Leonardo de Moura 709b5ce90f fix(kernel/justification): duplicate position
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2014-07-25 21:16:49 -07:00

346 lines
14 KiB

Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "util/buffer.h"
#include "util/int64.h"
#include "util/memory_pool.h"
#include "kernel/justification.h"
#include "kernel/metavar.h"
namespace lean {
format to_pos(optional<expr> const & e, pos_info_provider const * p) {
if (!p || !e)
return format();
format f = p->pp(*e);
if (!f)
return format();
return f + space();
typedef uint64 approx_set;
static approx_set mk_empty_set() { return 0; }
static approx_set mk_union(approx_set s1, approx_set s2) { return s1 | s2; }
static approx_set mk_intersection(approx_set s1, approx_set s2) { return s1 & s2; }
static approx_set mk_singleton(unsigned i) { return static_cast<uint64>(1) << (i % 64); }
static approx_set may_contain(approx_set s, unsigned i) { return mk_intersection(s, mk_singleton(i)) != 0ull; }
enum class justification_kind { Asserted, Composite, ExtComposite, Assumption, ExtAssumption };
approx_set get_approx_assumption_set(justification const & j);
MK_THREAD_LOCAL_GET(unsigned, get_hash_alloc_jst_counter, 0)
struct justification_cell {
justification_kind m_kind;
unsigned m_hash_alloc;
void dealloc();
justification_cell(justification_kind k):m_rc(0), m_kind(k) {
m_hash_alloc = get_hash_alloc_jst_counter();
bool is_asserted() const { return m_kind == justification_kind::Asserted; }
bool is_assumption() const { return m_kind == justification_kind::Assumption || m_kind == justification_kind::ExtAssumption; }
bool is_composite() const { return m_kind == justification_kind::Composite || m_kind == justification_kind::ExtComposite; }
bool is_ext_assumption() const { return m_kind == justification_kind::ExtAssumption; }
bool is_ext_composite() const { return m_kind == justification_kind::ExtComposite; }
struct asserted_cell : public justification_cell {
pp_jst_fn m_fn;
optional<expr> m_expr;
asserted_cell(pp_jst_fn const & fn, optional<expr> const & e):
m_fn(fn), m_expr(e) {}
struct composite_cell : public justification_cell {
approx_set m_assumption_set; // approximated set of assumptions contained in child1 and child2
justification m_child[2];
composite_cell(justification_kind k, justification const & j1, justification const & j2):
justification_cell(k) {
m_child[0] = j1;
m_child[1] = j2;
m_assumption_set = mk_union(get_approx_assumption_set(j1), get_approx_assumption_set(j2));
composite_cell(justification const & j1, justification const & j2):
composite_cell(justification_kind::Composite, j1, j2) {}
struct ext_composite_cell : public composite_cell {
pp_jst_fn m_fn;
optional<expr> m_expr;
ext_composite_cell(justification const & j1, justification const & j2, pp_jst_fn const & fn, optional<expr> const & e):
composite_cell(justification_kind::ExtComposite, j1, j2),
m_expr(e) {}
struct assumption_cell : public justification_cell {
unsigned m_idx;
assumption_cell(justification_kind k, unsigned idx):
justification_cell(k), m_idx(idx) {}
assumption_cell(unsigned idx):
assumption_cell(justification_kind::Assumption, idx) {}
struct ext_assumption_cell : public assumption_cell {
pp_jst_fn m_fn;
optional<expr> m_expr;
ext_assumption_cell(unsigned idx, pp_jst_fn const & fn, optional<expr> const & e):
assumption_cell(justification_kind::ExtAssumption, idx),
m_expr(e) {}
asserted_cell * to_asserted(justification_cell * j) { lean_assert(j && j->is_asserted()); return static_cast<asserted_cell*>(j); }
assumption_cell * to_assumption(justification_cell * j) { lean_assert(j && j->is_assumption()); return static_cast<assumption_cell*>(j); }
ext_assumption_cell * to_ext_assumption(justification_cell * j) { lean_assert(j && j->is_ext_assumption()); return static_cast<ext_assumption_cell*>(j); }
