Leonardo de Moura 9eb4dc4a81 feat(kernel, library/elaborator, frontends/lean): improve how elaborator_exceptions are displayed in the Lean frontend
This commit affects different modules.
I used the following approach:
1- I store the metavariable environment at unification_failure_justifications. The idea is to capture the set of instantiated metavariables at the time of failure.
2- I added a remove_detail function. It removes propagation steps from the justification tree object. I also remove the backtracking search space associated with higher-order unificiation. I keep only the search related to case-splits due to coercions and overloads.

3- I use the metavariable environment captured at step 1 when pretty printing the justification of an elaborator_exception.

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2014-01-03 17:18:23 -08:00

354 lines
13 KiB

Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <utility>
#include "util/rc.h"
#include "util/pair.h"
#include "util/splay_map.h"
#include "util/name_generator.h"
#include "kernel/expr.h"
#include "kernel/context.h"
#include "kernel/justification.h"
#include "kernel/replace_visitor.h"
namespace lean {
\brief Metavar environment (cell). It is an auxiliary datastructure used for:
1- Creating metavariables.
2- Storing their types and the contexts where they were created.
3- Storing substitutions.
class metavar_env_cell {
friend class metavar_env;
struct data {
optional<expr> m_subst; // substitution
optional<expr> m_type; // type of the metavariable
context m_context; // context where the metavariable was defined
justification m_justification; // justification for assigned metavariables.
data(optional<expr> const & t = none_expr(), context const & ctx = context()):m_type(t), m_context(ctx) {}
typedef splay_map<name, data, name_quick_cmp> name2data;
name_generator m_name_generator;
name2data m_metavar_data;
// If the following flag is true, then beta-reduction is automatically applied
// when we apply a substitution containing ?m <- fun (x : T), ...
// to an expression containing (?m a)
// The motivation is that higher order unification and matching produces a
// bunch of assignments of the form ?m <- fun (x : T), ...
bool m_beta_reduce_mv;
unsigned m_timestamp;
static bool has_metavar(expr const & e) { return ::lean::has_metavar(e); }
void dealloc() { delete this; }
void inc_timestamp();
metavar_env_cell(name const & prefix);
metavar_env_cell(metavar_env_cell const & other);
bool beta_reduce_metavar_application() const { return m_beta_reduce_mv; }
void set_beta_reduce_metavar_application(bool f) { m_beta_reduce_mv = f; }
\brief The timestamp is increased whenever this environment is
\remark The result is always greater than 0.
unsigned get_timestamp() const { return m_timestamp; }
\brief Create a new metavariable in the given context and with the given type.
expr mk_metavar(context const & ctx = context(), optional<expr> const & type = none_expr());
\brief Return the context where the given metavariable was created.
\pre is_metavar(m)
\pre !has_local_context(m)
context get_context(expr const & m) const;
context get_context(name const & m) const;
unsigned get_context_size(expr const & m) const { return get_context(m).size(); }
unsigned get_context_size(name const & m) const { return get_context(m).size(); }
\brief Return the type of the given metavariable.
\pre is_metavar(m)
\remark If \c m does not have a type associated with it, then a new
metavariable is created to represent the type of \c m.
\remark If \c m has a local context, then the local context is applied.
expr get_type(expr const & m);
expr get_type(name const & m);
\brief Return true iff \c m has a type associated with it.
\pre is_metavar(m)
bool has_type(expr const & m) const;
bool has_type(name const & m) const;
\brief Return the substitution and justification for the given metavariable.
optional<std::pair<expr, justification>> get_subst_jst(name const & m) const;
optional<std::pair<expr, justification>> get_subst_jst(expr const & m) const;
\brief Return the justification for an assigned metavariable.
\pre is_metavar(m)
optional<justification> get_justification(expr const & m) const;
optional<justification> get_justification(name const & m) const;
\brief Return true iff the metavariable named \c m is assigned in this substitution.
bool is_assigned(name const & m) const;
\brief Return true if the given metavariable is assigned in this
\pre is_metavar(m)
bool is_assigned(expr const & m) const;
\brief Assign metavariable named \c m.
