Leonardo de Moura 235b8975d2 feat(kernel/inductive): K-like reduction in the kernel
Given (H_1 : a = a), we have that
      eq.rec H_2 H_1
reduces to H_2

This is not exclusive to equality.
It applies to any inductive datatype in Prop, containing only one
constructor with zero "arguments" (we say they are nullary).

BTW, the restriction to only one constructor is not needed, but it is
does not buy much to support multiple nullary constructors since Prop is
proof irrelevant.
2014-10-10 14:37:45 -07:00

25 lines
907 B

import logic
set_option pp.notation false
constant A : Type
constants a b : A
constant P : A → Type
constant H₁ : a = a
constant H₂ : P a
constant H₃ : a = b
constant f {A : Type} (a : A) : a = a
eval eq.rec H₂ (f a)
eval eq.rec H₂ H₁
eval eq.rec H₂ H₃
eval eq.rec H₂ (eq.refl a)
eval λ (A : Type) (a b : A) (H₁ : a = a) (P : A → Prop) (H₂ : P a) (H₃ : a = a) (c : A), eq.rec (eq.rec H₂ H₁) H₃
check @eq.rec A a P H₂ a
check λ H : a = a, H₂
inductive to_type {B : Type} : B → Type :=
mk : Π (b : B), to_type b
definition tst1 : to_type (λ H : a = a, H₂) := to_type.mk (@eq.rec A a P H₂ a)
check to_type.mk(λ H : a = a, H₂)
check to_type.mk(@eq.rec A a P H₂ a)
check to_type.mk(λ H : a = a, H₂) = to_type.mk(@eq.rec A a P H₂ a)
check to_type.mk(eq.rec H₂ H₁) = to_type.mk(H₂)
check to_type.mk(eq.rec H₂ (f a)) = to_type.mk(H₂)