2015-01-28 17:22:18 -08:00

825 lines
35 KiB

Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <algorithm>
#include "util/sstream.h"
#include "util/name_map.h"
#include "kernel/replace_fn.h"
#include "kernel/type_checker.h"
#include "kernel/instantiate.h"
#include "kernel/inductive/inductive.h"
#include "kernel/abstract.h"
#include "kernel/free_vars.h"
#include "library/scoped_ext.h"
#include "library/locals.h"
#include "library/deep_copy.h"
#include "library/placeholder.h"
#include "library/aliases.h"
#include "library/protected.h"
#include "library/explicit.h"
#include "library/reducible.h"
#include "library/class.h"
#include "library/util.h"
#include "library/definitional/rec_on.h"
#include "library/definitional/induction_on.h"
#include "library/definitional/cases_on.h"
#include "library/definitional/brec_on.h"
#include "library/definitional/no_confusion.h"
#include "frontends/lean/decl_cmds.h"
#include "frontends/lean/util.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parser.h"
#include "frontends/lean/tokens.h"
#include "frontends/lean/type_util.h"
namespace lean {
using inductive::intro_rule;
using inductive::inductive_decl;
using inductive::inductive_decl_name;
using inductive::inductive_decl_type;
using inductive::inductive_decl_intros;
using inductive::intro_rule_name;
using inductive::intro_rule_type;
inductive_decl update_inductive_decl(inductive_decl const & d, expr const & t) {
return inductive_decl(inductive_decl_name(d), t, inductive_decl_intros(d));
inductive_decl update_inductive_decl(inductive_decl const & d, buffer<intro_rule> const & irs) {
return inductive_decl(inductive_decl_name(d), inductive_decl_type(d), to_list(irs.begin(), irs.end()));
intro_rule update_intro_rule(intro_rule const & r, expr const & t) {
return intro_rule(intro_rule_name(r), t);
static name * g_tmp_prefix = nullptr;
static name * g_inductive = nullptr;
static name * g_definition = nullptr;
static name * g_intro = nullptr;
static name * g_recursor = nullptr;
void initialize_inductive_cmd() {
g_tmp_prefix = new name(name::mk_internal_unique_name());
g_inductive = new name("inductive");
g_intro = new name("intro");
g_recursor = new name("recursor");
g_definition = new name("definition");
void finalize_inductive_cmd() {
delete g_recursor;
delete g_intro;
delete g_inductive;
delete g_definition;
delete g_tmp_prefix;
struct inductive_cmd_fn {
typedef std::unique_ptr<type_checker> type_checker_ptr;
typedef name_map<implicit_infer_kind> implicit_infer_map;
typedef type_modifiers modifiers;
parser & m_p;
environment m_env;
type_checker_ptr m_tc;
name m_namespace; // current namespace
pos_info m_pos; // current position for reporting errors
bool m_first; // true if parsing the first inductive type in a mutually recursive inductive decl.
buffer<name> m_explicit_levels;
buffer<name> m_levels;
buffer<expr> m_params; // parameters
unsigned m_num_params; // number of parameters
bool m_using_explicit_levels; // true if the user is providing explicit universe levels
level m_u; // temporary auxiliary global universe used for inferring the result universe of
// an inductive datatype declaration.
bool m_infer_result_universe;
implicit_infer_map m_implicit_infer_map; // implicit argument inference mode
name_map<modifiers> m_modifiers;
name_map<pos_info> m_decl_pos_map;
typedef std::tuple<name, name, pos_info> decl_info;
buffer<decl_info> m_decl_info; // auxiliary buffer used to populate declaration_index
inductive_cmd_fn(parser & p):m_p(p) {
m_env = p.env();
m_first = true;
m_using_explicit_levels = false;
m_num_params = 0;
name u_name(*g_tmp_prefix, "u");
m_env = m_env.add_universe(u_name);
m_u = mk_global_univ(u_name);
m_infer_result_universe = false;
m_namespace = get_namespace(m_env);
m_tc = mk_type_checker(m_env, m_p.mk_ngen(), false);
[[ noreturn ]] void throw_error(char const * error_msg) { throw parser_error(error_msg, m_pos); }
[[ noreturn ]] void throw_error(sstream const & strm) { throw parser_error(strm, m_pos); }
implicit_infer_kind get_implicit_infer_kind(name const & n) {
if (auto it = m_implicit_infer_map.find(n))
return *it;
return implicit_infer_kind::Implicit;
name mk_rec_name(name const & n) {
return ::lean::inductive::get_elim_name(n);
/** \brief Parse the name of an inductive datatype or introduction rule,
prefix the current namespace to it and return it.