composite_cell * to_composite(justification_cell * j) { lean_assert(j && j->is_composite()); return static_cast<composite_cell*>(j); }
ext_composite_cell * to_ext_composite(justification_cell * j) { lean_assert(j && j->is_composite()); return static_cast<ext_composite_cell*>(j); }
approx_set get_approx_assumption_set(justification const & j) {
justification_cell * it = j.raw();
if (!it)
return mk_empty_set();
switch (it->m_kind) {
case justification_kind::Asserted:
return mk_empty_set();
case justification_kind::Assumption: case justification_kind::ExtAssumption:
return mk_singleton(to_assumption(it)->m_idx);
case justification_kind::Composite: case justification_kind::ExtComposite:
return to_composite(it)->m_assumption_set;
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
typedef memory_pool<sizeof(asserted_cell)> asserted_allocator;
typedef memory_pool<sizeof(composite_cell)> composite_allocator;
typedef memory_pool<sizeof(ext_composite_cell)> ext_composite_allocator;
typedef memory_pool<sizeof(assumption_cell)> assumption_allocator;
typedef memory_pool<sizeof(ext_assumption_cell)> ext_assumption_allocator;
MK_THREAD_LOCAL_GET_DEF(asserted_allocator, get_asserted_allocator);
MK_THREAD_LOCAL_GET_DEF(composite_allocator, get_composite_allocator);
MK_THREAD_LOCAL_GET_DEF(ext_composite_allocator, get_ext_composite_allocator);
MK_THREAD_LOCAL_GET_DEF(assumption_allocator, get_assumption_allocator);
MK_THREAD_LOCAL_GET_DEF(ext_assumption_allocator, get_ext_assumption_allocator);
void justification_cell::dealloc() {
switch (m_kind) {
case justification_kind::Asserted:
case justification_kind::Assumption:
case justification_kind::ExtAssumption:
case justification_kind::Composite:
case justification_kind::ExtComposite:
struct depends_on_cache {
unsigned m_capacity;
std::vector<justification_cell const *> m_cache;
std::vector<unsigned> m_used;
depends_on_cache(unsigned c):m_capacity(c), m_cache(c, nullptr) {}
bool visited(justification_cell const * j) {
unsigned i = j->m_hash_alloc % m_capacity;
if (m_cache[i]) {
if (m_cache[i] == j) {
return true;
} else {
m_cache[i] = j;
return false;
} else {
m_cache[i] = j;
return false;
void clear() {
for (unsigned i : m_used) {
m_cache[i] = nullptr;
MK_THREAD_LOCAL_GET(depends_on_cache, get_depends_on_cache, LEAN_DEFAULT_DEPENDS_ON_CACHE_CAPACITY);
struct depends_on_cache_ref {
depends_on_cache & m_cache;
depends_on_cache_ref():m_cache(get_depends_on_cache()) {}
~depends_on_cache_ref() { m_cache.clear(); }
depends_on_cache * operator->() { return &m_cache; }
bool depends_on(justification const & j, unsigned i) {
if (!may_contain(get_approx_assumption_set(j), i))
return false;
depends_on_cache_ref cache;
buffer<justification_cell *> todo;
while (!todo.empty()) {
justification_cell * curr = todo.back();
switch (curr->m_kind) {
case justification_kind::Asserted:
case justification_kind::Assumption: case justification_kind::ExtAssumption:
if (to_assumption(curr)->m_idx == i)
return true;
case justification_kind::Composite: case justification_kind::ExtComposite:
for (unsigned k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
justification c = to_composite(curr)->m_child[k];
if (!cache->visited(c.raw()) && may_contain(get_approx_assumption_set(c), i))
return false;
justification const & composite_child1(justification const & j) {
return to_composite(j.raw())->m_child[0];
justification const & composite_child2(justification const & j) {
return to_composite(j.raw())->m_child[1];
unsigned assumption_idx(justification const & j) {
return to_assumption(j.raw())->m_idx;
justification::justification():m_ptr(nullptr) {}
justification::justification(justification_cell * ptr):m_ptr(ptr) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
justification::justification(justification const & s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
