Leonardo de Moura 5feef27c2b feat(frontends/lean/notation_cmd): relax restriction on user defined tokens
Before this commit, Lean would forbid new tokens containing '(' or ')'.
We relax this restriction. Now, we just forbid new tokens starting with '(' or ending with ')'.
2016-01-02 13:58:46 -08:00

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Copyright (c) 2015 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad
Notation for intervals and some properties.
The mnemonic: o = open, c = closed, u = unbounded. For example, Iou a b is '(a, ∞).
import .order data.set
open set
-- TODO: move
open set
theorem mem_singleton_of_eq {A : Type} {x a : A} (H : x = a) : x ∈ '{a} :=
eq.subst (eq.symm H) (mem_singleton a)
namespace intervals
section order_pair
variables {A : Type} [order_pair A]
definition Ioo (a b : A) : set A := {x | a < x ∧ x < b}
definition Ioc (a b : A) : set A := {x | a < x ∧ x ≤ b}
definition Ico (a b : A) : set A := {x | a ≤ x ∧ x < b}
definition Icc (a b : A) : set A := {x | a ≤ x ∧ x ≤ b}
definition Iou (a : A) : set A := {x | a < x}
definition Icu (a : A) : set A := {x | a ≤ x}
definition Iuo (b : A) : set A := {x | x < b}
definition Iuc (b : A) : set A := {x | x ≤ b}
notation `'(` a `, ` b `)` := Ioo a b
notation `'(` a `, ` b `]` := Ioc a b
notation `'[` a `, ` b `)` := Ico a b
notation `'[` a `, ` b `]` := Icc a b
notation `'(` a `, ` `∞` `)` := Iou a
notation `'[` a `, ` `∞` `)` := Icu a
notation `'(` `-∞` `, ` b `)` := Iuo b
notation `'(` `-∞` `, ` b `]` := Iuc b
variables a b : A
proposition Iou_inter_Iuo : '(a, ∞) ∩ '(-∞, b) = '(a, b) := rfl
proposition Icu_inter_Iuo : '[a, ∞) ∩ '(-∞, b) = '[a, b) := rfl
proposition Iou_inter_Iuc : '(a, ∞) ∩ '(-∞, b] = '(a, b] := rfl
proposition Ioc_inter_Iuc : '[a, ∞) ∩ '(-∞, b] = '[a, b] := rfl
proposition Icc_self : '[a, a] = '{a} :=
set.ext (take x, iff.intro
(suppose x ∈ '[a, a],
have x = a, from le.antisymm (and.right this) (and.left this),
show x ∈ '{a}, from mem_singleton_of_eq this)
(suppose x ∈ '{a},
have x = a, from eq_of_mem_singleton this,
show a ≤ x ∧ x ≤ a, from and.intro (eq.subst this !le.refl) (eq.subst this !le.refl)))
end order_pair
section decidable_linear_order
variables {A : Type} [decidable_linear_order A]
proposition Icc_eq_Icc_union_Ioc {a b c : A} (H1 : a ≤ b) (H2 : b ≤ c) :
'[a, c] = '[a, b] '(b, c] :=
set.ext (take x, iff.intro
(assume H3 : x ∈ '[a, c],
(suppose x ≤ b,
or.inl (and.intro (and.left H3) this))
(suppose ¬ x ≤ b,
or.inr (and.intro (lt_of_not_ge this) (and.right H3))))
(suppose x ∈ '[a, b] '(b, c],
or.elim this
(suppose x ∈ '[a, b],
and.intro (and.left this) (le.trans (and.right this) H2))
(suppose x ∈ '(b, c],
and.intro (le_of_lt (lt_of_le_of_lt H1 (and.left this))) (and.right this))))
end decidable_linear_order
/- intervals of natural numbers -/
namespace nat
open nat eq.ops
variables m n :
proposition Ioc_eq_Icc_succ : '(m, n] = '[succ m, n] := rfl
proposition Ioo_eq_Ico_succ : '(m, n) = '[succ m, n) := rfl
proposition Ico_succ_eq_Icc : '[m, succ n) = '[m, n] :=
set.ext (take x, iff.intro
(assume H, and.intro (and.left H) (le_of_lt_succ (and.right H)))
(assume H, and.intro (and.left H) (lt_succ_of_le (and.right H))))
proposition Ioo_succ_eq_Ioc : '(m, succ n) = '(m, n] :=
set.ext (take x, iff.intro
(assume H, and.intro (and.left H) (le_of_lt_succ (and.right H)))
(assume H, and.intro (and.left H) (lt_succ_of_le (and.right H))))
proposition Icu_zero : '[(0 : nat), ∞) = univ :=
eq_univ_of_forall (take x, zero_le x)
proposition Icc_zero (n : ) : '[0, n] = '(-∞, n] :=
have '[0, n] = '[0, ∞) ∩ '(-∞, n], from rfl,
by+ rewrite [this, Icu_zero, univ_inter]
proposition bij_on_add_Icc_zero (m n : ) : bij_on (add m) ('[0, n]) ('[m, m+n]) :=
have mapsto : ∀₀ i ∈ '[0, n], m + i ∈ '[m, m+n], from
(take i, assume imem,
have H1 : m ≤ m + i, from !le_add_right,
have H2 : m + i ≤ m + n, from add_le_add_left (and.right imem) m,
show m + i ∈ '[m, m+n], from and.intro H1 H2),
have injon : inj_on (add m) ('[0, n]), from
(take i j, assume Hi Hj H, !eq_of_add_eq_add_left H),
have surjon : surj_on (add m) ('[0, n]) ('[m, m+n]), from
(take j, assume Hj : j ∈ '[m, m+n],
obtain lej jle, from Hj,
let i := j - m in
have ile : i ≤ n, from calc
j - m ≤ m + n - m : nat.sub_le_sub_right jle m
... = n : nat.add_sub_cancel_left,
have iadd : m + i = j, by rewrite add.comm; apply nat.sub_add_cancel lej,
exists.intro i (and.intro (and.intro !zero_le ile) iadd)),
bij_on.mk mapsto injon surjon
end nat
section nat -- put the instances in the intervals namespace
open nat eq.ops
variables m n :
proposition nat.Iuc_finite [instance] (n : ) : finite '(-∞, n] :=
nat.induction_on n
(have '(-∞, 0] ⊆ '{0}, from λ x H, mem_singleton_of_eq (le.antisymm H !zero_le),
finite_subset this)
(take n, assume ih : finite '(-∞, n],
have '(-∞, succ n] ⊆ '(-∞, n] '{succ n},
by intro x H; rewrite [mem_union_iff, mem_singleton_iff]; apply le_or_eq_succ_of_le_succ H,
finite_subset this)
proposition nat.Iuo_finite [instance] (n : ) : finite '(-∞, n) :=
have '(-∞, n) ⊆ '(-∞, n], from λ x, le_of_lt,
finite_subset this
proposition nat.Icc_finite [instance] (m n : ) : finite ('[m, n]) :=
have '[m, n] ⊆ '(-∞, n], from λ x H, and.right H,
finite_subset this
proposition nat.Ico_finite [instance] (m n : ) : finite ('[m, n)) :=
have '[m, n) ⊆ '(-∞, n), from λ x H, and.right H,
finite_subset this
proposition nat.Ioc_finite [instance] (m n : ) : finite '(m, n] :=
have '(m, n] ⊆ '(-∞, n], from λ x H, and.right H,
finite_subset this
end nat
end intervals