pair<name, name> parse_decl_name(optional<name> const & ind_name) {
m_pos = m_p.pos();
name id = m_p.check_id_next("invalid declaration, identifier expected");
if (ind_name) {
// for intro rules, we append the name of the inductive datatype
name full_id = *ind_name + id;
m_decl_info.emplace_back(full_id, *g_intro, m_pos);
return mk_pair(id, full_id);
} else {
name full_id = m_namespace + id;
m_decl_info.emplace_back(full_id, *g_inductive, m_pos);
m_decl_info.emplace_back(mk_rec_name(full_id), *g_recursor, m_pos);
return mk_pair(id, full_id);
pair<name, name> parse_inductive_decl_name() { return parse_decl_name(optional<name>()); }
name parse_intro_decl_name(name const & ind_name) { return parse_decl_name(optional<name>(ind_name)).second; }
/** \brief Parse inductive declaration universe parameters.
If this is the first declaration in a mutually recursive block, then this method
stores the levels in m_explicit_levels, and set m_using_explicit_levels to true (iff they were provided).
If this is not the first declaration, then this function just checks if the user
is not providing explicit universe levels again.
void parse_inductive_univ_params() {
buffer<name> curr_ls_buffer;
if (parse_univ_params(m_p, curr_ls_buffer)) {
if (!m_first) {
throw_error("invalid mutually recursive declaration, "
"explicit universe levels should only be provided to first inductive type in this declaration");
m_using_explicit_levels = true;
/** \brief Parse the type of an inductive datatype */
expr parse_datatype_type() {
expr type;
buffer<expr> ps;
m_pos = m_p.pos();
if (m_p.curr_is_token(get_assign_tk())) {
type = mk_sort(mk_level_placeholder());
} else if (m_first && !m_p.curr_is_token(get_colon_tk())) {
unsigned rbp = 0;
m_p.parse_binders(ps, rbp);
m_num_params = ps.size();
if (m_p.curr_is_token(get_colon_tk())) {
type = m_p.parse_scoped_expr(ps);
} else {
type = mk_sort(mk_level_placeholder());
type = Pi(ps, type, m_p);
} else {
m_p.check_token_next(get_colon_tk(), "invalid mutually recursive inductive declaration, "
"':' expected (remark: parameters should be provided only to first datatype)");
type = m_p.parse_expr();
if (!m_first)
type = Pi(m_params, type, m_p);
return type;
/** \brief Return the universe level of the given type, if it is not a sort, then raise an exception. */
level get_datatype_result_level(expr d_type) {
d_type = m_tc->whnf(d_type).first;
while (is_pi(d_type)) {
d_type = m_tc->whnf(binding_body(d_type)).first;
if (!is_sort(d_type))
throw_error(sstream() << "invalid inductive datatype, resultant type is not a sort");
return sort_level(d_type);
/** \brief Create a local constant based on the given binding */
expr mk_local_for(expr const & b) {
return mk_local(m_p.mk_fresh_name(), binding_name(b), binding_domain(b), binding_info(b), b.get_tag());
/** \brief Set explicit datatype parameters as local constants in m_params */
void set_params(expr d_type) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_num_params; i++) {
expr l = mk_local(binding_name(d_type), binding_name(d_type), binding_domain(d_type), binding_info(d_type),
d_type = instantiate(binding_body(d_type), l);
/** \brief Add the parameters (in m_params) to parser local scope */
void add_params_to_local_scope() {
for (expr const & l : m_params)
/** \brief Parse introduction rules in the scope of m_params.
Introduction rules with the annotation '{}' are marked for relaxed (aka non-strict) implicit parameter inference.
