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Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
PropF has decidable equality
import .soundness
open bool decidable nat
namespace PropF
-- Show that PropF has decidable equality
definition equal : PropF → PropF → bool
| (Var x) (Var y) := if x = y then tt else ff
| Bot Bot := tt
| (Conj p₁ p₂) (Conj q₁ q₂) := equal p₁ q₁ && equal p₂ q₂
| (Disj p₁ p₂) (Disj q₁ q₂) := equal p₁ q₁ && equal p₂ q₂
| (Impl p₁ p₂) (Impl q₁ q₂) := equal p₁ q₁ && equal p₂ q₂
| _ _ := ff
lemma equal_refl : ∀ p, equal p p = tt
| (Var x) := if_pos rfl
| Bot := rfl
| (Conj p₁ p₂) := begin change (equal p₁ p₁ && equal p₂ p₂ = tt), rewrite *equal_refl end
| (Disj p₁ p₂) := begin change (equal p₁ p₁ && equal p₂ p₂ = tt), rewrite *equal_refl end
| (Impl p₁ p₂) := begin change (equal p₁ p₁ && equal p₂ p₂ = tt), rewrite *equal_refl end
lemma equal_to_eq : ∀ ⦃p q⦄, equal p q = tt → p = q
| (Var x) (Var y) H :=
if H₁ : x = y then congr_arg Var H₁
else by rewrite [▸ (if x = y then tt else ff) = tt at H, if_neg H₁ at H]; exact (absurd H ff_ne_tt)
| Bot Bot H := rfl
| (Conj p₁ p₂) (Conj q₁ q₂) H :=
by rewrite [equal_to_eq (band_elim_left H), equal_to_eq (band_elim_right H)]
| (Disj p₁ p₂) (Disj q₁ q₂) H :=
by rewrite [equal_to_eq (band_elim_left H), equal_to_eq (band_elim_right H)]
| (Impl p₁ p₂) (Impl q₁ q₂) H :=
by rewrite [equal_to_eq (band_elim_left H), equal_to_eq (band_elim_right H)]
lemma has_decidable_eq [instance] : decidable_eq PropF :=
decidable_eq_of_bool_pred equal_to_eq equal_refl
end PropF