Leonardo de Moura f8d472c9f1 feat(frontends/lean/parse_rewrite_tactic): change the semantics of rewrite[↑f] when f is recursive
After this commit it behaves like 'unfold f'.
That is, it will unfold f even if it fails to fold recursive
applications. Now, only 'esimp[f]' will not unfold f-applications when
it cannot fold the recursive applications.

This commit also closes #692. It is part of a series of commits that
addresses this issue.

closes #692
2015-07-12 13:20:21 -04:00

37 lines
1.1 KiB

import algebra.e_closure
open eq
namespace relation
parameters {A : Type}
(R : A → A → Type)
local abbreviation T := e_closure R
variables ⦃a a' : A⦄ {s : R a a'} {r : T a a}
parameter {R}
theorem ap_ap_e_closure_elim_h₁ {B C D : Type} {f : A → B}
{g : B → C} (h : C → D)
(e : Π⦃a a' : A⦄, R a a' → f a = f a')
{e' : Π⦃a a' : A⦄, R a a' → g (f a) = g (f a')}
(p : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (s : R a a'), ap g (e s) = e' s) (t : T a a')
: square (ap (ap h) (ap_e_closure_elim_h e p t))
(ap_e_closure_elim_h e (λa a' s, ap_compose h g (e s)) t)
(ap_compose h g (e_closure.elim e t))⁻¹
(ap_e_closure_elim_h e' (λa a' s, (ap (ap h) (p s))⁻¹) t) :=
induction t,
apply sorry,
apply sorry,
rewrite [↑e_closure.elim, ↑ap_e_closure_elim_h, ap_con (ap h)],
refine (transpose !ap_compose_inv)⁻¹ᵛ ⬝h _,
rewrite [con_inv,inv_inv,-inv2_inv],
exact !ap_inv2 ⬝v square_inv2 v_0
apply sorry
end relation