Introduction rules with the annotation '()' are marked for no implicit parameter inference.
list<intro_rule> parse_intro_rules(name const & ind_name) {
buffer<intro_rule> intros;
while (true) {
name intro_name = parse_intro_decl_name(ind_name);
implicit_infer_kind k = parse_implicit_infer_modifier(m_p);
m_implicit_infer_map.insert(intro_name, k);
if (!m_params.empty() || m_p.curr_is_token(get_colon_tk())) {
m_p.check_token_next(get_colon_tk(), "invalid introduction rule, ':' expected");
expr intro_type = m_p.parse_expr();
intros.push_back(intro_rule(intro_name, intro_type));
} else {
expr intro_type = mk_constant(ind_name);
intros.push_back(intro_rule(intro_name, intro_type));
if (!m_p.curr_is_token(get_comma_tk()))
return to_list(intros.begin(), intros.end());
void parse_inductive_decls(buffer<inductive_decl> & decls) {
while (true) {
parser::local_scope l_scope(m_p);
auto pos = m_p.pos();
pair<name, name> d_names = parse_inductive_decl_name();
name d_short_name = d_names.first;
name d_name = d_names.second;
m_decl_pos_map.insert(d_name, pos);
if (!m_first) {
for (name const & lvl_name : m_explicit_levels)
m_p.add_local_level(lvl_name, mk_param_univ(lvl_name));
modifiers mods;
m_modifiers.insert(d_name, mods);
expr d_type = parse_datatype_type();
bool empty_type = true;
if (m_p.curr_is_token(get_assign_tk())) {
empty_type = false;
if (m_first) {
if (empty_type) {
decls.push_back(inductive_decl(d_name, d_type, list<intro_rule>()));
} else {
if (m_first)
expr d_const = mk_constant(d_name, param_names_to_levels(to_list(m_explicit_levels.begin(),
m_p.add_local_expr(d_short_name, d_const);
auto d_intro_rules = parse_intro_rules(d_name);
decls.push_back(inductive_decl(d_name, d_type, d_intro_rules));
if (!m_p.curr_is_token(get_with_tk())) {
m_first = false;
/** \brief Include in m_levels any local level referenced by decls. */
void include_local_levels(buffer<inductive_decl> const & decls, buffer<expr> const & locals) {
if (!m_p.has_locals())
name_set all_lvl_params;
for (auto const & local : locals) {
all_lvl_params = collect_univ_params(mlocal_type(local), all_lvl_params);
for (auto const & d : decls) {
all_lvl_params = collect_univ_params(inductive_decl_type(d), all_lvl_params);
for (auto const & ir : inductive_decl_intros(d)) {
all_lvl_params = collect_univ_params(intro_rule_type(ir), all_lvl_params);
buffer<name> local_lvls;
all_lvl_params.for_each([&](name const & l) {
if (std::find(m_levels.begin(), m_levels.end(), l) == m_levels.end())
std::sort(local_lvls.begin(), local_lvls.end(), [&](name const & n1, name const & n2) {
return m_p.get_local_level_index(n1) < m_p.get_local_level_index(n2);
buffer<name> new_levels;
/** \brief Collect local constants used in the inductive decls. */
void collect_locals_core(buffer<inductive_decl> const & decls, expr_struct_set & ls) {
buffer<expr> include_vars;
for (expr const & param : include_vars) {
::lean::collect_locals(mlocal_type(param), ls);
for (auto const & d : decls) {
::lean::collect_locals(inductive_decl_type(d), ls);
for (auto const & ir : inductive_decl_intros(d)) {
expr ir_type = intro_rule_type(ir);
bool use_cache = false;
ir_type = Pi(m_params, ir_type, use_cache);
::lean::collect_locals(ir_type, ls);
/** \brief Collect local constants used in the declaration as extra parameters, and
update inductive datatype types with them. */
void collect_locals(buffer<inductive_decl> & decls, buffer<expr> & locals) {
if (!m_p.has_locals())
expr_struct_set local_set;
collect_locals_core(decls, local_set);
if (local_set.empty())
sort_locals(local_set, m_p, locals);
m_num_params += locals.size();
/** \brief Update the result sort of the given type */
expr update_result_sort(expr t, level const & l) {
t = m_tc->whnf(t).first;
if (is_pi(t)) {
return update_binding(t, binding_domain(t), update_result_sort(binding_body(t), l));
} else if (is_sort(t)) {
return update_sort(t, l);
} else {
/** \brief Conservative test for checking whether a datatype that may be Prop for some universe parameter instantiations
will be able to eliminate to any Type.
