
444 lines
17 KiB

Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Robert Y. Lewis
#include "library/norm_num.h"
#include "library/constants.h"
namespace lean {
static name * g_add = nullptr,
* g_add1 = nullptr,
* g_mul = nullptr,
* g_sub = nullptr,
* g_bit0_add_bit0 = nullptr,
* g_bit1_add_bit0 = nullptr,
* g_bit0_add_bit1 = nullptr,
* g_bit1_add_bit1 = nullptr,
* g_bin_add_0 = nullptr,
* g_bin_0_add = nullptr,
* g_bin_add_1 = nullptr,
* g_1_add_bit0 = nullptr,
* g_bit0_add_1 = nullptr,
* g_bit1_add_1 = nullptr,
* g_1_add_bit1 = nullptr,
* g_one_add_one = nullptr,
* g_add1_bit0 = nullptr,
* g_add1_bit1 = nullptr,
* g_add1_zero = nullptr,
* g_add1_one = nullptr,
* g_subst_sum = nullptr,
* g_subst_prod = nullptr,
* g_mk_cong = nullptr,
* g_mk_eq = nullptr,
* g_mul_zero = nullptr,
* g_zero_mul = nullptr,
* g_mul_one = nullptr,
* g_mul_bit0 = nullptr,
* g_mul_bit1 = nullptr,
* g_has_mul = nullptr,
* g_add_monoid = nullptr,
* g_monoid = nullptr,
* g_add_comm = nullptr,
* g_mul_zero_class = nullptr,
* g_distrib = nullptr,
* g_semiring = nullptr;
static bool is_numeral_aux(expr const & e, bool is_first) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr const & f = get_app_args(e, args);
if (!is_constant(f)) {
return false;
if (const_name(f) == get_one_name()) {
return args.size() == 2;
} else if (const_name(f) == get_zero_name()) {
return is_first && args.size() == 2;
} else if (const_name(f) == get_bit1_name() || const_name(f) == get_bit0_name()) {
return args.size() == 3 && is_numeral_aux(args[2], false);
return false;
bool norm_num_context::is_numeral(expr const & e) const {
return is_numeral_aux(e, true);
Takes e : instance A, and tries to synthesize has_add A.
expr norm_num_context::mk_has_add(expr const & e) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr f = get_app_args(e, args);
expr t = mk_app(mk_constant(get_has_add_name(), const_levels(f)), args[0]);
optional<expr> inst = mk_class_instance(m_env, m_ctx, t);
if (inst) {
return *inst;
} else {
throw exception("failed to synthesize has_add instance");
expr norm_num_context::mk_has_mul(expr const & e) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr f = get_app_args(e, args);
expr t = mk_app(mk_constant(*g_has_mul, const_levels(f)), args[0]);
optional<expr> inst = mk_class_instance(m_env, m_ctx, t);
if (inst) {
return *inst;
} else {
throw exception("failed to synthesize has_mul instance");
expr norm_num_context::mk_has_one(expr const & e) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr f = get_app_args(e, args);
expr t = mk_app(mk_constant(get_has_one_name(), const_levels(f)), args[0]);
optional<expr> inst = mk_class_instance(m_env, m_ctx, t);
if (inst) {
return *inst;
} else {
throw exception("failed to synthesize has_one instance");
expr norm_num_context::mk_add_monoid(expr const & e) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr f = get_app_args(e, args);
expr t = mk_app(mk_constant(*g_add_monoid, const_levels(f)), args[0]);
optional<expr> inst = mk_class_instance(m_env, m_ctx, t);
if (inst) {
return *inst;
} else {
throw exception("failed to synthesize add_monoid instance");
expr norm_num_context::mk_monoid(expr const & e) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr f = get_app_args(e, args);
expr t = mk_app(mk_constant(*g_monoid, const_levels(f)), args[0]);
optional<expr> inst = mk_class_instance(m_env, m_ctx, t);
if (inst) {
return *inst;
} else {
throw exception("failed to synthesize monoid instance");
expr norm_num_context::mk_add_comm(expr const & e) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr f = get_app_args(e, args);
