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60 lines
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Copyright (c) 2016 Robert Y. Lewis. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Robert Y. Lewis
Derivatives on ℝ
import .bounded_linear_operator
open real nat classical topology analysis
noncomputable theory
namespace real
-- move this to group
theorem add_sub_self (a b : ℝ) : a + b - a = b :=
by rewrite [add_sub_assoc, add.comm, sub_add_cancel]
-- make instance of const mul bdd lin op?
definition derivative_at (f : ℝ → ℝ) (d x : ℝ) := is_frechet_deriv_at f (λ t, d • t) x
theorem derivative_at_intro (f : ℝ → ℝ) (d x : ℝ) (H : (λ h, (f (x + h) - f x) / h) ⟶ d at 0) :
derivative_at f d x :=
apply is_frechet_deriv_at_intro,
intros ε Hε,
cases H Hε with δ Hδ,
existsi δ,
exact and.left Hδ,
intro y Hy,
rewrite [-sub_zero y at Hy{2}],
note Hδ' := and.right Hδ y Hy,
have Hδ'' : abs ((f (x + y) - f x - d * y) / y) < ε,
by rewrite [-div_sub_div_same, mul_div_cancel _ (and.left Hy)]; apply Hδ',
show abs (f (x + y) - f x - d * y) / abs y < ε, by rewrite -abs_div; apply Hδ''
theorem deriv_at_const (c x : ℝ) : derivative_at (λ t, c) 0 x :=
apply derivative_at_intro,
have (λ h, (c - c) / h) = (λ h, 0), from funext (λ h, by rewrite [sub_self, zero_div]),
rewrite this,
apply converges_to_at_constant
theorem deriv_at_id (x : ℝ) : derivative_at (λ t, t) 1 x :=
apply derivative_at_intro,
apply converges_to_at_real_intro,
intros ε Hε,
existsi 1,
exact zero_lt_one,
intros x' Hx',
rewrite [add_sub_self, div_self (and.left Hx'), sub_self, abs_zero],
exact Hε
end real