TODO(Leo): implement a more complete version
bool is_prop_as_type(buffer<inductive_decl> const & decls) {
if (decls.size() != 1)
return false;
inductive_decl const & decl = decls[0];
unsigned nintro = length(inductive_decl_intros(decl));
if (nintro == 0)
return true;
if (nintro > 1)
return false;
expr intro_type = intro_rule_type(head(inductive_decl_intros(decl)));
return !is_pi(m_tc->whnf(intro_type).first);
/** \brief Convert inductive datatype declarations into local constants, and store them into \c r and \c map.
\c map is a mapping from inductive datatype name into local constant. */
void inductive_types_to_locals(buffer<inductive_decl> const & decls, buffer<expr> & r, name_map<expr> & map) {
for (inductive_decl const & decl : decls) {
name const & n = inductive_decl_name(decl);
expr type = inductive_decl_type(decl);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_params.size(); i++) {
type = binding_body(type);
type = instantiate_rev(type, m_params.size(), m_params.data());
level l = get_datatype_result_level(type);
if (is_placeholder(l)) {
if (m_using_explicit_levels)
throw_error("resultant universe must be provided, when using explicit universe levels");
type = update_result_sort(type, m_u);
m_infer_result_universe = true;
} else if (m_env.impredicative() && !is_zero(l) && !is_not_zero(l)) {
// If the resultant universe can be Prop for some parameter instantiations, then
// the kernel will produce an eliminator that only eliminates to Prop.
// There is on exception the singleton case. We perform a concervative check here,
// we generate the error only if decls is not the singleton case
if (!is_prop_as_type(decls))
throw_error("invalid universe polymorphic inductive declaration, the resultant universe is not Prop (i.e., 0), but it may "
"be Prop for some parameter values (solution: use 'l+1' or 'max 1 l')");
expr local = mk_local(m_p.mk_fresh_name(), n, type, binder_info(), type.get_tag());
map.insert(n, local);
/** \brief Replace every occurrences of the inductive datatypes (in decls) in \c type with a local constant */
expr fix_intro_rule_type(expr const & type, name_map<expr> const & ind_to_local) {
buffer<expr> explicit_params;
for (expr const & param : m_params) {
if (is_explicit(local_info(param)))
unsigned neparams = explicit_params.size();
return replace(type, [&](expr const & e) {
expr const & fn = get_app_fn(e);
if (!is_constant(fn))
return none_expr();
if (auto it = ind_to_local.find(const_name(fn))) {
buffer<expr> args;
get_app_args(e, args);
if (args.size() < neparams)
throw parser_error(sstream() << "invalid datatype declaration, "
<< "incorrect number of arguments to datatype '"
<< const_name(fn) << "'", m_p.pos_of(e));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < neparams; i++) {
if (args[i] != explicit_params[i])
throw parser_error(sstream() << "invalid datatype declaration, "
<< "mismatch in the #" << (i+1) << " explicit parameter",
pos_info pos = m_p.pos_of(e);
expr r = m_p.save_pos(copy(*it), pos);
for (unsigned i = neparams; i < args.size(); i++)
r = m_p.mk_app(r, args[i], pos);
return some_expr(r);
} else {
return none_expr();
void intro_rules_to_locals(buffer<inductive_decl> const & decls, name_map<expr> const & ind_to_local, buffer<expr> & r) {
for (inductive_decl const & decl : decls) {
for (intro_rule const & rule : inductive_decl_intros(decl)) {
expr type = fix_intro_rule_type(intro_rule_type(rule), ind_to_local);
expr local = mk_local(m_p.mk_fresh_name(), intro_rule_name(rule), type, binder_info());
/* \brief Add \c lvl to \c r_lvls (if it is not already there.