expr t = mk_app(mk_constant(*g_add_comm, const_levels(f)), args[0]);
optional<expr> inst = mk_class_instance(m_env, m_ctx, t);
if (inst) {
return *inst;
} else {
throw exception("failed to synthesize add_comm_semigroup instance");
expr norm_num_context::mk_has_distrib(expr const & e) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr f = get_app_args(e, args);
expr t = mk_app(mk_constant(*g_distrib, const_levels(f)), args[0]);
optional<expr> inst = mk_class_instance(m_env, m_ctx, t);
if (inst) {
return *inst;
} else {
throw exception("failed to synthesize has_distrib instance");
expr norm_num_context::mk_mul_zero_class(expr const & e) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr f = get_app_args(e, args);
expr t = mk_app(mk_constant(*g_mul_zero_class, const_levels(f)), args[0]);
optional<expr> inst = mk_class_instance(m_env, m_ctx, t);
if (inst) {
return *inst;
} else {
throw exception("failed to synthesize mul_zero instance");
expr norm_num_context::mk_semiring(expr const & e) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr f = get_app_args(e, args);
expr t = mk_app(mk_constant(*g_semiring, const_levels(f)), args[0]);
optional<expr> inst = mk_class_instance(m_env, m_ctx, t);
if (inst) {
return *inst;
} else {
throw exception("failed to synthesize semiring instance");
expr norm_num_context::mk_const(name const & n) {
return mk_constant(n, m_lvls);
expr norm_num_context::mk_cong(expr const & op, expr const & type, expr const & a, expr const & b, expr const & eq) {
return mk_app({mk_const(*g_mk_cong), type, op, a, b, eq});
pair<expr, expr> norm_num_context::mk_norm(expr const & e) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr f = get_app_args(e, args);
if (!is_constant(f)) {
throw exception("cannot take norm of nonconstant");
m_lvls = const_levels(f);
if (const_name(f) == *g_add && args.size() == 4) {
auto lhs_p = mk_norm(args[2]);
auto rhs_p = mk_norm(args[3]);
auto add_p = mk_norm_add(lhs_p.first, rhs_p.first);
expr prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_subst_sum), args[0], mk_has_add(args[1]), args[2], args[3],
lhs_p.first, rhs_p.first, add_p.first, lhs_p.second, rhs_p.second, add_p.second});
return pair<expr, expr>(add_p.first, prf);
} else if (const_name(f) == *g_mul && args.size() == 4) {
auto lhs_p = mk_norm(args[2]);
auto rhs_p = mk_norm(args[3]);
auto mul_p = mk_norm_mul(lhs_p.first, rhs_p.first);
expr prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_subst_prod), args[0], mk_has_mul(args[1]), args[2], args[3],
lhs_p.first, rhs_p.first, mul_p.first, lhs_p.second, rhs_p.second, mul_p.second});
return pair<expr, expr>(mul_p.first, prf);
} else if (const_name(f) == get_bit0_name() && args.size() == 3) {
auto arg = mk_norm(args[2]);
expr rv = mk_app({f, args[0], args[1], arg.first});
expr prf = mk_cong(mk_app({f, args[0], args[1]}), args[0], args[2], arg.first, arg.second);
return pair<expr, expr>(rv, prf);
} else if (const_name(f) == get_bit1_name() && args.size() == 4) {
auto arg = mk_norm(args[3]);
expr rv = mk_app({f, args[0], args[1], args[2], arg.first});
expr prf = mk_cong(mk_app({f, args[0], args[1], args[2]}), args[0], args[3], arg.first, arg.second);
return pair<expr, expr>(rv, prf);
} else if ((const_name(f) == get_zero_name() || const_name(f) == get_one_name()) && args.size() == 2) {
return pair<expr, expr>(e, mk_app({mk_const(*g_mk_eq), args[0], e}));
} else {
std::cout << "error with name " << const_name(f) << " and size " << args.size() << ".\n";
throw exception("mk_norm found unrecognized combo ");
// TODO(Rob): cases for sub, div
// returns <t, p> such that p is a proof that lhs + rhs = t.
