Auxiliary definitions should be marked as reducible
286 lines
13 KiB
286 lines
13 KiB
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "util/sstream.h"
#include "kernel/environment.h"
#include "kernel/instantiate.h"
#include "kernel/abstract.h"
#include "kernel/inductive/inductive.h"
#include "kernel/type_checker.h"
#include "library/protected.h"
#include "library/module.h"
#include "library/util.h"
#include "library/reducible.h"
namespace lean {
static void throw_corrupted(name const & n) {
throw exception(sstream() << "error in 'no_confusion' generation, '" << n << "' inductive datatype declaration is corrupted");
optional<environment> mk_no_confusion_type(environment const & env, name const & n) {
optional<inductive::inductive_decls> decls = inductive::is_inductive_decl(env, n);
if (!decls)
throw exception(sstream() << "error in 'no_confusion' generation, '" << n << "' is not an inductive datatype");
if (is_inductive_predicate(env, n))
return optional<environment>(); // type is a proposition
name_generator ngen;
bool impredicative = env.impredicative();
unsigned nparams = std::get<1>(*decls);
declaration ind_decl = env.get(n);
declaration cases_decl = env.get(name(n, "cases_on"));
level_param_names lps = cases_decl.get_univ_params();
level plvl = mk_param_univ(head(lps));
levels ilvls = param_names_to_levels(tail(lps));
level rlvl;
expr ind_type = instantiate_type_univ_params(ind_decl, ilvls);
level ind_lvl = get_datatype_level(ind_type);
if (impredicative)
rlvl = plvl;
rlvl = mk_max(plvl, ind_lvl);
if (length(ilvls) != length(ind_decl.get_univ_params()))
return optional<environment>(); // type does not have only a restricted eliminator
name eq_name("eq");
name heq_name("heq");
// All inductive datatype parameters and indices are arguments
buffer<expr> args;
ind_type = to_telescope(ngen, ind_type, args, some(mk_implicit_binder_info()));
if (!is_sort(ind_type) || args.size() < nparams)
lean_assert(!(env.impredicative() && is_zero(sort_level(ind_type))));
unsigned nindices = args.size() - nparams;
// Create inductive datatype
expr I = mk_app(mk_constant(n, ilvls), args);
// Add (P : Type)
expr P = mk_local(ngen.next(), "P", mk_sort(plvl), binder_info());
// add v1 and v2 elements of the inductive type
expr v1 = mk_local(ngen.next(), "v1", I, binder_info());
expr v2 = mk_local(ngen.next(), "v2", I, binder_info());
expr R = mk_sort(rlvl);
expr Pres;
if (impredicative)
Pres = P;
Pres = mk_app(mk_constant("lift", {plvl, ind_lvl}), P);
name no_confusion_type_name{n, "no_confusion_type"};
expr no_confusion_type_type = Pi(args, R);
// Create type former
buffer<expr> type_former_args;
for (unsigned i = nparams; i < nparams + nindices; i++)
expr type_former = Fun(type_former_args, R);
// Create cases_on
levels clvls = levels(mk_succ(rlvl), ilvls);
expr cases_on = mk_app(mk_app(mk_constant(cases_decl.get_name(), clvls), nparams, args.data()), type_former);
cases_on = mk_app(cases_on, nindices, args.data() + nparams);
expr cases_on1 = mk_app(cases_on, v1);
expr cases_on2 = mk_app(cases_on, v2);
type_checker tc(env);
expr t1 = tc.infer(cases_on1).first;
expr t2 = tc.infer(cases_on2).first;
buffer<expr> outer_cases_on_args;
unsigned idx1 = 0;
while (is_pi(t1)) {
buffer<expr> minor1_args;
expr minor1 = to_telescope(tc, binding_domain(t1), minor1_args);
expr curr_t2 = t2;
buffer<expr> inner_cases_on_args;
unsigned idx2 = 0;
while (is_pi(curr_t2)) {
buffer<expr> minor2_args;
expr minor2 = to_telescope(tc, binding_domain(curr_t2), minor2_args);
if (idx1 != idx2) {
// infeasible case, constructors do not match
inner_cases_on_args.push_back(Fun(minor2_args, Pres));
} else {
if (minor1_args.size() != minor2_args.size())