\pre lvl does not contain m_u.
void accumulate_level(level const & lvl, buffer<level> & r_lvls) {
if (occurs(m_u, lvl)) {
throw exception("failed to infer inductive datatype resultant universe, "
"provide the universe levels explicitly");
} else if (std::find(r_lvls.begin(), r_lvls.end(), lvl) == r_lvls.end()) {
/** \bried Accumulate the universe levels occurring in an introduction rule argument universe.
In general, the argument of an introduction rule has type
Pi (a_1 : A_1) (a_2 : A_1[a_1]) ..., B[a_1, a_2, ...]
The universe associated with it will be
imax(l_1, imax(l_2, ..., r))
where l_1 is the unvierse of A_1, l_2 of A_2, and r of B[a_1, ..., a_n].
The result placeholder m_u must only appear as r.
void accumulate_levels(level const & lvl, buffer<level> & r_lvls) {
if (lvl == m_u) {
// ignore this is the auxiliary lvl
} else if (is_imax(lvl)) {
level lhs = imax_lhs(lvl);
level rhs = imax_rhs(lvl);
accumulate_level(lhs, r_lvls);
accumulate_levels(rhs, r_lvls);
} else {
accumulate_level(lvl, r_lvls);
/** \brief Traverse the introduction rule type and collect the universes where arguments reside in \c r_lvls.
This information is used to compute the resultant universe level for the inductive datatype declaration.
void accumulate_levels(expr intro_type, buffer<level> & r_lvls) {
while (is_pi(intro_type)) {
expr s = m_tc->ensure_type(binding_domain(intro_type)).first;
accumulate_levels(sort_level(s), r_lvls);
intro_type = instantiate(binding_body(intro_type), mk_local_for(intro_type));
/** \brief Given a sequence of introduction rules (encoded as local constants), compute the resultant
universe for the inductive datatype declaration.
level infer_resultant_universe(unsigned num_intro_rules, expr const * intro_rules) {
buffer<level> r_lvls;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_intro_rules; i++) {
accumulate_levels(mlocal_type(intro_rules[i]), r_lvls);
return mk_result_level(m_env, r_lvls);
/** \brief Create a mapping from inductive datatype temporary name (used in local constants) to an
application <tt>C.{ls} locals params</tt>, where \c C is the real name of the inductive datatype,
and \c ls are the universe level parameters in \c m_levels.
name_map<expr> locals_to_inductive_types(buffer<expr> const & locals, unsigned nparams, expr const * params,
unsigned num_decls, expr const * decls) {
buffer<level> buffer_ls;
for (name const & l : m_levels) {
levels ls = to_list(buffer_ls.begin(), buffer_ls.end());
name_map<expr> r;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_decls; i++) {
expr c = mk_constant(local_pp_name(decls[i]), ls);
c = mk_app(c, locals);
c = mk_app(c, nparams, params);
r.insert(mlocal_name(decls[i]), c);
return r;
/** \brief Create the "final" introduction rule type. It will apply the mapping \c local_to_ind built using
locals_to_inductive_types, and abstract locals and parameters.
