Leonardo de Moura e7ae749221 feat(boost): implement multi-threading support using Boost
To use Boost instead of the standard library, we must use the cmake option

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2013-12-09 17:24:32 -08:00

333 lines
10 KiB

Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <utility>
#include "util/interrupt.h"
#include "util/lazy_list.h"
#include "util/list.h"
namespace lean {
template<typename T, typename F>
void for_each(lazy_list<T> l, F && f) {
while (true) {
auto p = l.pull();
if (p) {
l = p->second;
} else {
\brief Create a lazy list that contains the first \c sz elements in \c l.
template<typename T>
lazy_list<T> take(unsigned sz, lazy_list<T> const & l) {
if (sz == 0) {
return lazy_list<T>();
} else {
return mk_lazy_list<T>([=]() {
auto p = l.pull();
if (p)
return some(mk_pair(p->first, take(sz - 1, p->second)));
return p;
\brief Create a lazy list based on the list \c l.
template<typename T>
lazy_list<T> to_lazy(list<T> l) {
if (l) {
return mk_lazy_list<T>([=]() {
return some(mk_pair(head(l), to_lazy(tail(l))));
} else {
return lazy_list<T>();
\brief Appends the given lazy lists.
template<typename T>
lazy_list<T> append(lazy_list<T> const & l1, lazy_list<T> const & l2, char const * cname = "lazy list") {
return mk_lazy_list<T>([=]() {
auto p = l1.pull();
if (!p) {
return l2.pull();
} else {
return some(mk_pair(p->first, append(p->second, l2, cname)));
\brief Return \c l1 if l1 is not empty, and \c l2 otherwise.
template<typename T>
lazy_list<T> orelse(lazy_list<T> const & l1, lazy_list<T> const & l2, char const * cname = "lazy list") {
return mk_lazy_list<T>([=]() {
auto p = l1.pull();
if (!p) {
return l2.pull();
} else {
return p;
\brief "Fair" version of \c append. That is, the elements of \c l1 and \c l2
are interleaved.
template<typename T>
lazy_list<T> interleave(lazy_list<T> const & l1, lazy_list<T> const & l2, char const * cname = "lazy list") {
return mk_lazy_list<T>([=]() {
auto p = l1.pull();
if (!p) {
return l2.pull();
} else {
return some(mk_pair(p->first, interleave(l2, p->second, cname)));
\brief Create a lazy list by applying \c f to the elements of \c l.
template<typename T, typename F>
lazy_list<T> map(lazy_list<T> const & l, F && f, char const * cname = "lazy list") {
return mk_lazy_list<T>([=]() {
auto p = l.pull();
if (!p) {
return p;
} else {
return some(mk_pair(f(p->first), map(p->second, f, cname)));
\brief Create a lazy list that contains only the elements of \c l that satisfies \c pred.
\remark Lazy lists may be infinite, and none of them may satisfy \c pred.
\remark \c check_system() is invoked whenever \c pred returns false.
template<typename T, typename P>
lazy_list<T> filter(lazy_list<T> const & l, P && pred, char const * cname = "lazy list") {
return mk_lazy_list<T>([=]() {
auto p = l.pull();
if (!p) {
return p;
} else if (pred(p->first)) {
return p;
} else {
return filter(p->second, pred, cname).pull();
\brief Auxiliary template for \c map_append.
template<typename T, typename F>
lazy_list<T> map_append_aux(lazy_list<T> const & h, lazy_list<T> const & l, F && f, char const * cname) {
return mk_lazy_list<T>([=]() {
auto p1 = h.pull();
if (p1) {
return some(mk_pair(p1->first, map_append_aux(p1->second, l, f, cname)));
} else {
auto p2 = l.pull();
if (p2) {
return map_append_aux(f(p2->first), p2->second, f, cname).pull();
} else {
return typename lazy_list<T>::maybe_pair();
\brief Applies \c f to each element of \c l. The function \c must return a lazy_list.
All lazy_lists are appended together.