buffer<expr> rtype_hyp;
// add equalities
if (env.prop_proof_irrel()) {
// proof irrelevance version using heterogeneous equality
for (unsigned i = 0; i < minor1_args.size(); i++) {
expr lhs = minor1_args[i];
expr rhs = minor2_args[i];
expr lhs_type = mlocal_type(lhs);
expr rhs_type = mlocal_type(rhs);
level l = sort_level(tc.ensure_type(lhs_type).first);
expr h_type;
if (tc.is_def_eq(lhs_type, rhs_type).first) {
h_type = mk_app(mk_constant(eq_name, to_list(l)), lhs_type, lhs, rhs);
} else {
h_type = mk_app(mk_constant(heq_name, to_list(l)), lhs_type, lhs, rhs_type, rhs);
rtype_hyp.push_back(mk_local(ngen.next(), local_pp_name(lhs).append_after("_eq"), h_type, binder_info()));
} else {
// we use telescope equality (with casts) when proof irrelevance is not available
mk_telescopic_eq(tc, minor1_args, minor2_args, rtype_hyp);
inner_cases_on_args.push_back(Fun(minor2_args, mk_arrow(Pi(rtype_hyp, P), Pres)));
curr_t2 = binding_body(curr_t2);
outer_cases_on_args.push_back(Fun(minor1_args, mk_app(cases_on2, inner_cases_on_args)));
t1 = binding_body(t1);
expr no_confusion_type_value = Fun(args, mk_app(cases_on1, outer_cases_on_args));
bool opaque = false;
bool use_conv_opt = true;
declaration new_d = mk_definition(env, no_confusion_type_name, lps, no_confusion_type_type, no_confusion_type_value,
opaque, ind_decl.get_module_idx(), use_conv_opt);
environment new_env = module::add(env, check(env, new_d));
new_env = set_reducible(new_env, no_confusion_type_name, reducible_status::On);
return some(add_protected(new_env, no_confusion_type_name));
environment mk_no_confusion(environment const & env, name const & n) {
optional<environment> env1 = mk_no_confusion_type(env, n);
if (!env1)
return env;
environment new_env = *env1;
type_checker tc(new_env);
bool impredicative = env.impredicative();
inductive::inductive_decls decls = *inductive::is_inductive_decl(new_env, n);
unsigned nparams = std::get<1>(decls);
name_generator ngen;
declaration ind_decl = env.get(n);
declaration no_confusion_type_decl = new_env.get(name{n, "no_confusion_type"});
declaration cases_decl = new_env.get(name(n, "cases_on"));
level_param_names lps = no_confusion_type_decl.get_univ_params();
levels ls = param_names_to_levels(lps);
expr ind_type = instantiate_type_univ_params(ind_decl, tail(ls));
level ind_lvl = get_datatype_level(ind_type);
expr no_confusion_type_type = instantiate_type_univ_params(no_confusion_type_decl, ls);
name eq_name("eq");
name heq_name("heq");
name eq_refl_name{"eq", "refl"};
name heq_refl_name{"heq", "refl"};
buffer<expr> args;
expr type = no_confusion_type_type;
type = to_telescope(ngen, type, args, some(mk_implicit_binder_info()));
lean_assert(args.size() >= nparams + 3);
unsigned nindices = args.size() - nparams - 3; // 3 is for P v1 v2
expr range = mk_app(mk_constant(no_confusion_type_decl.get_name(), ls), args);
expr P = args[args.size()-3];
expr v1 = args[args.size()-2];
expr v2 = args[args.size()-1];
expr v_type = mlocal_type(v1);
expr lift_up;
if (!impredicative) {
lift_up = mk_app(mk_constant(name{"lift", "up"}, {head(ls), ind_lvl}), P);
level v_lvl = sort_level(tc.ensure_type(v_type).first);
expr eq_v = mk_app(mk_constant(eq_name, to_list(v_lvl)), v_type);
expr H12 = mk_local(ngen.next(), "H12", mk_app(eq_v, v1, v2), binder_info());
lean_assert(impredicative != inductive::has_dep_elim(env, eq_name));
name no_confusion_name{n, "no_confusion"};
expr no_confusion_ty = Pi(args, range);
// The gen proof is of the form
// (fun H11 : v1 = v1, cases_on Params (fun Indices v1, no_confusion_type Params Indices P v1 v1) Indices v1
// <for-each case>
// (fun H : (equations -> P), H (refl) ... (refl))
// ...
