@avigad, @fpvandoorn, @rlewis1988, @dselsam I changed how transitive instances are named. The motivation is to avoid a naming collision problem found by Daniel. Before this commit, we were getting an error on the following file tests/lean/run/collision_bug.lean. Now, transitive instances contain the prefix "_trans_". It makes it clear this is an internal definition and it should not be used by users. This change also demonstrates (again) how the `rewrite` tactic is fragile. The problem is that the matching procedure used by it has very little support for solving matching constraints that involving type class instances. Eventually, we will need to reimplement `rewrite` using the new unification procedure used in blast. In the meantime, the workaround is to use `krewrite` (as usual).
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Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Floris van Doorn
Theorems about algebra specific to HoTT
import .group arity types.pi hprop_trunc types.unit .bundled
open equiv eq equiv.ops is_trunc unit
namespace algebra
definition trivial_group [constructor] : group unit :=
group.mk (λx y, star) _ (λx y z, idp) star (unit.rec idp) (unit.rec idp) (λx, star) (λx, idp)
definition Trivial_group [constructor] : Group :=
Group.mk _ trivial_group
notation `G0` := Trivial_group
open Group has_mul has_inv
-- we prove under which conditions two groups are equal
-- group and has_mul are classes. So, lean does not automatically generate
-- coercions between them anymore.
-- So, an application such as (@mul A G g h) in the following definition
-- is type incorrect if the coercion is not added (explicitly or implicitly).
definition group.to_has_mul [coercion] {A : Type} (H : group A) : has_mul A := _
local attribute group.to_has_inv [coercion]
universe variable l
variables {A B : Type.{l}}
definition group_eq {G H : group A} (same_mul' : Π(g h : A), @mul A G g h = @mul A H g h)
: G = H :=
have foo : Π(g : A), @inv A G g = (@inv A G g * g) * @inv A H g,
from λg, !mul_inv_cancel_right⁻¹,
cases G with Gm Gs Gh1 G1 Gh2 Gh3 Gi Gh4,
cases H with Hm Hs Hh1 H1 Hh2 Hh3 Hi Hh4,
rewrite [↑[semigroup.to_has_mul,group.to_has_inv] at (same_mul,foo)],
have same_mul : Gm = Hm, from eq_of_homotopy2 same_mul',
cases same_mul,
have same_one : G1 = H1, from calc
G1 = Hm G1 H1 : Hh3
... = H1 : Gh2,
have same_inv : Gi = Hi, from eq_of_homotopy (take g, calc
Gi g = Hm (Hm (Gi g) g) (Hi g) : foo
... = Hm G1 (Hi g) : by rewrite Gh4
... = Hi g : Gh2),
cases same_one, cases same_inv,
have ps : Gs = Hs, from !is_hprop.elim,
have ph1 : Gh1 = Hh1, from !is_hprop.elim,
have ph2 : Gh2 = Hh2, from !is_hprop.elim,
have ph3 : Gh3 = Hh3, from !is_hprop.elim,
have ph4 : Gh4 = Hh4, from !is_hprop.elim,
cases ps, cases ph1, cases ph2, cases ph3, cases ph4, reflexivity
definition group_pathover {G : group A} {H : group B} {f : A ≃ B}
: (Π(g h : A), f (g * h) = f g * f h) → G =[ua f] H :=
revert H,
eapply (rec_on_ua_idp' f),
intros H resp_mul,
esimp [equiv.refl] at resp_mul, esimp,
apply pathover_idp_of_eq, apply group_eq,
exact resp_mul
definition Group_eq {G H : Group} (f : carrier G ≃ carrier H)
(resp_mul : Π(g h : G), f (g * h) = f g * f h) : G = H :=
cases G with Gc G, cases H with Hc H,
apply (apo011 mk (ua f)),
apply group_pathover, exact resp_mul
definition trivial_group_of_is_contr (G : Group) [H : is_contr G] : G = G0 :=
fapply Group_eq,
{ apply equiv_unit_of_is_contr},
{ intros, reflexivity}
end algebra