right; f |
tactic_hint my_tac3
theorem T3 {a b c : Prop} (Hb : b) : a ∨ b ∨ c