expr mk_intro_rule_type(name const & ir_name,
buffer<expr> const & locals, unsigned nparams, expr const * params,
name_map<expr> const & local_to_ind, expr type) {
type = replace(type, [&](expr const & e) {
if (!is_local(e)) {
return none_expr();
} else if (auto it = local_to_ind.find(mlocal_name(e))) {
return some_expr(*it);
} else {
return none_expr();
bool use_cache = false;
type = Pi(nparams, params, type, use_cache);
type = Pi(locals, type, use_cache);
implicit_infer_kind k = get_implicit_infer_kind(ir_name);
return infer_implicit_params(type, locals.size() + nparams, k);
level replace_u(level const & l, level const & rlvl) {
return replace(l, [&](level const & l) {
if (l == m_u) return some_level(rlvl);
else return none_level();
expr replace_u(expr const & type, level const & rlvl) {
return replace(type, [&](expr const & e) {
if (is_sort(e)) {
return some_expr(update_sort(e, replace_u(sort_level(e), rlvl)));
} else if (is_constant(e)) {
return some_expr(update_constant(e, map(const_levels(e),
[&](level const & l) { return replace_u(l, rlvl); })));
} else {
return none_expr();
/** \brief Elaborate inductive datatypes and their introduction rules. */
void elaborate_decls(buffer<inductive_decl> & decls, buffer<expr> const & locals) {
// We create an elaboration problem of the form
// Pi (params) (inductive_types) (intro_rules), Type
buffer<expr> to_elab;
name_map<expr> ind_to_local;
inductive_types_to_locals(decls, to_elab, ind_to_local);
intro_rules_to_locals(decls, ind_to_local, to_elab);
expr aux_type = Pi(to_elab, mk_Type(), m_p);
list<expr> locals_ctx;
for (expr const & local : locals)
locals_ctx = cons(local, locals_ctx);
level_param_names new_ls;
std::tie(aux_type, new_ls) = m_p.elaborate_type(aux_type, locals_ctx);
// save new levels
for (auto l : new_ls)
// update to_elab
for (expr & l : to_elab) {
l = update_mlocal(l, binding_domain(aux_type));
aux_type = instantiate(binding_body(aux_type), l);
unsigned nparams = m_params.size();
unsigned num_decls = decls.size();
unsigned first_intro_idx = nparams + num_decls;
lean_assert(first_intro_idx <= to_elab.size());
// compute resultant level
level resultant_level;
if (m_infer_result_universe) {
unsigned num_intros = to_elab.size() - first_intro_idx;
resultant_level = infer_resultant_universe(num_intros, to_elab.data() + first_intro_idx);
// update decls
unsigned i = nparams;
for (inductive_decl & decl : decls) {
expr type = mlocal_type(to_elab[i]);
if (m_infer_result_universe)
type = update_result_sort(type, resultant_level);
bool use_cache = false;
type = Pi(nparams, to_elab.data(), type, use_cache);
type = Pi(locals, type, use_cache);
decl = update_inductive_decl(decl, type);
// Create mapping for converting occurrences of inductive types (as local constants)
// into the real ones.
name_map<expr> local_to_ind = locals_to_inductive_types(locals,
nparams, to_elab.data(),
num_decls, to_elab.data() + nparams);
i = nparams + num_decls;
for (inductive_decl & decl : decls) {
buffer<intro_rule> new_irs;
for (intro_rule const & ir : inductive_decl_intros(decl)) {
expr type = mlocal_type(to_elab[i]);
type = mk_intro_rule_type(intro_rule_name(ir), locals, nparams, to_elab.data(), local_to_ind, type);
if (m_infer_result_universe)
type = replace_u(type, resultant_level);
new_irs.push_back(update_intro_rule(ir, type));
decl = update_inductive_decl(decl, new_irs);
/** \brief Return true if eliminator/recursor can eliminate into any universe */
bool has_general_eliminator(environment const & env, name const & d_name) {
declaration d = env.get(d_name);
declaration r = env.get(mk_rec_name(d_name));
return d.get_num_univ_params() != r.get_num_univ_params();
/** \brief Add aliases for the inductive datatype, introduction and elimination rules */
environment add_aliases(environment env, level_param_names const & ls, buffer<expr> const & locals,
buffer<inductive_decl> const & decls) {
buffer<expr> params_only(locals);
remove_local_vars(m_p, params_only);
// Create aliases/local refs
levels ctx_levels = collect_local_nonvar_levels(m_p, ls);
for (auto & d : decls) {
name d_name = inductive_decl_name(d);
name d_short_name(d_name.get_string());
