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Copyright (c) 2015 Jacob Gross. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jacob Gross, Jeremy Avigad
Open and closed sets, seperation axioms and generated topologies.
import data.set data.nat
open algebra eq.ops set nat
structure topology [class] (X : Type) :=
(opens : set (set X))
(univ_mem_opens : univ ∈ opens)
(sUnion_mem_opens : ∀ {S : set (set X)}, S ⊆ opens → ⋃₀ S ∈ opens)
(inter_mem_opens : ∀₀ s ∈ opens, ∀₀ t ∈ opens, s ∩ t ∈ opens)
namespace topology
variables {X : Type} [topology X]
/- open sets -/
definition Open (s : set X) : Prop := s ∈ opens X
theorem Open_empty : Open (∅ : set X) :=
have ∅ ⊆ opens X, from empty_subset _,
have ⋃₀ ∅ ∈ opens X, from sUnion_mem_opens this,
show ∅ ∈ opens X, using this, by rewrite -sUnion_empty; apply this
theorem Open_univ : Open (univ : set X) :=
univ_mem_opens X
theorem Open_sUnion {S : set (set X)} (H : ∀₀ t ∈ S, Open t) : Open (⋃₀ S) :=
sUnion_mem_opens H
theorem Open_Union {I : Type} {s : I → set X} (H : ∀ i, Open (s i)) : Open ( i, s i) :=
have ∀₀ t ∈ s ' univ, Open t,
from take t, suppose t ∈ s ' univ,
obtain i [univi (Hi : s i = t)], from this,
show Open t, by rewrite -Hi; exact H i,
using this, by rewrite Union_eq_sUnion_image; apply Open_sUnion this
theorem Open_union {s t : set X} (Hs : Open s) (Ht : Open t) : Open (s t) :=
have ∀ i, Open (bin_ext s t i), by intro i; cases i; exact Hs; exact Ht,
show Open (s t), using this, by rewrite -Union_bin_ext; exact Open_Union this
theorem Open_inter {s t : set X} (Hs : Open s) (Ht : Open t) : Open (s ∩ t) :=
inter_mem_opens X Hs Ht
theorem Open_sInter_of_finite {s : set (set X)} [fins : finite s] (H : ∀₀ t ∈ s, Open t) :
Open (⋂₀ s) :=
induction fins with a s fins anins ih,
{rewrite sInter_empty, exact Open_univ},
rewrite sInter_insert,
apply Open_inter,
show Open a, from H (mem_insert a s),
apply ih, intros t ts,
show Open t, from H (mem_insert_of_mem a ts)
/- closed sets -/
definition closed [reducible] (s : set X) : Prop := Open (-s)
theorem closed_iff_Open_compl (s : set X) : closed s ↔ Open (-s) := !iff.refl
theorem Open_iff_closed_compl (s : set X) : Open s ↔ closed (-s) :=
by rewrite [closed_iff_Open_compl, compl_compl]
theorem closed_compl {s : set X} (H : Open s) : closed (-s) :=
by rewrite [-Open_iff_closed_compl]; apply H
theorem closed_empty : closed (∅ : set X) :=
by rewrite [↑closed, compl_empty]; exact Open_univ
theorem closed_univ : closed (univ : set X) :=
by rewrite [↑closed, compl_univ]; exact Open_empty
theorem closed_sInter {S : set (set X)} (H : ∀₀ t ∈ S, closed t) : closed (⋂₀ S) :=
rewrite [↑closed, compl_sInter],
apply Open_sUnion,
intro t,
rewrite [mem_image_compl, Open_iff_closed_compl],
apply H
theorem closed_Inter {I : Type} {s : I → set X} (H : ∀ i, closed (s i : set X)) :
closed (⋂ i, s i) :=
by rewrite [↑closed, compl_Inter]; apply Open_Union; apply H
theorem closed_inter {s t : set X} (Hs : closed s) (Ht : closed t) : closed (s ∩ t) :=
by rewrite [↑closed, compl_inter]; apply Open_union; apply Hs; apply Ht
theorem closed_union {s t : set X} (Hs : closed s) (Ht : closed t) : closed (s t) :=
by rewrite [↑closed, compl_union]; apply Open_inter; apply Hs; apply Ht
theorem closed_sUnion_of_finite {s : set (set X)} [fins : finite s] (H : ∀₀ t ∈ s, closed t) :
