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Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include "kernel/environment.h"
namespace lean {
/** \brief Information for a user defined recursor */
class recursor_info {
name m_recursor;
name m_type_name;
list<unsigned> m_universe_pos; // position of the recursor universe level parameters.
bool m_dep_elim;
bool m_recursive;
unsigned m_num_args; // total number of arguments
unsigned m_major_pos;
// if param is <none>, then it should be resolved by type class resolution
list<optional<unsigned>> m_params_pos; // position of the recursor parameters in the major premise
list<unsigned> m_indices_pos; // position of the recursor indices in the major premise
list<bool> m_produce_motive; // "bit-map" indicating whether the i-th element is true, if
// the i-th minor premise produces the motive
recursor_info(name const & r, name const & I, list<unsigned> const & univ_pos,
bool dep_elim, bool is_rec, unsigned num_args, unsigned major_pos,
list<optional<unsigned>> const & params_pos, list<unsigned> const & indices_pos,
list<bool> const & produce_motive);
/** \brief Return a list containing the position of the recursor universe parameters in the major premise.
The value get_motive_univ_idx() is used to identify the position of the motive universe. */
list<unsigned> const & get_universe_pos() const { return m_universe_pos; }
static unsigned get_motive_univ_idx() { return static_cast<unsigned>(-1); }
name const & get_name() const { return m_recursor; }
name const & get_type_name() const { return m_type_name; }
unsigned get_num_args() const { return m_num_args; }
unsigned get_num_params() const { return length(m_params_pos); }
unsigned get_num_indices() const { return length(m_indices_pos); }
unsigned get_motive_pos() const { return get_num_params(); }
unsigned get_first_index_pos() const { return m_major_pos - get_num_indices(); }
unsigned get_major_pos() const { return m_major_pos; }
list<optional<unsigned>> const & get_params_pos() const { return m_params_pos; }
/** \brief Return position of the recursor indices in the major premise. */
list<unsigned> const & get_indices_pos() const { return m_indices_pos; }
list<bool> const & get_produce_motive() const { return m_produce_motive; }
bool has_dep_elim() const { return m_dep_elim; }
bool is_recursive() const { return m_recursive; }
bool is_minor(unsigned pos) const;
unsigned get_num_minors() const;
void write(serializer & s) const;
static recursor_info read(deserializer & d);
environment add_user_recursor(environment const & env, name const & r, optional<unsigned> const & major_pos, name const & ns, bool persistent);
recursor_info get_recursor_info(environment const & env, name const & r);
list<name> get_recursors_for(environment const & env, name const & I);
bool is_user_defined_recursor(environment const & env, name const & r);
class has_recursors_pred {
name_map<list<name>> m_type2recursors;
has_recursors_pred(environment const & env);
bool operator()(name const & n) const { return m_type2recursors.contains(n); }
void initialize_user_recursors();
void finalize_user_recursors();