pair<expr, expr> norm_num_context::mk_norm_add(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs) {
buffer<expr> args_lhs;
buffer<expr> args_rhs;
expr lhs_head = get_app_args (lhs, args_lhs);
expr rhs_head = get_app_args (rhs, args_rhs);
if (!is_constant(lhs_head) || !is_constant(rhs_head)) {
throw exception("cannot take norm_add of nonconstant");
auto type = args_lhs[0];
auto typec = args_lhs[1];
expr rv;
expr prf;
if (is_bit0(lhs) && is_bit0(rhs)) { // typec is has_add
auto p = mk_norm_add(args_lhs[2], args_rhs[2]);
rv = mk_app(lhs_head, type, typec, p.first);
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_bit0_add_bit0), type, mk_add_comm(typec), args_lhs[2], args_rhs[2], p.first, p.second});
} else if (is_bit0(lhs) && is_bit1(rhs)) {
auto p = mk_norm_add(args_lhs[2], args_rhs[3]);
rv = mk_app({rhs_head, type, args_rhs[1], args_rhs[2], p.first});
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_bit0_add_bit1), type, mk_add_comm(typec), args_rhs[1], args_lhs[2], args_rhs[3], p.first, p.second});
} else if (is_bit0(lhs) && is_one(rhs)) {
rv = mk_app({mk_const(get_bit1_name()), type, args_rhs[1], args_lhs[1], args_lhs[2]});
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_bit0_add_1), type, typec, args_rhs[1], args_lhs[2]});
} else if (is_bit1(lhs) && is_bit0(rhs)) { // typec is has_one
auto p = mk_norm_add(args_lhs[3], args_rhs[2]);
rv = mk_app(lhs_head, type, typec, args_lhs[2], p.first);
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_bit1_add_bit0), type, mk_add_comm(typec), typec, args_lhs[3], args_rhs[2], p.first, p.second});
} else if (is_bit1(lhs) && is_bit1(rhs)) { // typec is has_one
auto add_ts = mk_norm_add(args_lhs[3], args_rhs[3]);
expr add1 = mk_app({mk_const(*g_add1), type, args_lhs[2], typec, add_ts.first});
auto p = mk_norm_add1(add1);
rv = mk_app({mk_const(get_bit0_name()), type, args_lhs[2], p.first});
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_bit1_add_bit1), type, mk_add_comm(typec), typec, args_lhs[3], args_rhs[3], add_ts.first, p.first, add_ts.second, p.second});
} else if (is_bit1(lhs) && is_one(rhs)) { // typec is has_one
expr add1 = mk_app({mk_const(*g_add1), type, args_lhs[2], typec, lhs});
auto p = mk_norm_add1(add1);
rv = p.first;
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_bit1_add_1), type, args_lhs[2], typec, args_lhs[3], p.first, p.second});
} else if (is_one(lhs) && is_bit0(rhs)) { // typec is has_one
rv = mk_app({mk_const(get_bit1_name()), type, typec, args_rhs[1], args_rhs[2]});
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_1_add_bit0), type, mk_add_comm(typec), typec, args_rhs[2]});
} else if (is_one(lhs) && is_bit1(rhs)) { // typec is has_one
expr add1 = mk_app({mk_const(*g_add1), type, args_rhs[2], args_rhs[1], rhs});
auto p = mk_norm_add1(add1);
rv = p.first;
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_1_add_bit1), type, mk_add_comm(typec), typec, args_rhs[3], p.first, p.second});
} else if (is_one(lhs) && is_one(rhs)) {
rv = mk_app({mk_const(get_bit0_name()), type, mk_has_add(typec), lhs});
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_one_add_one), type, mk_has_add(typec), typec});
} else if (is_zero(lhs)) {
rv = rhs;
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_bin_0_add), type, mk_add_monoid(typec), rhs});
} else if (is_zero(rhs)) {
rv = lhs;
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_bin_add_0), type, mk_add_monoid(typec), lhs});
} else {
std::cout << "\n\n bad args: " << lhs_head << ", " << rhs_head << "\n";
throw exception("mk_norm_add got malformed args");
return pair<expr, expr>(rv, prf);
pair<expr, expr> norm_num_context::mk_norm_add1(expr const & e) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr f = get_app_args(e, args);
expr p = args[3];
buffer<expr> ne_args;
expr ne = get_app_args(p, ne_args);
expr rv;
expr prf;
// args[1] = has_add, args[2] = has_one
if (is_bit0(p)) {
auto has_one = args[2];
rv = mk_app({mk_const(get_bit1_name()), args[0], args[2], args[1], ne_args[2]});
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_add1_bit0), args[0], args[1], args[2], ne_args[2]});
} else if (is_bit1(p)) { // ne_args : has_one, has_add
auto np = mk_norm_add1(mk_app({mk_const(*g_add1), args[0], args[1], args[2], ne_args[3]}));
rv = mk_app({mk_const(get_bit0_name()), args[0], args[1], np.first});
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_add1_bit1), args[0], mk_add_comm(args[1]), args[2], ne_args[3], np.first, np.second});
} else if (is_zero(p)) {
rv = mk_app({mk_const(get_one_name()), args[0], args[2]});
