Remark: we still have to add support to it in the elaborator. Right now, it is just an embellished parenthesis.
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120 lines
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import logic data.nat.sub struc.relation
import tools.fake_simplifier
open nat relation relation.iff_ops prod
open fake_simplifier decidable
open eq_ops
namespace nat
-- A general recursion principle
-- -----------------------------
-- Data:
-- dom, codom : Type
-- default : codom
-- measure : dom → ℕ
-- rec_val : dom → (dom → codom) → codom
-- and a proof
-- rec_decreasing : ∀m, m ≥ measure x, rec_val x f = rec_val x (restrict f m)
-- ... which says that the recursive call only depends on f at values with measure less than x,
-- in the sense that changing other values to the default value doesn't change the result.
-- The result is a function f = rec_measure, satisfying
-- f x = rec_val x f
definition restrict {dom codom : Type} (default : codom) (measure : dom → ℕ) (f : dom → codom)
(m : ℕ) (x : dom) :=
if measure x < m then f x else default
theorem restrict_lt_eq {dom codom : Type} (default : codom) (measure : dom → ℕ) (f : dom → codom)
(m : ℕ) (x : dom) (H : measure x < m) :
restrict default measure f m x = f x :=
if_pos H
theorem restrict_not_lt_eq {dom codom : Type} (default : codom) (measure : dom → ℕ)
(f : dom → codom) (m : ℕ) (x : dom) (H : ¬ measure x < m) :
restrict default measure f m x = default :=
if_neg H
definition rec_measure_aux {dom codom : Type} (default : codom) (measure : dom → ℕ)
(rec_val : dom → (dom → codom) → codom) : ℕ → dom → codom :=
rec (λx, default) (λm g x, if measure x < succ m then rec_val x g else default)
definition rec_measure {dom codom : Type} (default : codom) (measure : dom → ℕ)
(rec_val : dom → (dom → codom) → codom) (x : dom) : codom :=
rec_measure_aux default measure rec_val (succ (measure x)) x
theorem rec_measure_aux_spec {dom codom : Type} (default : codom) (measure : dom → ℕ)
(rec_val : dom → (dom → codom) → codom)
(rec_decreasing : ∀g1 g2 x, (∀z, measure z < measure x → g1 z = g2 z) →
rec_val x g1 = rec_val x g2)
(m : ℕ) :
let f' := rec_measure_aux default measure rec_val in
let f := rec_measure default measure rec_val in
∀x, f' m x = restrict default measure f m x :=
let f' := rec_measure_aux default measure rec_val in
let f := rec_measure default measure rec_val in
case_strong_induction_on m
(take x,
have H1 : f' 0 x = default, from rfl,
have H2 : ¬ measure x < 0, from not_lt_zero,
have H3 : restrict default measure f 0 x = default, from if_neg H2,
show f' 0 x = restrict default measure f 0 x, from H1 ⬝ H3⁻¹)
(take m,
assume IH: ∀n, n ≤ m → ∀x, f' n x = restrict default measure f n x,
take x : dom,
show f' (succ m) x = restrict default measure f (succ m) x, from
by_cases -- (measure x < succ m)
(assume H1 : measure x < succ m,
have H2a : ∀z, measure z < measure x → f' m z = f z,
take z,
assume Hzx : measure z < measure x,
f' m z = restrict default measure f m z : IH m le_refl z
... = f z : restrict_lt_eq _ _ _ _ _ (lt_le_trans Hzx (lt_succ_imp_le H1))
have H2 : f' (succ m) x = rec_val x f,
f' (succ m) x = if measure x < succ m then rec_val x (f' m) else default : rfl
... = rec_val x (f' m) : if_pos H1
... = rec_val x f : rec_decreasing (f' m) f x H2a
let m' := measure x in
have H3a : ∀z, measure z < m' → f' m' z = f z,
take z,
assume Hzx : measure z < measure x,
f' m' z = restrict default measure f m' z : IH _ (lt_succ_imp_le H1) _
... = f z : restrict_lt_eq _ _ _ _ _ Hzx
have H3 : restrict default measure f (succ m) x = rec_val x f,
restrict default measure f (succ m) x = f x : if_pos H1
... = f' (succ m') x : eq.refl _
... = if measure x < succ m' then rec_val x (f' m') else default : rfl
... = rec_val x (f' m') : if_pos self_lt_succ
... = rec_val x f : rec_decreasing _ _ _ H3a
show f' (succ m) x = restrict default measure f (succ m) x,
from H2 ⬝ H3⁻¹)
(assume H1 : ¬ measure x < succ m,
have H2 : f' (succ m) x = default, from
f' (succ m) x = if measure x < succ m then rec_val x (f' m) else default : rfl
... = default : if_neg H1,
have H3 : restrict default measure f (succ m) x = default,
from if_neg H1,
show f' (succ m) x = restrict default measure f (succ m) x,
from H2 ⬝ H3⁻¹))
end nat