closed (⋂₀ s) :=
rewrite [↑closed, compl_sInter],
apply Open_sUnion,
intro t,
rewrite [mem_image_compl, Open_iff_closed_compl],
apply H
theorem open_diff {s t : set X} (Hs : Open s) (Ht : closed t) : Open (s \ t) :=
Open_inter Hs Ht
theorem closed_diff {s t : set X} (Hs : closed s) (Ht : Open t) : closed (s \ t) :=
closed_inter Hs (closed_compl Ht)
open classical
theorem Open_of_forall_exists_Open_nbhd {s : set X} (H : ∀₀ x ∈ s, ∃ tx : set X, Open tx ∧ x ∈ tx ∧ tx ⊆ s) :
Open s :=
let Hset : X → set X := λ x, if Hxs : x ∈ s then some (H Hxs) else univ in
let sFam := image (λ x, Hset x) s in
have H_union_open : Open (⋃₀ sFam), from Open_sUnion
(take t : set X, suppose t ∈ sFam,
have H_preim : ∃ t', t' ∈ s ∧ Hset t' = t, from this,
obtain t' (Ht' : t' ∈ s) (Ht't : Hset t' = t), from H_preim,
have HHsett : t = some (H Ht'), from Ht't ▸ dif_pos Ht',
show Open t, from and.left (HHsett⁻¹ ▸ some_spec (H Ht'))),
have H_subset_union : s ⊆ ⋃₀ sFam, from
(take x : X, suppose x ∈ s,
have HxHset : x ∈ Hset x, from (dif_pos this)⁻¹ ▸ (and.left (and.right (some_spec (H this)))),
show x ∈ ⋃₀ sFam, from mem_sUnion HxHset (mem_image this rfl)),
have H_union_subset : ⋃₀ sFam ⊆ s, from
(take x : X, suppose x ∈ ⋃₀ sFam,
obtain (t : set X) (Ht : t ∈ sFam) (Hxt : x ∈ t), from this,
have H_preim : ∃ t', t' ∈ s ∧ Hset t' = t, from Ht,
obtain t' (Ht' : t' ∈ s) (Ht't : Hset t' = t), from H_preim,
have HHsett : t = some (H Ht'), from Ht't ▸ dif_pos Ht',
have t ⊆ s, from and.right (and.right (HHsett⁻¹ ▸ some_spec (H Ht'))),
show x ∈ s, from this Hxt),
have H_union_eq : ⋃₀ sFam = s, from eq_of_subset_of_subset H_union_subset H_subset_union,
show Open s, from H_union_eq ▸ H_union_open
end topology
/- separation -/
structure T0_space [class] (X : Type) extends topology X :=
(T0 : ∀ {x y}, x ≠ y → ∃ U, U ∈ opens ∧ ¬(x ∈ U ↔ y ∈ U))
namespace topology
variables {X : Type} [T0_space X]
theorem separation_T0 {x y : X} : x ≠ y ↔ ∃ U, Open U ∧ ¬(x ∈ U ↔ y ∈ U) :=
(assume H, obtain U [OpU xyU], from H,
suppose x = y,
have x ∈ U ↔ y ∈ U, from iff.intro
(assume xU, this ▸ xU)
(assume yU, this⁻¹ ▸ yU),
absurd this xyU)
end topology
structure T1_space [class] (X : Type) extends topology X :=
(T1 : ∀ {x y}, x ≠ y → ∃ U, U ∈ opens ∧ x ∈ U ∧ y ∉ U)
protected definition T0_space.of_T1 [reducible] [trans_instance] {X : Type} [T : T1_space X] :
T0_space X :=
⦃T0_space, T,
T0 := abstract
take x y, assume H,
obtain U [Uopens [xU ynU]], from T1_space.T1 H,
exists.intro U (and.intro Uopens
(show ¬ (x ∈ U ↔ y ∈ U), from assume H, ynU (iff.mp H xU)))
end ⦄
namespace topology
variables {X : Type} [T1_space X]
theorem separation_T1 {x y : X} : x ≠ y ↔ (∃ U, Open U ∧ x ∈ U ∧ y ∉ U) :=
(suppose ∃ U, Open U ∧ x ∈ U ∧ y ∉ U,
obtain U [OpU xU nyU], from this,
suppose x = y,
absurd xU (this⁻¹ ▸ nyU))
theorem closed_singleton {a : X} : closed '{a} :=
let T := ⋃₀ {S| Open S ∧ a ∉ S} in
have Open T, from Open_sUnion (λS HS, and.elim_left HS),
have T = -'{a}, from ext(take x, iff.intro
(assume xT, assume xa,
obtain S [[OpS aS] xS], from xT,
have ∃ U, Open U ∧ x ∈ U ∧ a ∉ U, from
exists.intro S (and.intro OpS (and.intro xS aS)),
have x ≠ a, from (iff.elim_right separation_T1) this,
absurd ((iff.elim_left !mem_singleton_iff) xa) this)
(assume xa,
have x ≠ a, from not.intro(
assume H, absurd ((iff.elim_right !mem_singleton_iff) H) xa),
