Leonardo de Moura 09b51a0fb7 fix(library/elaborator): missing condition
The elaborator was missing solutions because of the missing condition at is_simple_ho_match.

This commit also adds a new test that exposes the problem.

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2013-12-16 17:13:36 -08:00

16 lines
678 B

Variable N : Type
Variables a b c : N
Variables P : N -> N -> N -> Bool
Axiom H3 : P a b c
Theorem T1 : exists x y z : N, P x y z := ExistsIntro::explicit N (fun x : N, exists y z : N, P x y z) a
(ExistsIntro::explicit N _ b
(ExistsIntro::explicit N (fun z : N, P a b z) c H3))
Theorem T2 : exists x y z : N, P x y z := ExistsIntro a (ExistsIntro b (ExistsIntro c H3))
Theorem T3 : exists x y z : N, P x y z := ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ H3))
Theorem T4 (H : P a a b) : exists x y z, P x y z := ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ (ExistsIntro _ H))
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