They are classes, and mixing coercion with type class resolution is a recipe for disaster (aka counterintuitive behavior).
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Copyright (c) 2015 Jakob von Raumer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
import .functor.basic
open is_trunc eq
namespace category
structure strict_precategory [class] (ob : Type) extends precategory ob :=
mk' :: (is_hset_ob : is_hset ob)
attribute strict_precategory.is_hset_ob [instance]
definition [reducible] {ob : Type} (C : precategory ob)
(H : is_hset ob) : strict_precategory ob :=
precategory.rec_on C' H
structure Strict_precategory : Type :=
(carrier : Type)
(struct : strict_precategory carrier)
attribute Strict_precategory.struct [instance] [coercion]
definition Strict_precategory.to_Precategory [coercion] [reducible]
(C : Strict_precategory) : Precategory :=
| (Strict_precategory.carrier C) _
open functor
-- TODO: move to
definition precategory_strict_precategory [constructor] : precategory Strict_precategory :=
| (λ A B, A ⇒ B)
(λ A B C G F, G ∘f F)
(λ A, 1)
(λ A B C D, functor.assoc)
(λ A B, functor.id_left)
(λ A B, functor.id_right)
definition Precategory_strict_precategory [constructor] := precategory.Mk precategory_strict_precategory
namespace ops
abbreviation Cat := Precategory_strict_precategory
end ops
end category