obtain U [OpU xU aU], from (iff.elim_left separation_T1) this,
show _, from exists.intro U (and.intro (and.intro OpU aU) xU))),
show _, from this ▸ `Open T`
end topology
structure T2_space [class] (X : Type) extends topology X :=
(T2 : ∀ {x y}, x ≠ y → ∃ U V, U ∈ opens ∧ V ∈ opens ∧ x ∈ U ∧ y ∈ V ∧ U ∩ V = ∅)
protected definition T1_space.of_T2 [reducible] [trans_instance] {X : Type} [T : T2_space X] :
T1_space X :=
⦃T1_space, T,
T1 := abstract
take x y, assume H,
obtain U [V [Uopens [Vopens [xU [yV UVempty]]]]], from T2_space.T2 H,
exists.intro U (and.intro Uopens (and.intro xU
(show y ∉ U, from assume yU,
have y ∈ U ∩ V, from and.intro yU yV,
show y ∈ ∅, from UVempty ▸ this)))
end ⦄
namespace topology
variables {X : Type} [T2_space X]
theorem seperation_T2 {x y : X} : x ≠ y ↔ ∃ U V, Open U ∧ Open V ∧ x ∈ U ∧ y ∈ V ∧ U ∩ V = ∅ :=
(assume H, obtain U V [OpU OpV xU yV UV], from H,
suppose x = y,
have ¬(x ∈ U ∩ V), from not.intro(
assume xUV, absurd (UV ▸ xUV) !not_mem_empty),
absurd (and.intro xU (`x = y`⁻¹ ▸ yV)) this)
end topology
structure perfect_space [class] (X : Type) extends topology X :=
(perfect : ∀ x, '{x} ∉ opens)
/- topology generated by a set -/
namespace topology
inductive opens_generated_by {X : Type} (B : set (set X)) : set X → Prop :=
| generators_mem : ∀ ⦃s : set X⦄, s ∈ B → opens_generated_by B s
| univ_mem : opens_generated_by B univ
| inter_mem : ∀ ⦃s t⦄, opens_generated_by B s → opens_generated_by B t →
opens_generated_by B (s ∩ t)
| sUnion_mem : ∀ ⦃S : set (set X)⦄, S ⊆ opens_generated_by B → opens_generated_by B (⋃₀ S)
protected definition generated_by [instance] [reducible] {X : Type} (B : set (set X)) : topology X :=
opens := opens_generated_by B,
univ_mem_opens := opens_generated_by.univ_mem B,
inter_mem_opens := λ s Hs t Ht, opens_generated_by.inter_mem Hs Ht,
sUnion_mem_opens := opens_generated_by.sUnion_mem
theorem generators_mem_topology_generated_by {X : Type} (B : set (set X)) :
let T := topology.generated_by B in
∀₀ s ∈ B, @Open _ T s :=
λ s H, opens_generated_by.generators_mem H
theorem opens_generated_by_initial {X : Type} {B : set (set X)} {T : topology X} (H : B ⊆ @opens _ T) :
opens_generated_by B ⊆ @opens _ T :=
intro s Hs,
induction Hs with s sB s t os ot soX toX S SB SOX,
{exact H sB},
{exact univ_mem_opens X},
{exact inter_mem_opens X soX toX},
exact sUnion_mem_opens SOX
theorem topology_generated_by_initial {X : Type} {B : set (set X)} {T : topology X}
(H : ∀₀ s ∈ B, @Open _ T s) {s : set X} (H1 : @Open _ (topology.generated_by B) s) :
@Open _ T s :=
opens_generated_by_initial H H1
section continuity
/- continuous mappings -/
/- continuity at a point -/
variables {M N : Type} [Tm : topology M] [Tn : topology N]
include Tm Tn
definition continuous_at (f : M → N) (x : M) :=
∀ U : set N, f x ∈ U → Open U → ∃ V : set M, x ∈ V ∧ Open V ∧ f 'V ⊆ U
definition continuous (f : M → N) :=
∀ x : M, continuous_at f x
end continuity
section boundary
variables {X : Type} [TX : topology X]
include TX
definition on_boundary (x : X) (u : set X) := ∀ v : set X, Open v → x ∈ v → u ∩ v ≠ ∅ ∧ ¬ v ⊆ u
theorem not_open_of_on_boundary {x : X} {u : set X} (Hxu : x ∈ u) (Hob : on_boundary x u) : ¬ Open u :=
intro Hop,
note Hbxu := Hob _ Hop Hxu,
apply and.right Hbxu,
apply subset.refl
end boundary
end topology