The idea is to support conditional equations where the left-hand-side does not contain all theorem arguments, but the missing arguments can be inferred using type inference. For example, we will be able to have the eta theorem as rewrite rule: theorem eta {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} (f : ∀ x : A, B x) : (λ x : A, f x) = f := funext (λ x : A, refl (f x)) Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
89 lines
2.5 KiB
89 lines
2.5 KiB
local env = get_environment()
function show_ceqs(ceqs)
for i = 1, #ceqs do
print(ceqs[i][1], ceqs[i][2])
assert(is_ceq(env, ceqs[i][1]))
function test_ceq(name, expected)
local obj = env:find_object(name)
local r = to_ceqs(env, obj:get_type(), Const(name))
assert(#r == expected)
import if_then_else
variable f : Nat -> Nat
axiom Ax1 : forall x : Nat, x > 0 -> f x < 0 /\ not (f x = 1)
axiom Ax2 : forall x : Nat, x < 0 -> f (f x) = x
variable g : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
axiom Ax3 : forall x : Nat, not (x = 1) -> if (x < 0) then (g x x = 0) else (g x x < 0 /\ g x 0 = 1 /\ g 0 x = 2)
axiom Ax4 : forall x y : Nat, f x = x
axiom Ax5 : forall x y : Nat, f x = y /\ g x y = x
axiom Ax6 : forall x : Nat, f x ≠ 0
test_ceq("Ax1", 2)
test_ceq("Ax2", 1)
test_ceq("Ax3", 4)
test_ceq("Ax4", 0)
test_ceq("Ax5", 1)
test_ceq("Ax6", 1)
test_ceq("eta", 1)
test_ceq("not_not_eq", 1)
test_ceq("or_comm", 1)
test_ceq("or_assoc", 1)
test_ceq("or_id", 1)
test_ceq("or_falsel", 1)
test_ceq("or_falser", 1)
test_ceq("or_truel", 1)
test_ceq("or_truer", 1)
test_ceq("or_tauto", 1)
test_ceq("and_comm", 1)
test_ceq("and_assoc", 1)
test_ceq("and_id", 1)
test_ceq("and_falsel", 1)
test_ceq("and_falser", 1)
test_ceq("and_truel", 1)
test_ceq("and_truer", 1)
test_ceq("and_absurd", 1)
test_ceq("imp_truer", 1)
test_ceq("imp_truel", 1)
test_ceq("imp_falser", 1)
test_ceq("imp_falsel", 1)
test_ceq("not_and", 1)
test_ceq("not_or", 1)
test_ceq("not_iff", 1)
test_ceq("not_implies", 1)
test_ceq("or_left_comm", 1)
test_ceq("and_left_comm", 1)
test_ceq("forall_or_distributer", 1)
test_ceq("forall_or_distributel", 1)
test_ceq("forall_and_distribute", 1)
test_ceq("exists_and_distributer", 1)
test_ceq("exists_and_distributel", 1)
test_ceq("exists_or_distribute", 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "add_zeror"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "add_zerol"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "add_comm"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "add_assoc"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "mul_zerol"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "mul_zeror"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "mul_onel"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "mul_oner"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "mul_comm"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "mul_assoc"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "add_comm"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "add_assoc"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "distributer"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "distributel"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "le_refl"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "le_zero"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "not_lt_0"}, 1)
test_ceq({"Nat", "lt_nrefl"}, 1)