justification::justification(justification && s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { s.m_ptr = nullptr; }
justification::~justification() { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->dec_ref(); }
bool justification::is_none() const { return m_ptr == nullptr; }
bool justification::is_asserted() const { return m_ptr && m_ptr->is_asserted(); }
bool justification::is_assumption() const { return m_ptr && m_ptr->is_assumption(); }
bool justification::is_composite() const { return m_ptr && m_ptr->is_composite(); }
justification & justification::operator=(justification const & s) { LEAN_COPY_REF(s); }
justification & justification::operator=(justification && s) { LEAN_MOVE_REF(s); }
optional<expr> justification::get_main_expr() const {
justification_cell * it = m_ptr;
while (true) {
if (!it)
return none_expr();
switch (it->m_kind) {
case justification_kind::Asserted:
return to_asserted(it)->m_expr;
case justification_kind::ExtAssumption:
return to_ext_assumption(it)->m_expr;
case justification_kind::ExtComposite:
return to_ext_composite(it)->m_expr;
case justification_kind::Assumption:
return none_expr();
case justification_kind::Composite:
it = to_composite(it)->m_child[0].raw();
format justification::pp(formatter const & fmt, pos_info_provider const * p, substitution const & s) const {
justification_cell * it = m_ptr;
while (true) {
if (!it)
return format();
switch (it->m_kind) {
case justification_kind::Asserted:
return to_asserted(it)->m_fn(fmt, p, s);
case justification_kind::ExtAssumption:
return to_ext_assumption(it)->m_fn(fmt, p, s);
case justification_kind::ExtComposite:
return to_ext_composite(it)->m_fn(fmt, p, s);
case justification_kind::Assumption:
return format(format("Assumption "), format(to_assumption(it)->m_idx));
case justification_kind::Composite:
it = to_composite(it)->m_child[0].raw();
justification mk_composite(justification const & j1, justification const & j2, optional<expr> const & s, pp_jst_fn const & fn) {
if (j1.is_none())
return j2;
if (j2.is_none())
return j1;
return justification(new (get_ext_composite_allocator().allocate()) ext_composite_cell(j1, j2, fn, s));
justification mk_composite1(justification const & j1, justification const & j2) {
if (j1.is_none())
return j2;
if (j2.is_none())
return j1;
return justification(new (get_composite_allocator().allocate()) composite_cell(j1, j2));
justification mk_assumption_justification(unsigned idx, optional<expr> const & s, pp_jst_fn const & fn) {
return justification(new (get_ext_assumption_allocator().allocate()) ext_assumption_cell(idx, fn, s));
justification mk_assumption_justification(unsigned idx) {
return justification(new (get_assumption_allocator().allocate()) assumption_cell(idx));
justification mk_justification(optional<expr> const & s, pp_jst_fn const & fn) {
return justification(new (get_asserted_allocator().allocate()) asserted_cell(fn, s));
justification mk_justification(optional<expr> const & s, pp_jst_sfn const & fn) {
return mk_justification(s, [=](formatter const & fmt, pos_info_provider const *, substitution const & subst) {
// Remark: we are not using to_pos(s, p) anymore because we don't try to display complicated error messages anymore.
// return compose(to_pos(s, p), fn(fmt, subst));
return fn(fmt, subst);
justification mk_justification(char const * msg, optional<expr> const & s) {
std::string _msg(msg);
return mk_justification(s, [=](formatter const &, pos_info_provider const *, substitution const &) {
return format(_msg);
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, justification const & j) {
if (j.is_none()) {
out << "none";
} else if (j.is_asserted()) {
out << "asserted";
} else if (j.is_assumption()) {
out << "(assumption " << assumption_idx(j) << ")";
} else if (j.is_composite()) {
out << "(join " << composite_child1(j) << " " << composite_child2(j) << ")";
} else {
out << "unexpected";
return out;