It is identical to default, but it is opaque. That is, when we use 'arbitrary A', we cannot rely on the particular value selected.
22 lines
494 B
22 lines
494 B
open nat bool inhabited
definition diag : bool → bool → bool → nat,
diag _ tt ff := 1,
diag ff _ tt := 2,
diag tt ff _ := 3,
diag _ _ _ := arbitrary nat
theorem diag1 (a : bool) : diag a tt ff = 1 :=
bool.cases_on a rfl rfl
theorem diag2 (a : bool) : diag ff a tt = 2 :=
bool.cases_on a rfl rfl
theorem diag3 (a : bool) : diag tt ff a = 3 :=
bool.cases_on a rfl rfl
theorem diag4_1 : diag ff ff ff = arbitrary nat :=
theorem diag4_2 : diag tt tt tt = arbitrary nat :=