Use sorry to be able to test first part
228 lines
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228 lines
8.8 KiB
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "kernel/instantiate.h"
#include "kernel/abstract.h"
#include "library/util.h"
#include "library/locals.h"
#include "library/replace_visitor.h"
#include "library/congr_lemma_manager.h"
namespace lean {
class congr_lemma_manager::imp {
app_builder & m_builder;
fun_info_manager & m_fmanager;
type_context & m_ctx;
struct key {
expr const & m_fn;
unsigned m_nargs;
unsigned m_hash;
key(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs):
m_fn(fn), m_nargs(nargs), m_hash(hash(m_fn.hash(), m_nargs)) {}
struct key_hash_fn {
unsigned operator()(key const & k) const { return k.m_hash; }
struct key_eq_fn {
bool operator()(key const & k1, key const & k2) const {
return k1.m_fn == k2.m_fn && k1.m_nargs == k2.m_nargs;
std::unordered_map<key, result, key_hash_fn, key_eq_fn> m_cache;
struct failure {
unsigned m_arg_idx;
failure(unsigned i):m_arg_idx(i) {}
expr infer(expr const & e) { return m_ctx.infer(e); }
expr whnf(expr const & e) { return m_ctx.whnf(e); }
/** \brief (Try to) cast expression \c e to the given type using the equations \c eqs.
\c deps contains the indices of the relevant equalities.
\remark deps is sorted. */
optional<expr> cast(expr const & e, expr const & type, list<unsigned> const & deps, buffer<optional<expr>> const & eqs) {
if (!deps)
return some_expr(e);
unsigned d = head(deps);
auto major = eqs[d];
if (!major) {
return cast(e, type, tail(deps), eqs);
} else {
expr lhs, rhs;
lean_verify(is_eq(mlocal_type(*major), lhs, rhs));
// We compute the motive by replacing rhs with the fresh local x,
// and major with fresh local H.
// We compute the new type by replacing rhs with lhs, and major with (refl lhs).
expr motive, new_type;
bool use_drec;
if (depends_on(type, *major)) {
// Since the type depends on the major, we must use dependent elimination.
// and the motive just abstract rhs and *major
use_drec = true;
motive = Fun(rhs, Fun(*major, type));
// We compute new_type by replacing rhs with lhs and *major with eq.refl(lhs) in type.
new_type = instantiate(abstract(type, rhs), lhs);
auto refl = m_builder.mk_eq_refl(lhs);
if (!refl)
return none_expr();
new_type = instantiate(abstract(new_type, *major), *refl);
} else {
// type does not depend on the *major.
// So, the motive is just (fun rhs, type), and
// new_type just replaces rhs with lhs.
use_drec = false;
motive = Fun(rhs, type);
new_type = instantiate(abstract(type, rhs), lhs);
auto minor = cast(e, new_type, tail(deps), eqs);
if (!minor)
return none_expr();
if (use_drec) {
return m_builder.mk_eq_drec(motive, *minor, *major);
} else {
return m_builder.mk_eq_rec(motive, *minor, *major);
optional<result> mk_congr_simp(expr const & fn, buffer<param_info> const & pinfos, buffer<congr_arg_kind> const & kinds) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kinds.size(); i++)
std::cout << (unsigned)kinds[i] << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
expr fn_type = whnf(infer(fn));
name e_name("e");
buffer<expr> lhss;
buffer<expr> rhss; // it contains the right-hand-side argument
buffer<optional<expr>> eqs; // for Eq args, it contains the equality
buffer<expr> hyps; // contains lhss + rhss + eqs
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pinfos.size(); i++) {
if (!is_pi(fn_type)) {
return optional<result>();
expr lhs = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(binding_name(fn_type), binding_domain(fn_type));
switch (kinds[i]) {
case congr_arg_kind::Eq: {
expr rhs = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(binding_name(fn_type), binding_domain(fn_type));
expr eq_type;
if (auto it = m_builder.mk_eq(lhs, rhs))
eq_type = *it;
return optional<result>();
expr eq = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(e_name.append_after(eqs.size()+1), eq_type);
case congr_arg_kind::Fixed:
case congr_arg_kind::Cast: {
expr rhs_type = mlocal_type(lhs);
rhs_type = instantiate_rev(abstract_locals(rhs_type, lhss.size()-1, lhss.data()), rhss.size(), rhss.data());
auto rhs = cast(lhs, rhs_type, pinfos[i].get_dependencies(), eqs);
if (!rhs) {
return optional<result>();
// std::cout << lhss.back() << "\n";
// std::cout << rhss.back() << "\n\n";
fn_type = whnf(instantiate(binding_body(fn_type), lhs));
expr lhs = mk_app(fn, lhss);
expr rhs = mk_app(fn, rhss);
auto eq = m_builder.mk_eq(lhs, rhs);
if (!eq)
return optional<result>();
expr congr_type = Pi(hyps, *eq);
auto congr_proof = m_builder.mk_sorry(congr_type);
if (!congr_proof)
return optional<result>();
return optional<result>(congr_type, *congr_proof, to_list(kinds));
imp(app_builder & b, fun_info_manager & fm):
m_builder(b), m_fmanager(fm), m_ctx(fm.ctx()) {}
optional<result> mk_congr_simp(expr const & fn) {
fun_info finfo = m_fmanager.get(fn);
return mk_congr_simp(fn, finfo.get_arity());
optional<result> mk_congr_simp(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs) {
auto r = m_cache.find(key(fn, nargs));
if (r != m_cache.end())
return optional<result>(r->second);
fun_info finfo = m_fmanager.get(fn, nargs);
list<unsigned> const & result_deps = finfo.get_dependencies();
buffer<congr_arg_kind> kinds;
buffer<param_info> pinfos;
to_buffer(finfo.get_params_info(), pinfos);
kinds.resize(pinfos.size(), congr_arg_kind::Eq);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pinfos.size(); i++) {
if (std::find(result_deps.begin(), result_deps.end(), i) != result_deps.end()) {
kinds[i] = congr_arg_kind::Fixed;
} else if (pinfos[i].is_subsingleton()) {
if (empty(pinfos[i].get_dependencies()))
kinds[i] = congr_arg_kind::Fixed;
kinds[i] = congr_arg_kind::Cast;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pinfos.size(); i++) {
for (unsigned j = i+1; j < pinfos.size(); j++) {
auto j_deps = pinfos[j].get_dependencies();
if (std::find(j_deps.begin(), j_deps.end(), i) != j_deps.end() &&
kinds[j] == congr_arg_kind::Eq) {
// We must fix i because there is a j that depends on i,
// and j is not fixed nor a cast-fixed.
kinds[i] = congr_arg_kind::Fixed;
while (true) {
try {
auto new_r = mk_congr_simp(fn, pinfos, kinds);
if (new_r)
m_cache.insert(mk_pair(key(fn, nargs), *new_r));
return new_r;
} catch (failure & ex) {
kinds[ex.m_arg_idx] = congr_arg_kind::Fixed;
congr_lemma_manager::congr_lemma_manager(app_builder & b, fun_info_manager & fm):
m_ptr(new imp(b, fm)) {
congr_lemma_manager::~congr_lemma_manager() {
auto congr_lemma_manager::mk_congr_simp(expr const & fn) -> optional<result> {
return m_ptr->mk_congr_simp(fn);
auto congr_lemma_manager::mk_congr_simp(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs) -> optional<result> {
return m_ptr->mk_congr_simp(fn, nargs);