template<typename T, typename F>
lazy_list<T> map_append(lazy_list<T> const & l, F && f, char const * cname = "lazy list") {
return map_append_aux(lazy_list<T>(), l, f, cname);
template<typename T, typename F>
lazy_list<T> repeat(T const & v, F && f, char const * cname = "lazy list") {
return mk_lazy_list<T>([=]() {
auto p = f(v).pull();
if (!p) {
return some(mk_pair(v, lazy_list<T>()));
} else {
return append(repeat(p->first, f, cname),
map_append(p->second, [=](T const & v2) { return repeat(v2, f, cname); }, cname), cname).pull();
template<typename T, typename F>
lazy_list<T> repeat_at_most(T const & v, F && f, unsigned k, char const * cname = "lazy list") {
return mk_lazy_list<T>([=]() {
if (k == 0) {
return some(mk_pair(v, lazy_list<T>()));
} else {
auto p = f(v).pull();
if (!p) {
return some(mk_pair(v, lazy_list<T>()));
} else {
return append(repeat_at_most(p->first, f, k - 1, cname),
map_append(p->second, [=](T const & v2) { return repeat_at_most(v2, f, k - 1, cname); }, cname),
\brief Return a lazy list such that only the elements that can be computed in
less than \c ms milliseconds are kept. That is, it uses a timeout for the \c pull
method in the class lazy_list. If the \c pull method timeouts, the lazy list
is truncated.
\remark the \c method is executed in a separate execution thread.
\remark \c check_ms is how often the main thread checks whether the child
thread finished.
#if !defined(LEAN_MULTI_THREAD)
template<typename T>
lazy_list<T> timeout(lazy_list<T> const & l, unsigned, unsigned) {
return l;
template<typename T>
lazy_list<T> timeout(lazy_list<T> const & l, unsigned ms, unsigned check_ms = g_small_sleep) {
if (check_ms == 0)
check_ms = 1;
return mk_lazy_list<T>([=]() {
typename lazy_list<T>::maybe_pair r;
atomic<bool> done(false);
interruptible_thread th([&]() {
try {
r = l.pull();
} catch (...) {
r = typename lazy_list<T>::maybe_pair();
done = true;
try {
auto start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
chrono::milliseconds d(ms);
chrono::milliseconds small(check_ms);
while (!done) {
auto curr = chrono::steady_clock::now();
if (chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(curr - start) > d)
if (r)
return some(mk_pair(r->first, timeout(r->second, ms, check_ms)));
return r;
} catch (...) {
\brief Similar to interleave, but the heads are computed in parallel.
Moreover, when pulling results from the lists, if one finishes before the other,
then the other one is interrupted.
#if !defined(LEAN_MULTI_THREAD)
template<typename T>
lazy_list<T> par(lazy_list<T> const & l1, lazy_list<T> const & l2, unsigned = g_small_sleep) {
return interleave(l1, l2);
template<typename T>
lazy_list<T> par(lazy_list<T> const & l1, lazy_list<T> const & l2, unsigned check_ms = g_small_sleep) {
return mk_lazy_list<T>([=]() {
typename lazy_list<T>::maybe_pair r1;
typename lazy_list<T>::maybe_pair r2;
atomic<bool> done1(false);
atomic<bool> done2(false);
interruptible_thread th1([&]() {
try {
r1 = l1.pull();
} catch (...) {
r1 = typename lazy_list<T>::maybe_pair();
done1 = true;
interruptible_thread th2([&]() {
try {
r2 = l2.pull();
} catch (...) {
r2 = typename lazy_list<T>::maybe_pair();
done2 = true;
try {
chrono::milliseconds small(check_ms);
while (!done1 && !done2) {
if (r1 && r2) {
lazy_list<T> tail(r2->first, par(r1->second, r2->second));
return some(mk_pair(r1->first, tail));
} else if (r1) {
return some(mk_pair(r1->first, par(r1->second, l2)));
} else if (r2) {
return some(mk_pair(r2->first, par(l1, r2->second)));
} else {
return r2;
} catch (...) {