// )
// H11 is for creating the generalization
expr H11 = mk_local(ngen.next(), "H11", mk_app(eq_v, v1, v1), binder_info());
// Create the type former (fun Indices v1, no_confusion_type Params Indices P v1 v1)
buffer<expr> type_former_args;
for (unsigned i = nparams; i < nparams + nindices; i++)
buffer<expr> no_confusion_type_args;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < nparams + nindices; i++)
expr no_confusion_type_app = mk_app(mk_constant(no_confusion_type_decl.get_name(), ls), no_confusion_type_args);
expr type_former = Fun(type_former_args, no_confusion_type_app);
// create cases_on
levels clvls;
if (impredicative)
clvls = ls;
clvls = cons(mk_max(head(ls), ind_lvl), tail(ls));
expr cases_on = mk_app(mk_app(mk_constant(cases_decl.get_name(), clvls), nparams, args.data()), type_former);
cases_on = mk_app(mk_app(cases_on, nindices, args.data() + nparams), v1);
expr cot = tc.infer(cases_on).first;
while (is_pi(cot)) {
buffer<expr> minor_args;
expr minor = to_telescope(tc, binding_domain(cot), minor_args);
expr H = minor_args.back();
expr Ht = mlocal_type(H);
buffer<expr> refl_args;
while (is_pi(Ht)) {
buffer<expr> eq_args;
expr eq_fn = get_app_args(binding_domain(Ht), eq_args);
if (const_name(eq_fn) == eq_name) {
refl_args.push_back(mk_app(mk_constant(eq_refl_name, const_levels(eq_fn)), eq_args[0], eq_args[2]));
} else {
refl_args.push_back(mk_app(mk_constant(heq_refl_name, const_levels(eq_fn)), eq_args[0], eq_args[1]));
Ht = binding_body(Ht);
expr pr = mk_app(H, refl_args);
if (!impredicative)
pr = mk_app(lift_up, pr);
cases_on = mk_app(cases_on, Fun(minor_args, pr));
cot = binding_body(cot);
expr gen = cases_on;
if (impredicative)
gen = Fun(H11, gen);
// Now, we use gen to build the final proof using eq.rec
// eq.rec InductiveType v1 (fun (a : InductiveType), v1 = a -> no_confusion_type Params Indices v1 a) gen v2 H12 H12
name eq_rec_name{"eq", "rec"};
level eq_rec_l1;
if (impredicative)
eq_rec_l1 = head(ls);
eq_rec_l1 = mk_max(head(ls), ind_lvl);
expr eq_rec = mk_app(mk_constant(eq_rec_name, {eq_rec_l1, v_lvl}), v_type, v1);
// create eq_rec type_former
// (fun (a : InductiveType), v1 = a -> no_confusion_type Params Indices v1 a)
expr a = mk_local(ngen.next(), "a", v_type, binder_info());
expr H1a = mk_local(ngen.next(), "H1a", mk_app(eq_v, v1, a), binder_info());
// reusing no_confusion_type_args... we just replace the last argument with a
expr no_confusion_type_app_1a = mk_app(mk_constant(no_confusion_type_decl.get_name(), ls), no_confusion_type_args);
if (impredicative) {
expr rec_type_former = Fun(a, Pi(H1a, no_confusion_type_app_1a));
// finalize eq_rec
eq_rec = mk_app(mk_app(eq_rec, rec_type_former, gen, v2, H12), H12);
} else {
expr rec_type_former = Fun(a, Fun(H1a, no_confusion_type_app_1a));
// finalize eq_rec
eq_rec = mk_app(eq_rec, rec_type_former, gen, v2, H12);
expr no_confusion_val = Fun(args, eq_rec);
bool opaque = false;
bool use_conv_opt = true;
declaration new_d = mk_definition(new_env, no_confusion_name, lps, no_confusion_ty, no_confusion_val,
opaque, no_confusion_type_decl.get_module_idx(), use_conv_opt);
new_env = module::add(new_env, check(new_env, new_d));
new_env = set_reducible(new_env, no_confusion_name, reducible_status::On);
return add_protected(new_env, no_confusion_name);