\pre !is_assigned(m)
\remark The method returns false if the assignment cannot be performed
because \c t contain free variables that are not available in the context
associated with \c m.
bool assign(name const & m, expr const & t, justification const & j);
bool assign(name const & m, expr const & t);
\brief Assign metavariable \c m to \c t.
\remark The method returns false if the assignment cannot be performed
because \c t contain free variables that are not available in the context
associated with \c m.
\pre is_metavar(m)
\pre !has_meta_context(m)
\pre !is_assigned(m)
bool assign(expr const & m, expr const & t, justification const & j);
bool assign(expr const & m, expr const & t);
\brief Return the substitution associated with the given metavariable
in this substitution.
\pre is_metavar(m)
optional<expr> get_subst(expr const & m) const;
optional<expr> get_subst(name const & m) const;
\brief Apply f to each substitution in the metavariable environment.
template<typename F>
void for_each_subst(F f) const {
m_metavar_data.for_each([&](name const & k, data const & d) {
if (d.m_subst)
f(k, *(d.m_subst));
\brief Return true iff \c e has a metavariable that is assigned in \c menv.
bool has_assigned_metavar(expr const & e) const;
\brief Return true iff \c e contains the metavariable \c m.
The substitutions in this metavar environment are taken into account.
\brief is_metavar(m)
bool has_metavar(expr const & e, expr const & m) const;
\brief Instantiate the metavariables occurring in \c e with the substitutions
provided by \c menv. Store the justification of replace variables in jsts.
expr instantiate_metavars(expr const & e, buffer<justification> & jsts) const;
inline expr instantiate_metavars(expr const & e) const {
buffer<justification> tmp;
return instantiate_metavars(e, tmp);
context instantiate_metavars(context const & ctx) const;
\brief Reference to metavariable environment (cell).
class metavar_env {
friend class optional<metavar_env>;
friend class ro_metavar_env;
friend class metavar_env_cell;
metavar_env_cell * m_ptr;
explicit metavar_env(metavar_env_cell * ptr):m_ptr(ptr) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
metavar_env():m_ptr(new metavar_env_cell()) { m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
metavar_env(name const & prefix):m_ptr(new metavar_env_cell(prefix)) { m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
metavar_env(metavar_env const & s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
metavar_env(metavar_env && s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { s.m_ptr = nullptr; }
~metavar_env() { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->dec_ref(); }
metavar_env & operator=(metavar_env const & s) { LEAN_COPY_REF(s); }
metavar_env & operator=(metavar_env && s) { LEAN_MOVE_REF(s); }
metavar_env_cell * operator->() const { return m_ptr; }
metavar_env_cell & operator*() const { return *m_ptr; }
metavar_env copy() const { return metavar_env(new metavar_env_cell(*m_ptr)); }
friend bool is_eqp(metavar_env const & menv1, metavar_env const & menv2) { return menv1.m_ptr == menv2.m_ptr; }
friend bool operator==(metavar_env const & menv1, metavar_env const & menv2) { return is_eqp(menv1, menv2); }
inline optional<metavar_env> none_menv() { return optional<metavar_env>(); }
inline optional<metavar_env> some_menv(metavar_env const & e) { return optional<metavar_env>(e); }
inline optional<metavar_env> some_menv(metavar_env && e) { return optional<metavar_env>(std::forward<metavar_env>(e)); }
inline expr instantiate_metavars(optional<metavar_env> const & menv, expr const & e) {
if (menv)
return (*menv)->instantiate_metavars(e);
return e;
inline context instantiate_metavars(optional<metavar_env> const & menv, context const & ctx) {
if (menv)
return (*menv)->instantiate_metavars(ctx);
return ctx;
\brief Read-only reference to metavariable environment (cell).