env = add_alias(m_p, env, false, d_name, ctx_levels, params_only);
name rec_name = mk_rec_name(d_name);
levels rec_ctx_levels = ctx_levels;
if (ctx_levels && has_general_eliminator(env, d_name))
rec_ctx_levels = levels(mk_level_placeholder(), rec_ctx_levels);
env = add_alias(m_p, env, true, rec_name, rec_ctx_levels, params_only);
env = add_protected(env, rec_name);
for (intro_rule const & ir : inductive_decl_intros(d)) {
name ir_name = intro_rule_name(ir);
env = add_alias(m_p, env, true, ir_name, ctx_levels, params_only);
return env;
void update_declaration_index(environment const & env) {
name n, k; pos_info p;
for (auto const & info : m_decl_info) {
std::tie(n, k, p) = info;
expr type = env.get(n).get_type();
m_p.add_decl_index(n, p, k, type);
environment apply_modifiers(environment env) {
m_modifiers.for_each([&](name const & n, modifiers const & m) {
if (m.is_class())
env = add_class(env, n);
return env;
void save_def_info(name const & n, pos_info pos) {
m_decl_info.emplace_back(n, *g_definition, pos);
void save_if_defined(name const & n, pos_info pos) {
if (m_env.find(n)) {
m_decl_info.emplace_back(n, *g_definition, pos);
environment mk_aux_decls(environment env, buffer<inductive_decl> const & decls) {
bool has_unit = has_unit_decls(env);
bool has_eq = has_eq_decls(env);
bool has_heq = has_heq_decls(env);
bool has_prod = has_prod_decls(env);
bool has_lift = has_lift_decls(env);
for (inductive_decl const & d : decls) {
name const & n = inductive_decl_name(d);
pos_info pos = *m_decl_pos_map.find(n);
env = mk_rec_on(env, n);
save_def_info(name(n, "rec_on"), pos);
if (env.impredicative()) {
env = mk_induction_on(env, n);
save_def_info(name(n, "induction_on"), pos);
if (has_unit) {
env = mk_cases_on(env, n);
save_def_info(name(n, "cases_on"), pos);
if (has_eq && ((env.prop_proof_irrel() && has_heq) || (!env.prop_proof_irrel() && has_lift))) {
env = mk_no_confusion(env, n);
save_if_defined(name{n, "no_confusion_type"}, pos);
save_if_defined(name(n, "no_confusion"), pos);
if (has_prod) {
env = mk_below(env, n);
save_if_defined(name{n, "below"}, pos);
if (env.impredicative()) {
env = mk_ibelow(env, n);
save_if_defined(name(n, "ibelow"), pos);
for (inductive_decl const & d : decls) {
name const & n = inductive_decl_name(d);
pos_info pos = *m_decl_pos_map.find(n);
if (has_unit && has_prod) {
env = mk_brec_on(env, n);
save_if_defined(name{n, "brec_on"}, pos);
if (env.impredicative()) {
env = mk_binduction_on(env, n);
save_if_defined(name(n, "binduction_on"), pos);
return env;
/** \brief Add a namespace for each inductive datatype */
environment add_namespaces(environment env, buffer<inductive_decl> const & decls) {
for (inductive_decl const & d : decls) {
env = add_namespace(env, inductive_decl_name(d));
return env;
/** \brief Auxiliary method used for debugging */
void display(std::ostream & out, buffer<inductive_decl> const & decls) {
if (!m_levels.empty()) {
out << "inductive level params:";
for (auto l : m_levels) out << " " << l;
out << "\n";
for (auto const & d : decls) {
name d_name; expr d_type; list<intro_rule> d_irules;
std::tie(d_name, d_type, d_irules) = d;
out << "inductive " << d_name << " : " << d_type << "\n";
for (auto const & ir : d_irules) {
name ir_name; expr ir_type;
std::tie(ir_name, ir_type) = ir;
out << " | " << ir_name << " : " << ir_type << "\n";
out << "\n";
environment operator()() {
parser::undef_id_to_const_scope err_scope(m_p);
buffer<inductive_decl> decls;
parser::local_scope scope(m_p);
buffer<expr> locals;
collect_locals(decls, locals);
include_local_levels(decls, locals);
elaborate_decls(decls, locals);
level_param_names ls = to_list(m_levels.begin(), m_levels.end());
environment env = module::add_inductive(m_p.env(), ls, m_num_params, to_list(decls.begin(), decls.end()));
env = mk_aux_decls(env, decls);
env = add_aliases(env, ls, locals, decls);
env = add_namespaces(env, decls);
return apply_modifiers(env);
environment inductive_cmd(parser & p) {
return inductive_cmd_fn(p)();
void register_inductive_cmd(cmd_table & r) {
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("inductive", "declare an inductive datatype", inductive_cmd));