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_add1_zero), args[0], mk_add_monoid(args[1]), args[2]});
} else if (is_one(p)) {
rv = mk_app({mk_const(get_bit0_name()), args[0], args[1], mk_app({mk_const(get_one_name()), args[0], args[2]})});
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_add1_one), args[0], args[1], args[2]});
} else {
std::cout << "malformed add1: " << ne << "\n";
throw exception("malformed add1");
return pair<expr, expr>(rv, prf);
pair<expr, expr> norm_num_context::mk_norm_mul(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs) {
buffer<expr> args_lhs;
buffer<expr> args_rhs;
expr lhs_head = get_app_args (lhs, args_lhs);
expr rhs_head = get_app_args (rhs, args_rhs);
if (!is_constant(lhs_head) || !is_constant(rhs_head)) {
throw exception("cannot take norm_add of nonconstant");
auto type = args_rhs[0];
auto typec = args_rhs[1];
expr rv;
expr prf;
if (is_zero(rhs)) {
rv = rhs;
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_mul_zero), type, mk_mul_zero_class(typec), lhs});
} else if (is_zero(lhs)) {
rv = lhs;
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_zero_mul), type, mk_mul_zero_class(typec), rhs});
} else if (is_one(rhs)) {
rv = lhs;
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_mul_one), type, mk_monoid(typec), lhs});
} else if (is_bit0(rhs)) {
auto mtp = mk_norm_mul(lhs, args_rhs[2]);
rv = mk_app({rhs_head, type, typec, mtp.first});
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_mul_bit0), type, mk_has_distrib(typec), lhs, args_rhs[2], mtp.first, mtp.second});
} else if (is_bit1(rhs)) {
auto mtp = mk_norm_mul(lhs, args_rhs[3]);
auto atp = mk_norm_add(mk_app({mk_const(get_bit0_name()), type, args_rhs[2], mtp.first}), lhs);
rv = atp.first;
prf = mk_app({mk_const(*g_mul_bit1), type, mk_semiring(typec), lhs, args_rhs[3],
mtp.first, atp.first, mtp.second, atp.second});
} else {
std::cout << "bad args to mk_norm_mul: " << rhs << "\n";
throw exception("mk_norm_mul got malformed args");
return pair<expr, expr>(rv, prf);
pair<expr, expr> norm_num_context::mk_norm_div(expr const &, expr const &) {
// TODO(Rob)
throw exception("not implemented yet -- mk_norm_div");
pair<expr, expr> norm_num_context::mk_norm_sub(expr const &, expr const &) {
// TODO(Rob)
throw exception("not implemented yet -- mk_norm_sub");
void initialize_norm_num() {
g_add = new name("add");
g_add1 = new name("add1");
g_mul = new name("mul");
g_sub = new name("sub");
g_bit0_add_bit0 = new name("bit0_add_bit0_helper");
g_bit1_add_bit0 = new name("bit1_add_bit0_helper");
g_bit0_add_bit1 = new name("bit0_add_bit1_helper");
g_bit1_add_bit1 = new name("bit1_add_bit1_helper");
g_bin_add_0 = new name("bin_add_zero");
g_bin_0_add = new name("bin_zero_add");
g_bin_add_1 = new name("bin_add_one");
g_1_add_bit0 = new name("one_add_bit0");
g_bit0_add_1 = new name("bit0_add_one");
g_bit1_add_1 = new name("bit1_add_one_helper");
g_1_add_bit1 = new name("one_add_bit1_helper");
g_one_add_one = new name("one_add_one");
g_add1_bit0 = new name("add1_bit0");
g_add1_bit1 = new name("add1_bit1_helper");
g_add1_zero = new name("add1_zero");
g_add1_one = new name("add1_one");
g_subst_sum = new name("subst_into_sum");
g_subst_prod = new name("subst_into_prod");
g_mk_cong = new name("mk_cong");
g_mk_eq = new name("mk_eq");
g_zero_mul = new name("zero_mul");
g_mul_zero = new name("mul_zero");
g_mul_one = new name("mul_one");
g_mul_bit0 = new name("mul_bit0_helper");
g_mul_bit1 = new name("mul_bit1_helper");
g_has_mul = new name("has_mul");
g_add_monoid = new name("algebra", "add_monoid");
g_monoid = new name("algebra", "monoid");
g_add_comm = new name("algebra", "add_comm_semigroup");
g_mul_zero_class = new name("algebra", "mul_zero_class");
g_distrib = new name("algebra", "distrib");
g_semiring = new name("algebra", "semiring");
void finalize_norm_num() {
delete g_add;
delete g_add1;
delete g_mul;
delete g_sub;
delete g_bit0_add_bit0;
delete g_bit1_add_bit0;
delete g_bit0_add_bit1;
delete g_bit1_add_bit1;
delete g_bin_add_0;
delete g_bin_0_add;
delete g_bin_add_1;
delete g_1_add_bit0;
delete g_bit0_add_1;
delete g_bit1_add_1;
delete g_1_add_bit1;
delete g_one_add_one;
delete g_add1_bit0;
delete g_add1_bit1;
delete g_add1_zero;
delete g_add1_one;
delete g_subst_sum;
delete g_subst_prod;
delete g_mk_cong;
delete g_mk_eq;
delete g_mul_zero;
delete g_zero_mul;
delete g_mul_one;
delete g_mul_bit0;
delete g_mul_bit1;
delete g_has_mul;
delete g_add_monoid;
delete g_monoid;
delete g_add_comm;
delete g_mul_zero_class;
delete g_distrib;
delete g_semiring;