class ro_metavar_env {
metavar_env_cell * m_ptr;
ro_metavar_env():m_ptr(new metavar_env_cell()) { m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
ro_metavar_env(metavar_env const & s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
ro_metavar_env(ro_metavar_env const & s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
ro_metavar_env(ro_metavar_env && s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { s.m_ptr = nullptr; }
~ro_metavar_env() { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->dec_ref(); }
ro_metavar_env & operator=(ro_metavar_env const & s) { LEAN_COPY_REF(s); }
ro_metavar_env & operator=(ro_metavar_env && s) { LEAN_MOVE_REF(s); }
metavar_env_cell const * operator->() const { return m_ptr; }
metavar_env_cell const & operator*() const { return *m_ptr; }
metavar_env copy() const { return metavar_env(new metavar_env_cell(*m_ptr)); }
\brief A cached weak reference to a metavariable environment + timestamp at the time of
the caching. This object may also cache optional references.
class cached_metavar_env {
optional<metavar_env> m_menv;
unsigned m_timestamp;
cached_metavar_env():m_timestamp(0) {}
void clear() { m_menv = none_menv(); m_timestamp = 0; }
\brief Updated the cached value with menv.
Return true if menv is different from the the cached metavar_env, or if
the timestamp is different.
bool update(optional<metavar_env> const & menv);
bool update(metavar_env const & menv) { return update(some(menv)); }
explicit operator bool() const { return static_cast<bool>(m_menv); }
optional<metavar_env> const & to_some_menv() const { return m_menv; }
metavar_env operator*() const { return *m_menv; }
metavar_env_cell * operator->() const { lean_assert(m_menv); return (*m_menv).operator->(); }
\brief Apply the changes in \c lctx to \c a.
expr apply_local_context(expr const & a, local_context const & lctx, optional<metavar_env> const & menv);
inline expr apply_local_context(expr const & a, local_context const & lctx, metavar_env const & menv) { return apply_local_context(a, lctx, some_menv(menv)); }
inline expr apply_local_context(expr const & a, local_context const & lctx) { return apply_local_context(a, lctx, none_menv()); }
\brief Extend the local context \c lctx with the entry <tt>lift:s:n</tt>
local_context add_lift(local_context const & lctx, unsigned s, unsigned n);
\brief Add a lift:s:n operation to the context of the given metavariable.
\pre is_metavar(m)
\remark If menv is not none, then we use \c free_var_range to compute the free variables that may
occur in \c m. If s > the maximum free variable that occurs in \c m, then
we do not add a lift local entry to the local context.
expr add_lift(expr const & m, unsigned s, unsigned n, optional<metavar_env> const & menv);
inline expr add_lift(expr const & m, unsigned s, unsigned n) { return add_lift(m, s, n, none_menv()); }
inline expr add_lift(expr const & m, unsigned s, unsigned n, metavar_env const & menv) { return add_lift(m, s, n, some_menv(menv)); }
\brief Extend the local context \c lctx with the entry <tt>inst:s v</tt>
local_context add_inst(local_context const & lctx, unsigned s, expr const & v);
\brief Add an inst:s:v operation to the context of the given metavariable.
\pre is_metavar(m)
\remark If menv is not none, then we use \c free_var_range to compute the free variables that may
occur in \c m. If s > the maximum free variable that occurs in \c m, then
we do not add an inst local entry to the local context.
expr add_inst(expr const & m, unsigned s, expr const & v, optional<metavar_env> const & menv);
inline expr add_inst(expr const & m, unsigned s, expr const & v) { return add_inst(m, s, v, none_menv()); }
inline expr add_inst(expr const & m, unsigned s, expr const & v, metavar_env const & menv) { return add_inst(m, s, v, some_menv(menv)); }
\brief Return true iff the given metavariable has a non-empty
local context associated with it.
\pre is_metavar(m)
bool has_local_context(expr const & m);
\brief Return the same metavariable, but the head of the context is removed.
\pre is_metavar(m)
\pre has_meta_context(m)
expr pop_meta_context(expr const & m);
\brief Return true iff \c e has a metavariable that is assigned in \c menv.
bool has_assigned_metavar(expr const & e, metavar_env const & menv);
\brief Return true iff \c e contains the metavariable \c m.
The substitutions in \c menv are taken into account.
\brief is_metavar(m)
bool has_metavar(expr const & e, expr const & m, metavar_env const & menv);