This commit adds truncated 2-quotients, groupoid quotients, Eilenberg MacLane spaces, chain complexes, the long exact sequence of homotopy groups, the Freudenthal Suspension Theorem, Whitehead's principle, and the computation of homotopy groups of almost all spheres which are known in HoTT.
151 lines
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151 lines
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Copyright (c) 2016 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Clive Newstead
import .LES_of_homotopy_groups .sphere .complex_hopf
open eq is_trunc trunc_index pointed algebra trunc nat is_conn fiber pointed
namespace is_trunc
-- Lemma 8.3.1
theorem trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc (A : Type*) (n k : ℕ) [is_trunc n A] (H : n ≤ k)
: is_contr (πg[k+1] A) :=
apply is_trunc_trunc_of_is_trunc,
apply is_contr_loop_of_is_trunc,
apply @is_trunc_of_le A n _,
rewrite [succ_sub_two_succ k],
exact of_nat_le_of_nat H,
-- Lemma 8.3.2
theorem trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_conn (A : Type*) {k n : ℕ} (H : k ≤ n) [is_conn n A]
: is_contr (π[k] A) :=
have H3 : is_contr (ptrunc k A), from is_conn_of_le A (of_nat_le_of_nat H),
have H4 : is_contr (Ω[k](ptrunc k A)), from !is_trunc_loop_of_is_trunc,
apply is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev,
{ apply equiv_of_pequiv (phomotopy_group_pequiv_loop_ptrunc k A)}
-- Corollary 8.3.3
open sphere sphere.ops sphere_index
theorem homotopy_group_sphere_le (n k : ℕ) (H : k < n) : is_contr (π[k] (S. n)) :=
cases n with n,
{ exfalso, apply not_lt_zero, exact H},
{ have H2 : k ≤ n, from le_of_lt_succ H,
apply @(trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_conn _ H2) }
theorem is_contr_HG_fiber_of_is_connected {A B : Type*} (k n : ℕ) (f : A →* B)
[H : is_conn_fun n f] (H2 : k ≤ n) : is_contr (π[k] (pfiber f)) :=
@(trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_conn (pfiber f) H2) (H pt)
/- Corollaries of the LES of homotopy groups -/
local attribute comm_group.to_group [coercion]
local attribute is_equiv_tinverse [instance]
open prod chain_complex group fin equiv function is_equiv lift
Because of the construction of the LES this proof only gives us this result when
A and B live in the same universe (because Lean doesn't have universe cumulativity).
However, below we also proof that it holds for A and B in arbitrary universes.
theorem is_equiv_π_of_is_connected'.{u} {A B : pType.{u}} {n k : ℕ} (f : A →* B)
(H2 : k ≤ n) [H : is_conn_fun n f] : is_equiv (π→[k] f) :=
cases k with k,
{ /- k = 0 -/
change (is_equiv (trunc_functor 0 f)), apply is_equiv_trunc_functor_of_is_conn_fun,
refine is_conn_fun_of_le f (zero_le_of_nat n)},
{ /- k > 0 -/
have H2' : k ≤ n, from le.trans !self_le_succ H2,
@is_equiv_of_trivial _
(LES_of_homotopy_groups f) _
(is_exact_LES_of_homotopy_groups f (k, 2))
(is_exact_LES_of_homotopy_groups f (succ k, 0))
(@is_contr_HG_fiber_of_is_connected A B k n f H H2')
(@is_contr_HG_fiber_of_is_connected A B (succ k) n f H H2)
(@pgroup_of_group _ (group_LES_of_homotopy_groups f k 0) idp)
(@pgroup_of_group _ (group_LES_of_homotopy_groups f k 1) idp)
(homomorphism.struct (homomorphism_LES_of_homotopy_groups_fun f (k, 0)))},
theorem is_equiv_π_of_is_connected.{u v} {A : pType.{u}} {B : pType.{v}} {n k : ℕ} (f : A →* B)
(H2 : k ≤ n) [H : is_conn_fun n f] : is_equiv (π→[k] f) :=
have π→*[k] pdown.{v u} ∘* π→*[k] (plift_functor f) ∘* π→*[k] pup.{u v} ~* π→*[k] f,
refine pwhisker_left _ !phomotopy_group_functor_compose⁻¹* ⬝* _,
refine !phomotopy_group_functor_compose⁻¹* ⬝* _,
apply phomotopy_group_functor_phomotopy, apply plift_functor_phomotopy
have π→[k] pdown.{v u} ∘ π→[k] (plift_functor f) ∘ π→[k] pup.{u v} ~ π→[k] f, from this,
apply is_equiv.homotopy_closed, rotate 1,
{ exact this},
{ do 2 apply is_equiv_compose,
{ apply is_equiv_homotopy_group_functor, apply to_is_equiv !equiv_lift},
{ refine @(is_equiv_π_of_is_connected' _ H2) _, apply is_conn_fun_lift_functor},
{ apply is_equiv_homotopy_group_functor, apply to_is_equiv !equiv_lift⁻¹ᵉ}}
definition π_equiv_π_of_is_connected {A B : Type*} {n k : ℕ} (f : A →* B)
(H2 : k ≤ n) [H : is_conn_fun n f] : π*[k] A ≃* π*[k] B :=
pequiv_of_pmap (π→*[k] f) (is_equiv_π_of_is_connected f H2)
-- TODO: prove this for A and B in different universe levels
theorem is_surjective_π_of_is_connected.{u} {A B : pType.{u}} (n : ℕ) (f : A →* B)
[H : is_conn_fun n f] : is_surjective (π→[n + 1] f) :=
@is_surjective_of_trivial _
(LES_of_homotopy_groups f) _
(is_exact_LES_of_homotopy_groups f (n, 2))
(@is_contr_HG_fiber_of_is_connected A B n n f H !le.refl)
Theorem 8.8.3: Whitehead's principle
definition whiteheads_principle (n : ℕ₋₂) {A B : Type}
[HA : is_trunc n A] [HB : is_trunc n B] (f : A → B) (H' : is_equiv (trunc_functor 0 f))
(H : Πa k, is_equiv (π→*[k + 1] (pmap_of_map f a))) : is_equiv f :=
revert A B HA HB f H' H, induction n with n IH: intros,
{ apply is_equiv_of_is_contr},
have Πa, is_equiv (Ω→ (pmap_of_map f a)),
intro a,
apply IH, do 2 (esimp; exact _),
{ rexact H a 0},
intro p k,
have is_equiv (π→*[k + 1] (Ω→(pmap_of_map f a))),
from is_equiv_phomotopy_group_functor_ap1 (k+1) (pmap_of_map f a),
have Π(b : A) (p : a = b),
is_equiv (pmap.to_fun (π→*[k + 1] (pmap_of_map (ap f) p))),
intro b p, induction p, apply is_equiv.homotopy_closed, exact this,
refine phomotopy_group_functor_phomotopy _ _,
apply ap1_pmap_of_map
have is_equiv (phomotopy_group_pequiv _
(pequiv_of_eq_pt (!idp_con⁻¹ : ap f p = Ω→ (pmap_of_map f a) p)) ∘
pmap.to_fun (π→*[k + 1] (pmap_of_map (ap f) p))),
apply is_equiv_compose, exact this a p,
apply is_equiv.homotopy_closed, exact this,
refine !phomotopy_group_functor_compose⁻¹* ⬝* _,
apply phomotopy_group_functor_phomotopy,
{ esimp, intro q, refine !idp_con⁻¹},
{ esimp, refine !idp_con⁻¹},
apply is_equiv_of_is_equiv_ap1_of_is_equiv_trunc
end is_trunc